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hard crashes


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i'm used to some mods giving CTD, but sometimes the whole game FREEZES, i can't do s**t except for finish the process which makes buffout not even reporting wtf is going on...

my system:


OS: Windows 10 pro x64
GPU: GTX 1060 6gb
CPU: Intel® Core i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz

RAM: 8,00 GB DDR4

crashes are totally random, i can spawn a supermutant (i set him essential and put a high HP just for fun and see the chaos) and let him fight the settlers for hours and no crash, then other time i load the game, spawn again and with in 5min the game hardcrashes for whatever reason... i usually also close myself in someplace and go freecam just to see the fight and that's what it is, sometimes it goes well and sometimes not, it's like a roullet... it will crash or not? who knows.

ps: i play this game in 1080p (i think my machine can handle as it doesn't ever fall less than 60fps, also i set all configurations to low except for textures that i let on high, most of times in these crashes my RAM/GPU/CPU isn't even at 30% mark in usage.

yes, i use unnoficial fo4 patch and all my mods i make sure it's based and linked to it so no problems could occur.

my F4SE plugins: (F4SE version 1.10.163)


Buffout4.dll v1.24.5


my plugin list


[00] Fallout4.esm
[01] DLCRobot.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[02] DLCworkshop01.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[03] DLCCoast.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[04] DLCworkshop02.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[05] DLCworkshop03.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[06] DLCNukaWorld.esm < cleaned with fo4edit
[07] Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp < version 2.1.3
[08] WorkshopFramework.esm
[09] HUDFramework.esm
[0A] XDI.esm
[0B] Homemaker.esm
[0C] Snap'n Build.esm
[0D] LooksMenu.esp
[0E] LMBTOverlays.esp
[0F] LooksMirror.esp
[10] UniquePlayer.esp
[11] UniqueFollowers.esp
[12] Item_Tags_Vanilla.esp < had a lot of conflicts with UFO4P and made sure it was everything right, every form that was based on the original fallout4.esm and fixed in Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
[13] UniqueNPCs_Settlerv2.esp < my personal mod, just changed some actors scripts to be able to be in my settlements, nothing big no errors ever found.
[14] Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - V81.esp
[15] AdvancedPerks.esp
[16] hz_ReloadSpeedFix.esp
[17] Hairstyle_OakTree.esp
[18] Hairstyle_Sunshine.esp
[19] HairstylesF.esp
[1A] HairstylesM.esp
[1B] SpawnSettlerButton.esp
[1C] Better Settlement Defence.esp
[1D] Custom Concrete with Glass.esp
[1E] InterfaceChairs.esp
[1F] Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp
[20] Quieter Settlements - Wasteland Workshop.esp
[21] Quieter Settlements - Contraptions.esp
[22] SettlementMenuManager.esp
[23] SettleObjExpandPack.esp
[24] SettleObjExpandPack-AllLightShadowEnabler.esp
[25] TransferSettlements.esp
[26] LegendaryModification.esp < this mod is said to be old and have a lot of crashes, but based on the Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp, i replaced everything that suposedly makes the game crashes (1:1 copy)
[27] LegendaryModificationMisc.esp
[28] LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp
[29] MG42.esp
[2A] M2216.esp
[2B] CROSS_CryoLance.esp
[2C] APC9.esp
[2D] AVBGuns.esp
[2E] Mossberg500.esp
[2F] Mac10.esp
[30] SCAR-L.esp
[31] MP5.esp
[32] Factor.esp
[33] F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp
[34] Archimedes-II.esp
[35] ASVektor.esp
[36] G36Complex.esp
[37] CombatZoneRestored.esp
[38] TEEParty.esp
[39] MoreFemales.esp
[3A] Idiot flirt.esp
[3B] RailroadPerksCut.esp
[3C] CK-TheFixer2.esp
[3D] M203.esp
[3E] Skb_MachinegunsRebirth.esp
[3F] NatalieCompanion.esp
[40] MK18.esp
[41] LString_Bow.esp
[42] M60-M60E3.esp
[43] SigMCX.esp
[44] SelectRapidMG.esp
[45] AQUILA.esp
[46] DD_bleu.esp
[47] MP7.esp
[48] mso_sms.esp
[4A] ACR-W17.esp
[4B] ehtyeci_MPX.esp
[4C] CasualCombatOutfit.esp
[4D] ChildOutfitsVanillaStandalone.esp
[4E] DAMerged11Pack.esp
[4F] DickysPinupOutfit.esp
[50] Female Tactical Armor.esp
[51] Headcrab_Bunny.esp
[52] Maxson_Cape.esp
[53] N7-Armor-Standalone_by_Ruddy88.esp
[54] NanoSuit.esp
[55] ReverseCombatArmor.esp
[56] TheApocalypsePastor.esp
[57] WastelandGirlArmor.esp
[58] ChildrenExtended.esp
[59] DX_Predator.esp
[5A] ESPExplorerFO4.esp
[5B] BobbleGirl.esp
[5C] NoNegativeAffinityNof*#@s.esp
[5D] WmkActiveEffects.esp
[5E] Locksmith.esp
[5F] PushAwayCompanions.esp
[60] BetterOpenSeason.esp
[61] Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
[62] TEEPartyDLC.esp
[63] CAMP.esp
[64] GCM.esp
[65] OCDecorator.esp
[66] OCDecoratorDLC.esp
[67] OCDispenser.esp
[68] PhotoMode.esp
[69] NoChildScale.esp < another mod i did, it just remove the keyword (FurnitureScaleActorToOne [KYWD:0012F848]) of some furnitures so child settlers like Natalie can use without turning an adult.
[6A] SeiryuuBeamKatana.esp
[FE:000] ccbgsfo4019-chinesestealtharmor.esl
[FE:001] ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl
[FE:002] cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl
[FE:003] ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl
[FE:004] ccfsvfo4003-slocum.esl
[FE:005] cceejfo4002-nuka.esl
[FE:006] cckgjfo4001-bastion.esl
[FE:007] ccbgsfo4116-heavyflamer.esl
[FE:008] ccfrsfo4003-cr75l.esl
[FE:009] ccbgsfo4117-capmerc.esl
[FE:00A] SimpleSittingRegeneration.esp

any hint of some known problematic mod?

Edited by hieiyyh
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