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new animations for Archers


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i have seen many mods that never actually capture the greatness of an archer. i have and idea to make change that but i'm not very skilled in the creation kit for skyrim and i just want this idea to be made (if its good enough) so others can enjoy it...help?

Edited by triggerhappywolf
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the mod in a way is a lot like "immersive animations " only its is turned around for archers make them look more fluid as they sneak or walk and also make them look a little more intimidating as well. the animation would be a replacer for (JUST THE BOW) so it would work alongside "YY Animation replacer - Mystic night and the mods that he/she has made. and coincide very nice also.

i have more ideas for guest mods and other mods but i will share those in the other posts

Edited by triggerhappywolf
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