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wrye bash broke BOSS?


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so that dreaded and terrible thing happened, I hit the skyrim mod limit. so I carefully went through all my addons and removed some that I really don't need/want/use even though it probably means starting another new character (oh well, wasn't that far in on my latest playthrough anyway)

but I also figured that with that done and my mod list somewhat more reasonable sized I should get around to installing and using wrye bash, so... I did

I created a bashed patch with the addons wrye bash recomended in it and allowed it to automatically disable those addons. then I ran BOSS and...



Masterlist Parsing Error: Expected a <language> at:

69A349B1) && IF VAR(ES) DIRTY: 6 ITM, 0 UDR entrad

Masterlist parsing aborted. Utility will end now.


google search hasn't turned up anything useful and I can't find anything to suggest that wrye bash and BOSS shouldn't play nicely together and yet BOSS now refuses to do anything but give me the same error message no matter what I do

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When did this problem occur for you? I got the exact same error message today when running boss, and I haven't done anything but add 2 mods to my modlist.


It would seem to me like this is a problem in the latest revision and not on our end, but I could be wrong.

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I don't use Wyre Bash. But I tried using BOSS today (updated a mod last night before bed), just now, and also got the error: "Masterlist Parsing Error: Expected a <language> at: 69A349B1) && IF VAR(ES) DIRTY: 6 ITM, 0 UDR entrad Masterlist parsing aborted. Utility will end now"


*flails* ;-;

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Same issue here except I also don't use Wyre Bash. Altered a few mods and now BOSS is defunct. I get the same error. Did BOSS update recently?


  • Masterlist Parsing Error: Expected a <language> at:

    69A349B1) && IF VAR(ES) DIRTY: 6 ITM, 0 UDR entrad

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When I first used BOSS a few hours ago it said that it was up-to-date and worked normally, but I just run BOSS again and it downloaded a new master list. Now it is broken and the BOSS Nexus page has the comments disabled, so hopefully they know about it and can fix it soon.

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Allow me to be the 4th to join you.

I Have been toying with a few mods-crash issues.

Now that I've disabeled all the mods that I added, I am now at the point where my game used to run just fine.

I wanted to update my load-order and...boom. Exact same error message.


IMMEDIATE UPDATE: I re-enabled some of the mods I turned off and for some reason BOSS seems totally alright with that.

Switching the mods off after updating the list seems to turn BOSS back to normal.


Suggestion: Add a mod, re-run Boss see if that works (possible need for a script-mod, I dunno)



- X.

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I just completely removed BOSS from my computer, I mean every shred of BOSS data. I then DLed BOSS and ran the install and now it works fine. Try that everyone.

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