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MODREQ- Spiders. Tonnes of spiders.


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Greetings, I was recently browsing the mods section of the Skyrim Nexus and discovered that there is not a mod that adds weapons and armor with a spider type apparel and decided to post about it.

I would imagine that the armor would be light armor with a rating of 0 (similar to robes) yet offer protection from spells and physical attack whilst sacrificing health(?).

The weapons would consist of a bow+arrow+dagger set which absorb health on hit and offer a soul trap for 1 second (soul trap if killed by spider type weapon).

Also spiders in the world should view you as friendly if you have the full spider set or complete a quest.

It could also be setup so that there is a chance that friendly spiders will follow you around the map if they see you, but if you have the spider armor equipped than the townsfolk will attack you on sight.

Anywhom, I think this is quite a nice idea, feel free to comment on this or PM me if you have insight towards this topic or wish to endorse or make a suggestion.


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