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Starting up Skyrim


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having same issue, updated new SKSE and game wont even start now. Dunno why. Gotta love how each time Skyrim "updates" for useless s*** and messes up mods.


EDIT: seems like culprit for CTD is this mod PapyrusUtil SE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048?tab=description), not updated, try disable that from mod list and launch game again through SKSE64. Disabling it worked for me, weird thing is that despite that PC headtracking and custom voice still works...

Edited by RiqCrow
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having same issue, updated new SKSE and game wont even start now. Dunno why. Gotta love how each time Skyrim "updates" for useless s*** and messes up mods.


EDIT: seems like culprit for CTD is this mod PapyrusUtil SE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048?tab=description), not updated, try disable that from mod list and launch game again through SKSE64. Disabling it worked for me, weird thing is that despite that PC headtracking and custom voice still works...

Yes, disabling that fixed the CTD. Thank you; I would really have had no idea where to start checking this time.

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