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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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The Drones followed after their target, firing shots at him. One grazed his arm, and another went through his shoulder. The Drones had spotlight on him at all times.

When he finally left the city borders, the drones returned back to their stations, the alarms still ringing out.

The Guards woke up, and came out to see what was wrong, however, noticing nothing in sight, they returned to their beds, and all was quiet...

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On the bedstand lies a tattered scrap of paper secured there by a long, black dagger.


it reads-


"Khale and Cruor, yes I know your names already, after all I'm a sneak, I can find out just about anything from beggars and such.

Pardon my pun previously, my offer is thus, the khajiit I mentioned before is a large cat-man, much stronger than any *I* have encountered, so be on your guard, I know not weather he would help you or kill you. To answer any questions about my race, I hail from the island realm of Armageddon, the limbo between the realms of mortals and the realms of their evil counterparts (between Nirn and Oblivion for example). The Isle of Saros is my homeland filled with terrible beasts and such, but it is also were some of the finest assassins, knights and paladins are trained (oh the irony, goody-goodies trained at the same place as an assassin like me). My standing offer is thus, you two will obviously need aid, I'm interested, talk it over, when you decide I'll be there....



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Finishing his sleep Ra'vziir decided to look around the outside of the city for an easier way to get access. The guards on the city wall had doubled and he didn't wish to encounter those drones again. He was getting hungry and desperate when he found a cave in the forest, it looked like it could go under the city and there might be food in there anyhow.


So Ra'vziir entered the cave, it was dark but his keen cat eyes detected everything. He had to crouch down as low as he could in the initial part of the cave but could stand up as the cave opened up into a cavern. He thought this would make a good temporary home, it was large, roomy and dry. Rats as big as dogs scurried around, he could survive on those for a while but he craved the tender meat in the city.


Ra'vziir explored down some more of the tunnels in his cave one led to a wall of reinforced metal. He wondered if the city was on the other side, so he smashed it with his fists, it bent but didn't break. It was old unused metal though and was once strong, but now old and brittle. Ra'vziir managed to break through in the end.


He stepped into an old metal tunnel, it was circular in size and water ran through the middle. Although Ra'vziir didn't know it, it was a sewer tunnel. The water was trickling through the middle and he decided its source was probably the city and so headed off towards it.

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"Chub Toad, Chub Toad, at the door. Run away children, or ye shall run no more.."-Ixionian Fairy Tale.


Khale awoke, and stood from his bed. Cruor apparently, was gone, and the window was still broken. He looked over to the endtable, and saw the note there. He picked it up and read it.

Hmm, so that's what they are.. But yet I still wonder, what conditions would I require need of his services? Khale thought to himself.

"I guess I'll have to show this to Cruor as well, wherever in Nimbus he is.." He said softly.

Khale went downstars to the innkeeper, and gave him two more crystals, for the damages. He then went into the marketplace, now crawling with guards, and decided to browse a bit. He couldn't set up his own stand right at the moment, not enough time..



In the sewers, the great Chub Toad lurked.. He was drooling at the thought of the plump, juicy rat in front of him. Although he was fat, he could blend in quite well, as his skin was the color of granite. The rat was sniffing around, until the sound of a crash echoed through the tunnels. The rat heard the sound and tried to run off, but the toad lashed out his tongue. It twisted and wrapped around his prey like a venemous snake, the rat struggling to escape. The toad pulled his tongue back in, the rat's screams silenced in his gullet.

Ahh.. The toad thought, Something a bit more tasteful for my palate..

The Chub Toad proceeded to slide through the tunnels, in search of new prey....

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As Ra'vzirr ran down the sewer tunnels a dark form slowly caught up from behind, then ran alongside him. "Hello, my good friend, you'll be needing some assistance in a moment. Large toad type thing just up ahead. NO NO NO! DON'T TRY TO EAT ME!!! Well, holler if it gives you much trouble," with that Kriak jumped up at a manhole grate and evaporated into shadow and reappeared above it in what the locals would deem exquisite clothing and a long, black cloak. As Ra'vzirr ran further down the tunnels Kriak called back down, "I'LL BE LIST'NING!"


ooc>hey Xan wanna join my rp too? Ixion's in it too.

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Out of the corner of it's single eye, the Chub Toad saw a humanoid figure appear behind the feline creature.

Two meals in one night? Lucky me, beat it's primitive thoughts.

But just then, the figure ran back down towards the entrance, escaping.

Aww, just one will suffice then.. it thought.

And the Toad kept on slinking through the claustraphobic tunnels.

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unbeknownst to the toad and the khajiit Kriak slipped back into the sewers not 10 feet behind the toad and began trailing it, a curious barbed dart between every pair of fingers (index+middle, middle+ring, ring+pinky) poised to strike. As they came around a bend in the tunnels Kriak quickly threw the six darts at the toads exposed leg flesh, stabbing straight into the major arteries and veins, upon impact the darts remained for but a few seconds then disolved in the muck of the sewers. Kriak made his second exit the massive toad never knowing what had befallen him.
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The toad was suprised, having been struck at his veins by a mysterious attacker. But, after lack of eating, the Chub Toad flatulated, making the tunnel behind him collapse.

He pressed onward to his prey, paying no mind to the blood seeping out of his hind legs.

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Kriak was far enough behind that the tunnel colapse didn't kill him, but the odor nearly did. He swore "Damn that smells! I've gotten too rusty, I should have stayed further back, that colapse nearly killed me." Kriak drew a dark dagger and slashed his forearm to punish himself, as was the custom of Sarosian Hellblades, he had a good 200 scars on either arm from "learning lessons" and far more from the mistakes he learned those lessons from.
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