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Restoring the Thieves Guild, for REAL.


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************Warning: Huge Spoilers**************



I've been a HUGE fan of TES in general since Morrowind and my favorite guild has always been the thieves guild, especially in Oblivion. Unfortunately, the TG doesn't feel as awesome in Skyrim to me as it did in Oblivion, and here's why: Maven Blackbriar...


Now I understand the TG is a business, and businesses need clients to stay afloat, but to me Maven feels more like a crooked landlord than an important client. It is mentioned and implied several times throughout the TG questline that without Maven's support the TG cannot function any longer, basically.


Now if I'm the guild master of the TG, or CEO of a business if you prefer, if I am in the possition where my business will crumble if ONE client is put out of comission or decides to go with another business then my first priority as guild master would be to lift the guild out from under Maven's heel ASAP.


Now I'm not talking about a quest to go kill Maven once you run things in the TG, that would be stupid. I mean a quest to find other important clients, make investments in businesses outside the city walls, maybe do some more favors for the caravans such as providing protection so they can move more freely around racist Nords and dragons, and by doing so, helping grow and dominate the skooma market.


What I'm talking about here is a continuation of the TG questline to build them up, make them stronger, more stable, and most importantly more independant.


Now since I know absolutely nothing about modding this obviously means I am dependant on the generosity and service of the amazing mod makers that dwell in these forums; However, I'd be happy to write for the mod, either conceptually or specifically (overall quest flow and plot, and/or dialogue.) In fact, I would love tobe able to contribute at least the overall plot of the mod.


So if anyone is interested in taking on such a project feel free to message me any time and let me know. I can get started with the writing immediately.


Thanks for reading this, and have a good one!



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Yeah I just feel like the TG ending was only "meh". It left a lot to be desired for me, and I feel like it left a lot of things undone in some ways.


For one example, I've always felt like the TG staying out of the civil war and seeming not to care at all what happens with that is very unrealistic. I mean their main client is Maven and she's imperial. Most, if not all, of the main city contacts are allied with the imperials and do business with the Thalmor (this can easily be seen when you crash Elenwen's party). It would be hugely beneficial to them if the civil war was over and Ulfric is defeated. I think it would be cool to see something that sort of ties the war together with the TG quest line, or maybe some extra quests pop up if you side with the Empire.


I feel like there's a lot of potential for quests that continue this story line and actually give you something meaningful to do once you're running things.


Another example: Mercer's house could make for an awesome player home (with some updates like crafting stations and such) if you help Maven become Jarl and the main TG quest is completed...


Or say if you have no interest in any civil war related content, there's plenty more that could be done with the Nightingales. Maybe you get together and plan that big elaborate heist afterall...

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