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Aeros, The Realm of Storms


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Kriak's "screams" as he lay on the ground turned to uproarous laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'll make a good Cadaver? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I congratulate you Khajiit, you managed to get the antidote. And the regurgitation wasn't half-bad." Kriak chuckled. He lifted himself with his arms, shadows broke away from that of buildings and creatures, and once again, Kriak was remade with shadow. "Now then, Valkar, you want to make me one of your race's miserable puppets eh? You'll never take me, alive or dead, you'll have to destroy every tiny scrap of flesh and bone I have." roared Kriak. He drew two scimitar-like blades, the vicous curves were scalloped and serated for maximum cutting and chopping power, there was also a "gut" to both swords used for first stabbing then jerking back, snapping the spine, these fearsome weapons are known as Sarosian Dirges. "YOU WANT ME? COME AND GET ME!" shouted Kriak as he rushed headlong into the sea of undead, slowly making his way to the Khajiit, hacking and slashing. Bodies fell to the ground around him, he leapt and bound in a whirlwind of flesh, blackened mail, and blade, cutting a swath to Ra'vzirr. "PREPARE TO DIE!" He shouted at the massive Khajiit. As he approached the Khajiit his slashes became uppercuts and downstrokes from nearly four feet above his head. He finally reached the Khajiit and began vicuosly slicing at his neck and vital organs, whenever he sustained wounds he used his magics, which only grew stonger with the blood spilled, to rejuvinate his limbs and body. "No more offers, no more weakness, NO MORE HOLDING BACK!" Kriak was a flying flurry of blades, he began using magic to let the blades levitate a short distance from his hands and throwing darts and knives in between the strokes and slashes, the Suthay-Raht was nearly a pincussion of fletchings, daggers, and bleed like a stuck pig. "No chance for healing now Khajiit, no more poisons, no more antidotes, no more restoratives AHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!" Kriak laughed maniacly.



ooc>kindly refrain from instructing my character, the whole assassin screaming and bleeding stuff without my consent....not so cool.

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As Rav'ziir charged at the Valkar hordes, decimating nearly everyone that stood in his wake, one clever Raider leapt up onto his back. He had dodged the slicing blows and attempts to shake him off, and now pulled out a knife, dripping with a dark, oozing miasma. He jabbed it into Rav'ziir's spine, and then finally got knocked off onto the ground as Kriak made his turn. He scampered away.

Though he had slain many of the Fleshbeasts, it was only a fifth of their numbers. The acolytes drew more and more corpses from the ground, black threads encompassing the rotting bodies. One of the Raiders had found an Ixionian bomb, and threw it at the reanimated Chub Toad. The undead beast launched his tongue out, and swalloed it, then he charged at Kriak and the Beast.

Now is my revenge! To the depths of Archaon with you! His thoughts roared. The bomb exploded in his stitched stomach. His skin began to stretch and rip at the seams.


ooc: As I have stated, it's one of the rules NOT to make someone do anything against their will. I will allow a few slip-ups, but please do try to refrain from it.

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Seeing the chub toad he had killed earlier come hurtling towards him, Kriak quickly drew the orb containing its soul and released it and set it upon the reanimated corpse I may not need to kill it but I need something to keep it from getting close enough to destroy me with that bomb. Kriak having done enough damage, jumped lightly then pounded on Ra'vzirr's chest with a mighty kick and did a back flip, flying near the ruins of the airship tower. He knotched an arrow to his bow and shot the basket of the airship about to speed away. A shadowy thread formed between the bow and ship and Kriak was pulled up into the air. After half an hour of pulling himself up the cord that seemed to stretch forever Kriak was at the basket of the airship, he found a catwalk and made his way to the engine room of the ship where he carefully concealed himself and used his magics to maintain the engines at optimal speed we wouldn't want an engineer stumbling upon me would we? Kriak slept and rejuvinated his magics which were running on fumes since he had left the blood which gave him power......
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OOC> Also, since PureSnipe isn't here, and he was intended to be one of the main targets of the Valkar, I'll either need a replacement, or give them one of the Unknown Artifacts (Kil'naar and Yrgtim)


Khale hadn't known anything about piloting an Ixionian Airship, but even though it seemd to be quite hard, it was actually very easy.

The Airship was very well maintained, and handled like a Steamcycle. It was nighttime, and a cloudless full moon sat in the sky. The so called "hostages" were asleep, even though Captain Julias sat near the mast, with one eye struggling to remain open. Apparently nobody had noticed the slight *Thunk* at the bottom of the airship.

"Hmmph.. Whiny, snot-nosed nobles." Khale whispered, struggling to stay awake.

He pulled a lever at his foot labeled Auto-Pilot, and the back of the ship rumbled as the steam flushed through bronze pipes. He set the ship's compass to the northeast, and leaned against the railing on the back of the steering area. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.


The Chub Toad had regained his reasoning, and felt strange. He looked down at his stomach, and upon seeing it slowly stretching, he simply croaked out, "Ribbit...".

He exploded in a green burst of flames and blood.

Sarl stood in the midst of the ruins of Stalholme, flabbergasted. He watched as Kriak shot an arrow at a nearby airship, and lifted off the ground.

The rest of the swarming horde was now surrounding Rav'ziir, waiting for him to drop dead.

"Garggh!" Sarl roared, "The sheer audacity! They took the artifacts!"

His acolyte assistant stood next to him. "Well, commander, we haven't scoured the entire city yet, they may still be under the rubble!"

Sarl slowly turned his head over towards the acolyte, then plunged his knife into the accolyte.

The Acolyte stood there, gasping.

"I want NO more set-backs! We SHALL rule Aeros! The Thirteen of Chaos will walk this mortal plane again!" He screamed, then pulled it out, with a slow sucking sound.

Sarl leapt onto the burning rubble of the airship tower, and pointed at Rav'ziir.

"Rip that savage monstosity to shreds, tie his shoulders to juggernoughts and rip them off! Do whatever you need to kill that wretched beast!"

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OOC> Sorry for the instructing, but Zephyr has practically made himself a "god character", it should be pretty obvious by now that my character doesn't want to be another characters "pet". I wasn't aiming to piss you off Zephyr I just wanted my character to get away safely without working for anyone.


Anyway whatever, its all good now


Ra'vziir lay on the ground panting, he was torn up, and bleeding from multiple wounds. His left arm was broken and many swords and daggers stuck out of his body.


The Valkar were advancing, intent on finishing the job and making him an undead slave. Ra'vziir refused to work for anyone, he would rather die than be somebody's slave but it seemed even dieing here wouldn't help him now. He new he had to push on, and at least find somewhere to die in peace, somewhere the Valkar couldn't find him.


He slowly stood up, his left arm hanging limp, he put all his remaining energy, every bit of it, into a jump. He bent down low and jumped, high over the Valkar and landed in some random street far away, the house he landed on was reduced to rubble and he was buried underneath it.


He had lost consciousness, his body had entered into a hibernation-like sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Valkar fighters looked above them, as Rav'ziir leapt over their heads. The city was smoldering now, sending up huge gusts of smoke and ash.

"AARRGH!" Sarl shouted, veins popping out of his forehead like ley lines. "Damn it all!!!" Sarl started gasping, holding his forehead as the blood steadied it's flow.

"Nevermind the beast.. The artifacts are gone.." Sarl whispered.

One of his Acolyte Necromagi had returned.

"Warlord Sarl! We have found the Yrgtim! It was on the ground in an old Inn!" The acolyte said, passing over an object covered with red velvet cloth to his commander.

"Excellent! You have not failed me, unlike all these other insignifigant fools! Tonight we shall have a feast, and you are invited!" Sarl said. He then shouted to his other soldiers, "Chop up the corpses! We shall have a Feast of Cannibals!"

The crowd shouted in appraisal, raising their cleavers and spears in rythym.


Amidst the ashen city, the Valkar ate, disgustingly tearing at human flesh, and rubbing the blood over their bodies in a ceremonial nature.

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<ooc i apologize if my character seems like a god, there is indeed a way to kill him but considering the existing animocities between Kriak and Ra'vziir (as well as the Valkar) I won't reveal that unless abosolutely necessary or you someone stumbles upon it, after all, you should have to figure it out, shouldn't you? On the subject of Rav'zirr working FOR Kriak, I did not mean to convey in that way, I meant for him to work WITH Kriak


Kriak awoke in the engine room, exhausted still and about to fade back into sleep or collapse on the ground from hunger. Quietly he stole into the galley and ate a large platter of strange food. He crept slowly around the airship he found a guard asleep in a hallway blocking his path, hmmmmm, killing him may take more than a simple slash, best move on through the window... Kriak then slid out the window and climbed aboard the main deck where Khale and captain Julius were. Kriak carefully reached around the back of a noble, making sure to cover the nose and mouth then slit her throat and tossed the body overboard. His strength regained, Kriak strode boldly up to Khale and said, "Well, well, well, stole an airship have you? Good for you Ixionian, hmmmhehahahahe."

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Khale saw the assassin striding up to him.

"Yeah, I have stolen one, haven't I? If only getting these survivors to shut up and quit panicking were so easy.."

Captain Julias watched the body of the noblewoman fall to the lands below, and drew out his sword. It was a rapier, yet had no blade. That is, until Julias pulled a trigger on it, and the blade folded out. The blade crackled with electricity, as Captain Julias stood, waiting for the assassin to do something dangerous.

"Oh for Ambirca's sake Captain!" Khale said, "Put that thing away!"

Captain Julias stood near the railing, stoic. "That man just murdered an Ixionian citizen. I shall not allow such things to happen to anyone else, as is my duty."

"Well, let's try to negotiate, instead of being at everyone's throat when someone walks in. Anyways, greetings assassin. What brings you here on this vessel?"

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Ra'vziir lifted himself off the ground, he had been sleeping but he did not know how long. He felt completely refreshed and very hungry.

The city around him was reduced to rubble, fires springing up around the place. The Valkar may have left but Ra'vziir didn't know, or want to find out. He wanted nothing more to do with this place and he elected to return to his forest.


Ra'vziir howled, the whole forest was burnt to the ground, a sea of black ash. He didn't know what to do, his home was burnt and he has nowhere to go. He collapsed into the ash, and lay there waiting, for a sign

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