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Questions about edit objects


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can someone give me all the roots to the rm data? i dont feel like searching all of it, i know theres subrm, tenrm, vrm,shack, so on, but ive seen plenty of other floors and walls, mainly im looking for the black marble flooring.


Also, how should i got about adding a second story to a custom made house from the scratch, because i tried, and it ended up pretty crappy.


And last question, is there any stairs aside from the shack stairs, that arent like 5 stories tall? im making a sub home atm, whihc ima switch to the black marble once i figure out where it is, so if you could give the the name of stairs that match to either of those.


thx in advance.

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can someone give me all the roots to the rm data?


While I don't speak for everyone I am sure I speak for most when I say that there is no way I'm going to go and do all the work for you in searching for information because you

dont feel like searching all of it


That is not the way to ingratiate yourself into the community.


If you have a specific problem (such as your stairs question) people here are more than willing to help out.


Now don't be a lazy sod and go and look for the info yourself.

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