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PN, MCM, IHUD crashes


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Alright, so after using Project Nevada, Mod Configuration Menu, and Ihud for the longest time now, i havent had any issues with them until "The Update" with most to all of my mods "Updated". After booting the game, first thing i notice was this message going on about how PN couldnt detected Ihud extension, following up with Ihud detecting a MCM file (which was version 1.5, its latest version) that was too early for it to use. THEN, when it couldnt get any more annoying, I get MCM saying files are missing, theres something wrong with NVSE, or that my firewall or UAC is preventing access (to where I ask also). I cant seem to win with ANY of these mods, as they just seem to either not want to work, or just simply hate me!


Im at a dead end at this point, any and all advice to help resolves this problem would be greatly appericiated!.


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