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qwestion aobut hud


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i hop this is the right plce to ask not ver godo at form


but hers the qwestion its ther any way i cna chang wher the meseg that come up in the top left corner in skyrim to adifrent spot and mak them biger say like on boter left or right i cant see them up ther andther to small no the one that come up in big leter in the center of the screen are fine also i like use ing skytrim perfoprmenc moneter and id like it item at the boter cuse it blok some of the stuff in skyui for invatory

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Not sure what you are asking really, but I gather you want to... move something to a different spot on the screen maybe? Try SkyUI, it lets you move all kinds of stuff. Outside of that, your likely out of luck, 95% of HUD mods just remove stuff from the HUD, or change the size of stuff.

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i need the maseges that come up in the ul;er left corner they say thing like wid dercion shen thing hapen if amod loaded in oblvion a lot of thing likethat could be move tho ither that hud thing that let you pik icon and move then aroud and also mos diplayted item oculd be move by ini


but so far have not see nsuch and i have not ben able to ajust any thing with skyu oter then how bed the righting it the 3d objik and that stuff

Edited by saphira1
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I'm going to assume you're not a native English-speaker, because the alternative is too sad/irritating to acknowledge.

I don't know if there's any mod that does what you want, but I'm going to attempt to rephrase your question for other people.


It sounds like the OP wants a mod that allows them to change where the text notifications appear on their screen. They normally show up in the top left corner, and warn the player when they become over-encumbered, or when they can't quick travel, etc.

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There are people out there who go out of their way to spell things different for no reason at all, so it's very hard to tell sometimes, usually when someone doesn't speak native English it's their grammar that is negligible, not so much their spelling, as most of the time people use auto-translators or spell checkers which gt the spelling right for them. I'm dyslexic, so it's next to impossible for me to read things when they are that badly misspelled, but I can decipher bad grammar pretty easily...


But anyways, I still suggest looking into SkyUI, it has an MCM menu for itself, which let's you move the position of a lot of things. If it does not have the option you are looking for, it likely does not exist.


SkyUI is the single most highly rated mod on the site, it should not be a challenge to track down, but I'll link you to it regardless.



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i have to use skyui for more then half my mod and iv bever besuksesful at changin much more then contro sizel of font and images skyu is not a hud mod it is strectly a interface menu mod to my knoledg with al the use i do wit hit i use cmc when ever poseble and i dont do good with gramer tranlster or spelchek

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