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How I (just me in the party) single handedly won a siege


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Perhaps I should post this somewhere else, but it is a funny story.


There is this eensy-weensy castle of Gersegeos, in between two lovely cities of Seonon and Rhotae.

Nothing important about it, no real strategic value, just happens it had a couple of my companions that

I wished to set free. Well, those pesky guards reasonable wouldn't let me in, since we are enemies.

I was a mercenary for the Northern (boring) Empire at war with Batannia.

So I decided to lay siege on the castle, I mean why not - my stats are 300 for archery and riding (read superman).


So naturally, the Batannian captain of the garrison sallied out to meet me in battle. Only problem, it was only the captain.

As you see, the Castle was recently besieged so the whole garrison (minus the captain) was in a wounded state. The battle was glorious.

One arrow.


And now for the fun part. As you see, in the beta 1.7.0 release, the wonderful people at TaleWorlds decided that food was actually

going to be a factor in siege battles - a huge factor. As you see, the previous battle left the populace of the castle out of food and when

I (one-man army) continued my siege, the unfortunate militia (circa 200 men strong) was very hungry and just couldn't find the strength

to fight me and surrendered and gave me the the keys to the castle.


Now, you are thinking, this must be a bug - no, good sirs and madams - this is unlimited power!

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