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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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As Ra'zviir ran a small human appeared next to him, he attempted a slash but the man was to quick.

He had said something in the word of the humans but Ra'vziir didn't know what, his grasp of the language was small.


He smelt a large presence in front of him, but it didn't smell appetizing, the human would probably taste better....

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"Blast, the cat didn't understand what I said." Kriak muttered to himself, then mentally "changing gears" to cat's language he said, "I am the human from earlier, there is a large toad attempting to hunt you down and make you it's next blood feast, Don't worry I can help, holler if you need it." Hopefully that'll make him understand
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Just then, the human that attacked the Chub Toad appeared behind the feline again.

You won't escape this time.. He thought, and lashed out his tongue.

It wound and snaked through to it's target, and attempted to wrap around Kriak..

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Kriak, unbeknownst to the toad slid a bar on his right palm's armor which caused several blake spikes on his leggings and cuirass to point outward, they only stuck out a few milimeters but had a cruel secret within them. Kriak was a good actor and as the toad's tongue enveloped him he pretended to scream and be terrified...
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Yes... The toad's thoughts hissed, almost so loud that they could be heard outside his head..

Struggle my feast.. STRUGGLE!!

The toad didn't notice the sharp spikes going into his tongue, he simply pulled Kriak inward, towards his mouth...


OOC> I won't be able to stay up late today, since I have school this week.

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ooc>I feel sorry for you 0_o i'm on spring break WOOHOO!


As Kriak entered the beast his mock screams turned to genuine laughter, he erected a powerful magical barrier around himself, his spikes, like the darts, had curiously disolved in the saliva of the toad. The barrier protected Kriak from the toads powerful acids and from any pressure, the only downside was that he could not fight from within it. But if nothing can hurt you, why do you need to hurt anything? Kriak concentrated his magic and calibrated his barrier to remain up indefinitely while kriak was within the toad, tuning it to consume the same amount of magical energy as he recovered each instant. Hehehe, if the toad wasn't worried before, it should be now. thought the assassin and poisonmaster.

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The Chub Toad had successfully swallowed it's prey, yet it wasn't as satisfying as he had thought.. In fact, it was revolting! The toad tried to regurgitate it's prey, but it got caught up in it's throat. The toad tried using it's other two tongues to pull it Kriak out of his throat, but that blocked it even more.

No.. I cannot let this creature defeat me.. I need to kill it, quickly! His thoughts screamed, but it was too late.

The gargantuan toad choked to death, gagging and wretching acidic bile.

The Sewer tunnel started to melt like hot wax, and the toad vomited in a circle around his body.

The floor melted, and the large toad fell through the bottom, into a large, dark cave.

The cave had eggs inside it, and a sursurrus of frog chirps echoed through it....


The toad's body made it's final movements, and then stopped.. all was silent in the cave, besides the chirping of toads..


OOC> Ok, I'm out for tonight.

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After the Toad died Kriak lowered his barriers, "Okay, choking the fat thing to death-not my intentions but I suppose it worked just as well as those poison darts and the spines on my armor would have in a couple more minutes." Kriak spoke in Ra'vzirr's language again "Well, I'm off, here's my card," Said Kriak as he tossed a small black dagger with the inscription


"Weather it be Beast Great,

Foe countless,

Or need of company

Wilds or near the Hearth,

Place thy dagger in the Earth,

And forth shall come

The assassin of shadows

From the darkness."


this was in a ring around the pomel stone. Kriak disappeared into the depths of the sewers, out of Ra'vzirr's sight. He made his way to his temporary home, an ancient guild hall that had disappeared beneath the streets in an ancient quake. Within it was now a dark shrine to Sithis, the dread father, not only the Dark Brotherhood's pivitol patriarch but that of all assassin's, and a basin of a dark red liquid similar to blood but near this basin, upon a pedastol stood a statue of the Armageddon lord of assassins Likarz, a shrouded figure with daggers arrayed in an upside down star within a circle behind him and skeletal hands armed with long, curved blades. Here Kriak gave a prayer to the lord of cloak, dagger, shadow and poisons-


"Swift twas my blade,

Potent twas my toxin,

One was I with shadow,

Hidden 'neath your cloak,

I praise thee oh lord,

Within your dark glade,

And hidden meadow,

My masterstroke,

The work of your blessings,

Sacred tis thy word,

Great are my thanks,

That all these truths

should be in occurance,

And scarce my wounds."


Thus having completed his ritual, Kriak went to sleep in a four-poster, mahogany bed made with fine silken sheets and down blankets, in his luxurious home, ironic that perhaps the most elegant home in the city would be in the sewers.

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Ra'vziir watched as the small human killed his pray for him, he didn't know how the human new the tongue of a house cat, of which he new some words such as milk and food but he didn't quite grasp what the human was trying to tell him. Ra'vziir was intrigued by this human, he wanted to know more about him. He smelt around and picked up his trail of which he followed to an unremarkable sewer gate. He busted through and found a human-hole, he set about exploring this new place.
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The market was abustle today, the sound of Clockwerks repairing the damage from the night before. The cityfolk were going on about their own business, laughing and smiling. They would not be for long..


As Ra'ziir burst through the sewer grate on the far east wall, the citizens panicked. Many of them were rich folk, who wanted to get away from the major cities, and not a single one of them had weapons.

The people began to run about screaming, but one young lady, in a gorgeous victorian dress, was utterly petrified as the beast came out.

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