rawr22 Posted August 20, 2013 Share Posted August 20, 2013 I have a lot of mods, as well has large amount of hi res texture/effect replacers. I have a high end machine and have no issues with FPS, stuttering, or loading times, but after 30-60 minutes of play, during area transitions, the game gives up loading new areas. It does not crash or CTD, it will just stop on the loading screen, with the smoke effects still going and I am still able to spin the displayed item. Watching the memory usage shows it seems to unload the old area, but then gives up some time loading the new area. There is no specific area where it does this, and I can't narrow it down to any specific mod. After it happens I can just load my game (it has usually just autosaved so I don't even lose any gameplay) and carry on as normal for another 30-60 mins. I don't think it's anything specific causing it, I think the engine is just stuggling with the large amount of textures/scripts etc. Any tips for improving the stability of the engine in this situation? Any tweaks that improve Skyrim memory usage? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeastingCrow Posted August 20, 2013 Share Posted August 20, 2013 time to move some of your old saves out of your saves folder, move (or delete) all your older saves out of your saves folder in Documents\My Games\Skyrim\saves\ except the latest one. Your saves are proberly just really big, over 20mb. When you get to 30-40 mb big saves that's when your game really has a bigger chance of freezing and crashing to desktop. A tip for reduceing save files size is typeing pcb in console every time you exit a place in skyrim. And then saveing immeditly after you typed it. This clears up unneccesary cache memory that only builds up on your save games if you don't do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rawr22 Posted August 20, 2013 Author Share Posted August 20, 2013 Thanks for the tip. I do keep many many saves at regular intervals (learnt to do that the hard way). Each individual save for my current char is 15mb after hundreds of hours of play, so I'm not sure that it's a save issue. Having said that the current size of my save folder is 1Gb so I'll try clearing them out and seeing if that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rawr22 Posted August 20, 2013 Author Share Posted August 20, 2013 Clearing out the saves has not made any difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenRabbit Posted August 21, 2013 Share Posted August 21, 2013 I have much of the same problem, altought for me its closer to 5-10 minutes with playing. And very often my save games can't be loaded again as the game freezes. I have 2 monitors so I always watch Taskamanager to see whats happeing and way to often it loads up and then get stuck. Very annoying. my mods and its loadorder is as follows;PS! I do have UNP installed althought that wont be shown here. Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmFalskaar.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmRaceCompatibility.esmAOM.esmSPIKE.esmWarehouse.esmXFLMain.esmNewStyleEyes.esmOBlHairFinal.esmXvision Children.esmUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espSerana.espSupreme Storms.espAOM.espDead Body Collision.espImmersive Patrols Merged.espmining extended.espsanctuarycleanup.espTytanis.espUlfricForFem.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espWetandCold.espSkyUI.espAMB Glass Variants Lore.espArmoredCircletsQuickFox.espAsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.espBattledress Armor.espBlackSacramentArmor.espcalyps-razorarmor.espUNP Jewelry.espDrow Armor Set.espEliteRogueArmour.espElven Archer Armor.espElvenWeaponry.espGDRangerDress.espGDRangerArmor.espGDAttire.espLustmordVampireArmor.espNobleFemaleClothes.espR18Pn - Fiona Armor.espskyforgedShields.espSleekSteel_StandAlone.espUniqueBows.espUNP Leather Clothes.espUNP Boots.espUNP Boots 04.espUNP Simply Clothes.espAgentOfRighteousMight.espbhabhilon.espDragonmournInn.espJotunheim.espmissingapprentices.espmorthalslegacy.espRun For Your Lives.espWhen Vampires Attack.espSolitudeCapitalCity.espTheDomain.espThe Fifth Gate.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.espUpgraded Weapons and Armors.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espWyrmstooth.espCivil War Repairs.espCivil War Overhaul.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espHeadtracking.espMannequin_Female_Vyctoria.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espskyforgedWeapons.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espFNISspells.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.espCazy Hairs-by zzjay.espLovelyHairstyles.espIridum Eyes NRT.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espLunariRace.espOrientalRace.espTemptressVixen.esp3DNPC.espXFLDialogue.espXFLPlugins.espHousecarlWhiterun.espimproved followers.espJessicaAlba.espSneaky_Serana.espsneAmbrosine.espMiravel.espCerwidenCompanion.espEMCompViljaSkyrim.espEMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.espStart As Breton Female.espWATER.espWATER Plants.espWATER DB Waves.espCartographers Map Markers.espDLC-ParagonPortalMapMaker.espminemapmarkers.espSBF All In One - UNP.espTytanis_EngFix.espNN_ElvishDresses.espLostCanyon.espfortwinstad.espSuccubusRaceLite.espleana.espwillow.espdomino.espFollower Michelle.espLPMoreIngredients.espwolves.espfey.espzzMaidOutfits.espmyfriendsakura.espscholararmor.espLinneasCreationBoots.espHeddicVolunnar.espSai.espCrusaderPriestessOutfitV2MailMantle.espUNP Jewelry Variants V3.espGDElvenScout.espLilium_Companion.espAKLeatherBoots.espAKLuxuryBoots.espColorMageArmor.espValericaUNP.espFollower ArwynRevised.espRowena.espRaven_UNP.espgrClothing.espNorthgirl.espXvision Children - Complete.espgrJenassa.espBVFE_Serana.espERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.espSkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp Personally I'm starting to believe many of the problems is scripts. But I'm not certain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rawr22 Posted August 21, 2013 Author Share Posted August 21, 2013 Starting a new game did not solve the issue for me, so I've reinstalled Skyrim and only all the texture/grapics mods I was using previously and seem to not have any issues so far so I guess it's not the engine struggling with the textures and effects as I believed, but the scripts as you suggest. We don't have many mods in common, and the few we do I'm sure are not causing the issues, so I still can't narrow it down. Going to start a new game with fewer mods, enabling them over time. I'll post back if I ever find a solurtion, but it's unlikley as it is intermittent and hard to test. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FeastingCrow Posted August 21, 2013 Share Posted August 21, 2013 My old game with my lvl45 dragonborn had the same issue as you in the end, could only play for 5-10minutes before crashing or freezing, and then eventualy it worsened to the point where I crasht after 15 seconds of runing around or faceing towards markath. I gave up, deleted everything and reinstalled skyrim, now I have started anew with a select amount of mods that I trust. And I have also educated myself in making sure s#*! doesn't happen again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
101VRanger Posted August 26, 2013 Share Posted August 26, 2013 (edited) I have much of the same problem, altought for me its closer to 5-10 minutes with playing. And very often my save games can't be loaded again as the game freezes. I have 2 monitors so I always watch Taskamanager to see whats happeing and way to often it loads up and then get stuck. Very annoying. my mods and its loadorder is as follows;PS! I do have UNP installed althought that wont be shown here. Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmFalskaar.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmRaceCompatibility.esmAOM.esmSPIKE.esmWarehouse.esmXFLMain.esmNewStyleEyes.esmOBlHairFinal.esmXvision Children.esmUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espRaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.espUnofficial High Resolution Patch.espSerana.espSupreme Storms.espAOM.espDead Body Collision.espImmersive Patrols Merged.espmining extended.espsanctuarycleanup.espTytanis.espUlfricForFem.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espWetandCold.espSkyUI.espAMB Glass Variants Lore.espArmoredCircletsQuickFox.espAsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.espBattledress Armor.espBlackSacramentArmor.espcalyps-razorarmor.espUNP Jewelry.espDrow Armor Set.espEliteRogueArmour.espElven Archer Armor.espElvenWeaponry.espGDRangerDress.espGDRangerArmor.espGDAttire.espLustmordVampireArmor.espNobleFemaleClothes.espR18Pn - Fiona Armor.espskyforgedShields.espSleekSteel_StandAlone.espUniqueBows.espUNP Leather Clothes.espUNP Boots.espUNP Boots 04.espUNP Simply Clothes.espAgentOfRighteousMight.espbhabhilon.espDragonmournInn.espJotunheim.espmissingapprentices.espmorthalslegacy.espRun For Your Lives.espWhen Vampires Attack.espSolitudeCapitalCity.espTheDomain.espThe Fifth Gate.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.espUpgraded Weapons and Armors.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espWyrmstooth.espCivil War Repairs.espCivil War Overhaul.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espHeadtracking.espMannequin_Female_Vyctoria.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main.espdD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espskyforgedWeapons.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espFNISspells.espDragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.espThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.espCazy Hairs-by zzjay.espLovelyHairstyles.espIridum Eyes NRT.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espLunariRace.espOrientalRace.espTemptressVixen.esp3DNPC.espXFLDialogue.espXFLPlugins.espHousecarlWhiterun.espimproved followers.espJessicaAlba.espSneaky_Serana.espsneAmbrosine.espMiravel.espCerwidenCompanion.espEMCompViljaSkyrim.espEMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.espStart As Breton Female.espWATER.espWATER Plants.espWATER DB Waves.espCartographers Map Markers.espDLC-ParagonPortalMapMaker.espminemapmarkers.espSBF All In One - UNP.espTytanis_EngFix.espNN_ElvishDresses.espLostCanyon.espfortwinstad.espSuccubusRaceLite.espleana.espwillow.espdomino.espFollower Michelle.espLPMoreIngredients.espwolves.espfey.espzzMaidOutfits.espmyfriendsakura.espscholararmor.espLinneasCreationBoots.espHeddicVolunnar.espSai.espCrusaderPriestessOutfitV2MailMantle.espUNP Jewelry Variants V3.espGDElvenScout.espLilium_Companion.espAKLeatherBoots.espAKLuxuryBoots.espColorMageArmor.espValericaUNP.espFollower ArwynRevised.espRowena.espRaven_UNP.espgrClothing.espNorthgirl.espXvision Children - Complete.espgrJenassa.espBVFE_Serana.espERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.espSkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp Personally I'm starting to believe many of the problems is scripts. But I'm not certain. @GenRabbit, rawr22, FeastingCrow and anyone willing to help care to tell me the exact savegame size when you started to CTD when loading your saves?I was playing pretty good without CTDs till 18800 kb save size and, from then, no matter if I save with or without followers, within interior or exterior areas; I just can't load my last savedgame (even though it "apparently" is saving ok because, when I kill myself right after saving, the save is correctly pulled up).In this case I'm CTDing when loading, and I'm dealing with infinite loading screens randomly since around 17900 kb in my saves. 18800 ... an interesting number 'cause, for my Fallout 3 saves, I started having similar issues from 19000 kb savedgames size ... quite interesting, eh?? a rare coincidence? :tongue: I have 121 mods, 4 GB RAM under Win 7 Ultimate, 1 GB Nvidia GForce GT430 FYI, no texture mods, no ENB, no official DLCs, and my 18800 loading saves issue started with my 67 level character ... here's my load order btw : More Interactive Items.esmMarshCatacombs1.esmLordofElements01.esmSummerWear.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmLB_MuchAdoSnowElves.esmGatti12Jewelry.espGatti3Evilrose.espGattiBondage0.espShadow Remover.espPrisonerRagsForFemales.espGatti6Branwen.espWerehide.espGatti9Reina.espGatti4Satsuki.espGatti13AshesOn.espMicroBikini.espMicroBikini Topless.espGatti7Siggy.espGatti5Annelotte.espGatti8Irma.espGatti10Risty.esphunterarmor.espR18PN - Amy Armor Set.espGattiBondage1.espField Mage Craftable Armor.espR18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.espTS_SlickSuit.espSteelMaiden.espHeatWavev4.espGatti14Yumiko.espNeo's Scouter Set.espzzALittleSexyApparelReplacer.espNoSpiders - MudcrabSpiders.espDeadlyDragons.espDragonTomb.espSaviors Lodge - Player Home.espGuardedBorders.espMartina.espRowena.espRaven_UNP.espLunaAeyris.espDaniele.espR18Pn - Leere Armor.espAmiella Outfit.espPushup-Bikini.espslaaneshbikini.espFrost Giants.espFire Giants.espmoveitLWT.espFNISspells.espStopBumpingIntoMe.espPath of Shadows.espKillable Lootable Children.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espArrowInTheEverywhere_Low_Longer.espRun For Your Lives.espAK- Namira for Good Guys.espSmallerAtronachs.espLady of Death.espKarliah2CBBE3ByNausicaa.espDesperado Attire - Light Armor.espMages College Quests.espExtremeMetalSpandex.espTS_FetishPantyhoseOutfits.espTS_StripperDresses.espSell Stones of Barenziah.espBrawl Bugs CE.espHouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding.espT01DegaineLieAboutStatue.espWhitewaterFalls.espRainbows.espACE BYOG - Attack Range u25.espHeadtracking.espposesivecorpses.espTheChoiceIsYours.espSlightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.espDestroy the Thieves Guild.espReaper's Landscape - The Dead Forest.espBreezehome Open Windows II.espMarshCatacombs2.espLordofElements02.espLordofElements03.espwild werewolves.espMacKom_LoreStylesHairSet.espLordan'sRest1_1.espAgentOfRighteousMight.espTheFrontier.espAdalMatar.espTheDomain.espFgems Skimpy Armor Set.espAngelina Jolie UNP.espkuzak-bodyandstockings.espDeadManor.espValuungrann.espOliviaWilde.espDragonmournInn.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation.espFollower Michelle.espPiratesofthePacific.espPP_OgmundsTomb.espLB_MuchAdoSnowElves_Quest.espWyrmstooth.espHebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.espEncWolves-2hy03size.espBetter Stealth AI for Followers.espSeeYouSleepByMadmole.espselobl_Diano.espOsare SchoolUniform.espSilverlight Armor.espBlackLand.espSummerWearSA.espSexyKunoichi2ndByNausicaa.espGatti2Misogi.espCompetitionSwimsuit.espabotFiresHurt.espRealShelter.espSit Anywhere.espWRF_by_RolandSir_TAWUTD.espFollowers Stop Fighting Each Other.espUFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp I'm starting to think this is a simple matter of RAM availability and video card power 'cause, as I said; when I kill myself after my last save this savedgame is properly loaded at the moment ... and yeah, pcb before saving might help indeed ... :smile:as well as loading a previous save with an entire "heavy" area -like anywhere in exterior Skyrim- BEFORE loading a save in an interior cell (if you need to exit to Skyrim exterior right after loading) has helped me indeed to avoid certain infinite loading screens FYI ... Hope this helps and hope some of you can help me :thumbsup: P.S. if anyone reading this has been able to finish this messy game with more than 100 mods without major CTDs or annoyances ... PLEASEEEE post your rig specs, sysop and load order if possible right here so I just know which videocard I should be wasting my money in ... seriously ... post it here ... thanks on advance! Edited August 26, 2013 by 101VRanger Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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