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Help using the GECK please


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I Have just enterd the world of modding, and loving it. I could use any help. I need specific help to day with two things. first I cant figure out (when using geck) how to bring things even with the ground. I know that holding "Z" you can try to level things, sometimes it works but soemtimes it doesn't. even when I duplicate and item that is already perfectly leveld, when I select it, it jumps and leaves a gap. If I try to hold "Z" it goes to far down. What am I doing wrong?


Second question. There has got to be a way to inport personal picks into the geck for use. I have searched everywhre I can't find anything. does anyone know how?


I would appreciate any comments. thank you!

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if you select an object in the render window and hit the F key it will "fall" down to the floor or whatever it comes in contact with first. its quite the handy feature for placing items.

if you select an item and it seems to jump that probably because you have snap to grid turned on. so the object that you have moved holding the z key isnt exactly on the grid and when you duplicate and go to move the new one it snaps.


im afraid im not sure what you mean by your second question though, are you referring to custom textures for items?



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if you personal pics as in textures for posters etc, then you will have to convert the image from what ever format it is to dds file format and create a texture set, search the geck for textures sets and changing the texture of an existing item to use your new texture set.


alternativley search the nexus for texture sets there is plenty of information here to show you how

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