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20XX: The Insurrection


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edit: oh wait, so modding multiplayer xcom is essentially impossible? nvm then. anyway, read for your amusement if you desire....




(so I'm posting this mainly to get feedback and to find out how easy/difficult such a mod would be; I've got Xcom for the PS3 and was thinking about shelling out for the PC version if this is doable)


Backstory: In the wake of a global economic collapse, many cities have established martial law. The citizens, armed with hunting rifles and shotguns, are beginning to rebel.


I want this to be a multiplayer mod, citizens vs. soldiers. If civilian models can be used as combat units, no art assets would be required.


The "Soldiers" side has 6 units:

5x Soldiers: Xcom rookies. 5 hp each. Armed as default rookies. No skills.

1x "Meanie" A soldier in titan armor. 9 total hp. Armed with a LMG with infinite ammo and frag grenade. Skills: Fire Rocket, Bullet Swarm.


The "Citizens" side has 4 units:

3x Shotgunners: Civilians, armed only with shotguns. 3 hp ( No body armor), no sidearm, no item. Skills: Lightning Reflexes, Close and Personal, Close Combat Specialist, In the Zone, Sprinter, Bullet Swarm. Cannot enter standard overwatch.

1x Sharpshooter: Civilian, armed with sniper rifle. 3 hp, no sidearm, no item. Skills: Headshot, Squadsight, Damn Good Ground, Sentinel.


Also: All weapons/grenades do default damage. Citizens always move first. Urban maps only. No Panic. No critical wounds--units die instead.


How I see the game being played out would be a hide and seek, with the soldiers sweeping the area and the citizens attempting to set up efficient ambushes. So yeah, I understand the odds of someone making this *FOR* me are virtually nil, but I'd like feedback on the design and the difficulty of modding what I've proposed. Thanks for reading.

Edited by mal82
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