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1.6.342 rest in peace SKSE again


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they literally gave them a headstart to get SKSE up and running to mitigate some of the damage they were intentionally causing.

You're actually unable to see the inherent contradiction in this? Bethesda could shut down SKSE instantly, any time they wanted, but instead they provide preview copies so that their bug fixes cause as little issue as possible. And from this you conclude that they are actively trying to destroy the modding community?


This is why the conspiracy nut crowd in modding is worthless.



No contradiction at all, since SKSE would have been patched anyway eventually. It would have taken more time and and caused even more backlash from players who saw their saves bricked, but it would have happened eventually. Bethesda giving them a headstart rather than, you know, maybe integrate it themselves, was nothing more than damage control.


Keep sucking up to a company that already proved itself more than willing to screw over players as well as the modders who ACTUALLY make their games memorable. I'm sure your Starfield/TES6 Collector edition preorders will be money well spent...


Then again, the Creation club is there to enrich your experience... for the right price.

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Integrating SKSE themselves is absurd. SKSE is, by definition, an extension of what Bethesda included.


And, once again, Bethesda could end SKSE in an instant if they had any desire to do so rather than constantly helping it to function better. Which is what they actually do.

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they literally gave them a headstart to get SKSE up and running to mitigate some of the damage they were intentionally causing.


You're actually unable to see the inherent contradiction in this? Bethesda could shut down SKSE instantly, any time they wanted, but instead they provide preview copies so that their bug fixes cause as little issue as possible. And from this you conclude that they are actively trying to destroy the modding community?


This is why the conspiracy nut crowd in modding is worthless.

I seriously doubt Beth is intentionally trying to screw modders or any of that nonsense. What I don't understand is why they are making any changes at all to a ten year old game. There is certainly little money in it. Why not put out something new that will make them real money.

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All new games or updated games ( like Skyrim AE ) will require some updates after being released and this is the case for the AE version.


I do not see what is all the fuss about. We knew this will come and we know that more are coming in the near future and yes, now we need to wait for SKSE to update again and all the mods that depends on it and I agree it is a pain to be off the game for a few days but if Bethesda believes it is necessary to update the AE version, they will do it regardless if we either agree or not.


I am not on their side, simply I am trying to be positive and understand their approach. What is better ? To leave the game with the bugs related to the AE version or to fix those bugs so we can have a better game experience ?


I do not believe that they are fussing or trying to destroy anything cause it would not make any sense to come up with the AE version and destroy what have been in place for a very long time, so patience is something that we need to embrace or playing the game offline.


I would prefer to wait 3-4 days rather than not. But again, this is my personal opinion and for those who are complaining about this update and the upcoming, I do have a question : are you playing Skyrim the entire 24 hours x 7 days ?

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I'm in the middle of several playthroughs so I'll just chug along for a few months until the dust settles. I feel sorry for those whose games are broken because of it. They may be alienating some of their strongest advocates but I feel that's obviously not what they're intending to do.

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I think the AE problems stem more from malice than ignorance.

They failed to full vet the updates prior to release, then were pressured into releasing them anyway knowing it would cause major problems.
Heck, we were all warned months in advance that this was a game breaker.

To me, the better solution would have been to make them as any other pay for DLC, give people the opportunity to download rather than just making across the board changes that affected every one whether they wanted it or not.

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