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Turn the Dragonborn into a Commoner


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<Possible Spoilers Including main quest line / general info (nothing specific)>



I absolutely loved Oblivion. You were just some normal guy who went around solving everyone's problems. Granted, you did close massive gates to other dimensions but not with super powers.


What bugs me about Skyrim is you're essentially a superhero. Shouts and dragons, shouts and dragons .. the main selling points of the game kinda ruin it for me.


Idea: I want to play Skyrim as just 'some guy', NOT a Dragonborn.


- Dragons would no longer randomly seek you out and attack you. I guess they would still exist in the world, but killing them wouldn't take their soul.


- You can no longer learn shouts. Finding a wall with a word on it does nothing. Maybe improved loot at these walls to compensate.


- The main quest line would not be doable. There would be no "End" to the game. You're just an adventurer trying to make your way in the world.




Now I can understand the complaints of: "Why do you need a mod to do this? Just don't do the main quest. Don't use shouts.". Avoiding random dragons is impossible but the rest can be compensated by simply not doing it. I guess my answer is because it feels more REAL if I don't even have the option to do it.


I always get a "Disable Fast Travel" mod even though I know without it I could just choose not to fast travel. I like the idea of removing that option.



I would use this mod in conjunction with many other "Survival" and "Hardcore" based mods to make this a more realistic and challenging game, but it could also be used without them to simply provide an open sandbox experience.


From what little I know about modding, I don't know how how much of this is too difficult to change, especially when dealing with main quest mechanics.


Feedback appreciated.




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There are mods out there that does this, one is called "another life" and the other is "your not the dragonborn" (i'd have to check to see i got the mod name right ) but either one should do what you want.



Alternate Start - Live another life -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9557/?


You're not the Dragonborn -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9048/?


Skyrim - An Alternate Reality -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10929/?



oops my bad there actually three mods that do what you want.


also you might also want to look into this mod as well (the choice is yours) it allows you to say no to random quests -> http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26359//?

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There is also a mod called Skyrim Unbound that you can use which is on the Steam Workshop which allows you to completely ignore the main quest. Also guards will not refer to you as dragonborn or anything like that and you can turn dragon encounters off, and make it so you cannot cannot get shouts.

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