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I die when I rest?


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So just today I started encountering a very strange glitch. For whatever reason on my autosave, my character dies for an unexplained reason whenever I try to rest. One hour or twenty-four hours, it happens no matter how long I rest for. Fortunately the problem only seems to be on my autosave. I returned to the main save for that character, thinking it would fix the problem, and it did for a while. But then it returned again a short while later.


Does anyone know what causes this problem and/or how it can be fixed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Are you a vampire? Sleeping outdoors during day certainly will kill you.


Also did you recently open a chest with poison trap? Try using cure poison spell/potion or at imperial/temple altars.


The only reason you might be dying after resting is due to taking damage continuously and those add up to over an hour after you sleep.


Also do you have fortified Health spell active? You could die if the spell ends and you fortified more than your max Health.

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The problem seems to have resolved itself now. I am not a vampire (and the problem only occurred inside a cave anyway), and as far as I know, I hadn't activated any poison traps. I did fortify my health, however, so I'm assuming that's what the problem was.


Well, thanks for the help. :smile:

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