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Need Recommended Resources for Player Housing Mod Fix for AE


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My favorite player house in Skyrim SE is Winter Cove moved to Winterhold. Mod located here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16422?tab=description


I want to learn how to create mods like this one, anyway, so I figure now's the time to get on the horse.

Winter Cove is a heavily scripted player home and causes CTD post AE patch...like so many other mods. It is the most glorious player home ever made for the game, in my opinion, and the mod author has retired from modding. It won't get fixed unless someone new steps up to fix it.

I'd like to fix it for my own personal use and hopefully figure it out well enough that I can get permission and share it with the other bereft players who love this mod.

In order to do that, I need to learn stuff.

Please suggest starting places for me to begin learning. I'm a good self-teaching with these things, but I'm pretty sure this is a complex mod in many ways, and I've never done this before. At all. Any advice, links, or lessons from any of you will be most appreciated.

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