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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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Kriak awoke, and was quite angry, "BLAST that khajiit is terrorizing the citizens above my lair! Perhaps I can persuade him to retreat to the sewers and join me here where my stock of meats could hold him." Muttered Kriak to himself. He evaporated into shadow and appeared in front of the woman in the Victorian dress, but he was wearing finery and to anyone watching it would have seemed he had just come from the side street. He "switched gears" to the Khajiit tongue, "You wish to know more about me yes? Well I give you two choices khajiit, leave these people and return with me to my abode where I will feed you with beef, venison and boar flesh, or continue to disrupt the time I had set aside for sleep and discover how potent my poisons are and swift my blade.", returning to the native tongue of the city, "Back up madame, if he attacks you will not want to be very close to either of us." He soothed, when he finished he turned his head slightly and winked at her.
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Ra'vziir was surprised, he didn't expect him to know the ancient tongue of the Sathay-raht.


"Rargh vaziiir want meat, whether from here where Rargh Vaziir sees it, or from little mans promise.....Rargh vaziir chooses..... FROM HERE"


Ra'vziir with Extreme speed dodges to the left, he didn't want the little man getting to close, he saw what he did to the frog.


He crushed a building and picked up a large chunk of it, of which he threw at the little man.

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"Oh blast you!" said Kriak in his native tongue. Jumping backwards to avoid the piece of construction, he tore off his civilian garb and drew 6 black darts and threw them at Ra'vzirr, then almost before the left his hands strung his bow and notched an arrow. Switching back to Suthay-Raht he said "So many, many poisons, let's try a hyper anti-coagulant! You should have just followed me so we could keep this town a little quieter, but if you want to play hard ball so be it!"
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Ra'vziir's hyper alert cat eyes saw absolutely everything the little man did, when he had thrown the darts Ra'vziir just stepped to the left a little bit and they all missed him.


He grinned broadly revealing his razor sharp teeth, and in a flash dodged to the far left landing to the side of the little man. He grabbed another chunk of building threw it high into the air and spiked it towards the man.

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Kriak sighed, then dodged to his left, so that he was within easy striking distance of Ra'Vzirr, "let's take this elsewhere shall we?" Kriak then chanted an ancient poem-spell while grasping the Khajiit's arm with surpising strength.


"Lord Likarz take us

Back to the realm of darkness,

Away from this place

To your arms that caress,

Shadows and malace."


The two found themselves back in Kriak's home in the sewers in a hidden chamber where the only light was from a statue of Likarz that glowed a faint red that only illuminated itself. "Now, would you like to cease this and just accept my invitation? I have any meat you could ever want, including imperial, ixionian, valkar, khajiit, argonian, dunmer, altmer, I keep the corpses of those I have killed locked in time, so no rot. Or will I have to add you to my collection." Kriak spoke to Ra'Vzirr in the Khajiit's own tongue. In the gloom he also raised a blackened dagger to the Khajiit's throat should he refuse.

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The little man had tried to reach his throat with a tiny black dagger, Ra'vziir ran into him, trampling him beneath his massive feet before crashing through a wall and sprinting away.
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On the surface, the young woman sat there petrified, as the large beast and the assassin vanished. She ran back to her house in the noble's district just as the guards showed up.

When they found that nothing was there but wreckage and debris, the captain, Julias, sped off to the palace.

As Julias entered, his eyes squinted at the golden shine off the walls.

"What is it Julias?" Lord Kijjan spoke, "Are you here about the noise?"

"Yes m'lord," Julias replied, "B-but how did you know about it so soon?"

"I have my ways.." the Lord said, smiling, "Either way, you need me to set up an investigation to find the monstrosity that was terrorizing our fair city, no?"

"Yes, indeed sir. The citizens are in a panic, and the nobles will surely go to the Ixionian Templar if no actions are taken."

"Very well, send for a scribe. We are going to need more than the guard for this one."


Half an hour later:


Khale was over browsing things, not hearing the screams of people over the clanking and ringing of the Clockwerks. He was looking for some new arrows. He then spotted the palace scribe nailing a sign with a sheet of paper to a wooden post. Khale went over to the post and read it.

It said:

"Wanted: Heroes for expedition into sewers.

Need proof of self-sufficiency, and of honourable deeds..


Please contact Julias, Captain of the Guard of Stalholme."


"Hmm," said Khale, looking it over, "This could just get me enough money to return home to Thunderflint!"

Khale picked up his belongings, and threw them over his shoulder, and started making his way through the crowds towards the Barracks.

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Ra'vziir followed his own smell back to his original cavern and blocked the entrance with a huge boulder.


He was hungry but he was also tired and soon fell asleep, hidden in one corner, with one eye open.

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When Ra'vziir "trampled" Kriak, the form poofed into a cloud of smoke-like essence. Hmmmm, this cat had the power to shirk off my transportation spell, interesting and he destroyed a shadow form Kriak was actually running through the sewers on the trail of his latest quarry: a large serpent-like creature he had sensed earlier. I really MUST get a contract soon, I tire of hunting animals, I need a real challenge, that khajiit could be an excellent companion or an excellent target, considering our current relationship, I'm going to go with the latter... Kriak thought, then changed course as he heard a large boulder being moved into place, he ducked down a side passage near the sound but slightly south so that he could get past a barricade if that sound was the creation of one. He sped into the Khajiit's new den, ironicly(i think i mispelled that : / ) it was part of the same cave system that lead to his abode. He creapt up near the Khajiit and, gently, carefully, pricked the khajiit's finger with one of his daggers then creapt off down the caves. Where Kriak had pricked the khajiit, formed a red circle with what looked like 5 dagger characatures forming a star within, the symbol was small but noticable, and glowed faintly. A strange whispering sound, much like that of a ghost or wraith's mutterings and moans, began to eminate from it. On the ground near Ra'vzirr was a piece of parchment inscribed in the tongue of the Suthay-Raht:


Black as Night,

Cold as Jet,

My blade shall strike,

Feel fright,

All is set,

With this mark,

I trap you,

No longer a lark,

To roam carefree,

But a target,

To run and hide,

Lord Likarz hungers

For blood,

And your's

He shall recieve!


Such was the ancient poem that Sarosian assassins customarily gave to their intended victims before they begin "The Hunt".


If he does not read it, he shall know soon enough my intentions, this may be the best sport I've had in century....

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Ra'vziir watched as his prey snuck up towards him and allowed him to angel him with a dagger, his heavily calloused fingers felt no pain. His target turned his back on him and he crept up with the speed and stealth only a feline could master. He approached his prey and without drawing his claws grabbed the little man, pinning his arms down and chucked him, full speed at a wall, a fatal throw.
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