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daedric long sword


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When my character was about level 20, she went to collect Manwe's dues and afterwards decided to tour her research facility. Her co-workers were ungracious and rude, so much so that I had to kill each and every one of them. Not that I wanted to, but they gave me no choice. B)


Anyway, the first guy I "met" after Manwe "gave" me this wonderfully powerful Daedric sword: the multi-bladed one with the ratings up to around 60, studded with what appears to be red stones.


My friend's character quickly went to see Manwe and never found the sword, but dueled with a Flame Atronach instead. Very sad. No Daedric sword!


At my level, this sword is extemely powerful (one to three whacks kills everything I've since encountered and I'm level 29 now). It makes everything too easy.


It's also very heavy. I am a weak mage type character. Still I use it all the time and plan to enchant it shortly.


Any comments, suggestions?

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Sounds like a daedric claymore. I just recently (with my new level 5 character) ventured to the armigar's stronghold in molog mar where i "persuaded" a gentleman to give me his... and his glass armor.


I had this weapon as the pinnacle of my previous level 70ish character's destructive power. I enchanted it with a constant 54points of health damage, as well as the 60 points of chop damage. Afterwards, 1-2 hits killed pretty much anything that I came across. It now resides in a shelf in my home next to a lot of other weapons. This makes it more intriguing. When I think I'm about to partake on a particularly difficult quest, I'll make a stop by my home to pick up this weapon. Otherwise, it sits there for all my "visitors" (of which, there are very few. In fact, I don't think anyone's visited me yet) to see. Makes the game a bit more of a challenge.


If you want a challenge, this is NOT the sword for you. From what i've seen, you've found the most powerful longsword (unenchanted) in the game. Although, I could be wrong, because I haven't finished the main quest.


Enjoy. :)

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Suggestion: If you like the unenchanted Daedric Claymore, Then I'd strongly reccomend the Daedric Dai-Katanna which is a bit more powerful than the claymore but unlike the Chrysamere it is unenchanted, giving you the ability to enchant it with powerful spells. The only place I cant think of obtaining one is to go through the main quest and kill the,"Baryn Venim" or something like that ,guy who has one. DON'T kill him unless your doing the main quest because he IS important to it. Of course, this all depends on if I'm right about the Dai-Katanna being stronger than the claymore, which I'm 98% sure is true. :D
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For those who don't know (and to judge from the above there are a couple of you) anyone can get a daedric weapon almost at the start of the game by reporting the existence of a certain mine just outside Balmora to a certain individual in Vivec. (Your reward is a daedric weapon, one of six, katana if sword and bow if you choose it.)


You can get this at level one without problem.


The various Daedric summonings encountered are usually random and as such also dependent on level. By 29 you will get the full selection but if your friend was lower level Dremora Lords etc might not appear. What they carry is also random.


Definite locations of the claymore and dai-katana can be found elsewhere on the site but for instance the Mausur caves has a claymore and the Maesa-Shammus egg mine will get you a dai-katana from a corpse.


I believe the Dai-katana is more powerful than the claymore but the enchantment points are the same - 21.


In terms of the effectiveness of swords I would guess the best method of evaluating it is looking at the damage ratio.


Chrysamere is 87.5. Of swords, only Eltonbrand/Bluebrand is higher at 90 rising to 120 with its spell effect. One other advantage of Eltonbrand is that it only weighs 40. However it is one of the most difficult items to get.


The Bloodmoon sword 'Stalhrim Longsword of Flame' also reaches 120 with the spell effect; without it is 82.5. It is much heavier - 70.


If people want details of the swords UESP is the place to look under Morrowind Artifacts.

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I bought a silver claymore not too long ago and I love it! The only disadvantage is that it's a 2 handed sword so I can't work on my "block" skills by using a shield. I'm thinking of getting a second long sword that I can use with a shield so that I can up this skill.


I love my silver claymore, though. It is so awesome!

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