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Custom Made Follower's Won't Crouch the same time I do


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Basically the title says it all...

A custom made follower of mine will not crouch at the same time I do like vanilla followers do.


On my follow package for the companion, the follow distance is 300, Continue during combat is checked, Allow swimming and allow falls are checked, Observe combat behavior, reaction to player actions, friendly fire comments, and allow idle chatter are checked. Pretty much a standard follow package.


What is going on here and how can I make it so he crouches when I do?

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Do you hire this companion through dialogue? Does he have the FollowersHired dialogue topic? If so, then you should add the line SetPlayerTeammate 1 in the result script of that topic.

No the NPC is spawned through the console.

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In that case, open the console, click on the NPC, then type SetPlayerTeammate 1.

That did it but I forgot to mention, if I wanted to spawn multiple. What would I do (can I do) in the GECK to make this permanent? ]



Make a script for the npc? or just do something to the package itself?

Edited by DrPepper715
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I actually just found out how to do it,


I typed in the Follow package under the Begin/End/Change in the result script on Begin; SetPlayerTeammate 1


I was guessing that doing what I did might do it


Thanks very much for your help Jazzisparis!


:thumbsup: to you man!

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