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Planet Zoo

FPV drone mod


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Hi everyone,

Would anyone be able to implement mod that enables controlling the camera as if it was a FPV drone?

I think this could be used to make amazing zoo videos.

A FPV drones are controlled using 2 sticks, where:
- Left stick up & down movement controls a throttle for propellers.

- Left stick left & right movement controls a drone rotation around the vertical axis - called yaw
- Right stick up & down movement controls a drone rotation around the side-to-side axis - called pitch
- Right stick left & right movement controls a drone rotation around the front-to-back axis - called roll
- Important setting for flying is also what's usually reffered as Camera Angle, which is tilt of the camera relative to propellers.

As far as I know, currently the game prevents the camera rotation and translation at the same time.

No need to make it super accurate FPV drone simulation, just something that could be used to make hobby videos.

I'm willing to sponsor a development of this mod via bitcoin.

Let me know if you're interested.

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