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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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This is the discussion thread for Vampire: The Long Nights. A forum RP set in White Wolf's World of Darkness series.

This is where you'll do the usual things you do in a discussion thread, post sheets, talk about the RP, explain why you haven't been posting, bicker and argue over what is basically a waste of time and has no real importance in the grand scheme of things. That sorta thing. And yes I know it's a bit of a mes, sue me, my brain did NOT want to focus while I was making this thing.

The Setting: If you don't know anything about the series here's a link to the wikis of both vampire series. http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Vampire%3A_The_Masquerade

For this RP we'll be using a nice mix of both simply because we can.

Second up, Rules. Study them, learn them, MEMORIZE them.

Here are the general guidelines made by the great and powerful Lisnpuppy

1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.

2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.

3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.

4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.

5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.

6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.

7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.

For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.

Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.

This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.

8 )Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.

9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!

10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.

And here are mine.

11) This is the World of Darkness, there will ALWAYS be something out there stronger than you. Vampires are rather squashy when confronting some of the other wonderful things that lurk in the shadows, Fight smart or better yet, don't fight at all.

12) No OOC Drama, you start anything, you're out. I'm not as tolerant as some of the other RP leaders here, If there is a problem come tell me about it, No one should get in trouble or have their feelings hurt over something as silly as this.

13) Three character limit to start with, NPCs are allowed. (I might make exceptions to the limit from time to time, it all depends on the person and the character and state of the RP)

14) You've got to earn your place and be ready to take a beating. Characters will fail, be met with unbeatable odds, watch everything they've worked for crumble around them as others take what was theirs, this is the way of the Kindred.

15) No extincted Clans or Bloodlines, gone is gone even in the World of Darkness, you are however, free to make up your own Bloodlines, but they must be approved by me first.

Now that all the boring stuff's out of the way lets get to the fun stuff, the setting.

It's the near future in London England. With the increasing surveillance throughout the city a mass exodus of Kindred has left their once expansive numbers to less than a hundred remaining in the city. Under the rule of an increasingly ruthless and power hungry Prince, the Invictus has had a long and prosperous reign over the city even as members of the other factions suffer.

So that's just a brief sort of back story thingy,

now here's some info on the Vampires in this RP.

We'll be using the clans from the Masquerade which can be found here http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Clan_(VTM)

Bloodlines are not needed, but are optional and not clan specific, they can be taken from the Reqium and can be found here http://wiki.white-wolf.com/worldofdarkness/index.php?title=Bloodline_(VTR)

A high humanity allows the kindred to fit in better with mortals, allowing them to eat, drink, and even stay awake during the day at a cost of blood. Sunlight can and will still burn regardless of humanity.

Humanity if effected by both age and attitude, if I have to explain the difference between how a human and a monster acts..... You need help.

Age is not everything when determining power.

Disciplines from the Requiem may be used, but you must explain how your Vampire learned any disciplines outside of their Clan favored ones.

The Covenants from VTR are used here, however the numbers are so low that you shouldn't expect them to really matter in the long run unless your character is with the Invictus

Vampires appear on any reflective surface as a blur, this includes mirrors, cameras, and film. They can allow themselves to appear at the cost of blood, as such it is not wise to remain in the sight of them for too long, least one runs dangerously low on blood and run the risk of loosing control and allowing the Beast to take over.

Inside every Kindred is the Beast, the innate demonic predator that awakens in each and every vampire upon their Embrace. The animalistic instinct that materializes itself in a variety of ways: impelling the vampire to fight for their lives, flee in fear, or to give in to baser desires for blood and violence. In times of extreme duress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire and force her into a state of pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred to as Frenzy or Rötschreck. A Kindred can be thrown into a Frenzy by a number of reasons such as extreme pain, fire, sunlight, thirst, anything that greatly threatens the Vampires un-life. While it is very possible for a Kindred to retain control and fight back against a Frenzy, those that are already more beast than human can find it much harder to suppress, and for some it's completely impossible.

If your vampire sparkles it better seconds before they're bursting into flames.

For character sheets.... Use what you want, just a long as it details the important information, name, looks, clan, powers, and maybe a bio. but if you want a real sheet here's the one taken from AltmerLover's Vampire: Requiem for the Masquerade





True Age:

Apparent Age:



Bloodline: (if applicable)


Covenant Faction: (if applicable)

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines:

Path: (If applicable)










General physical description:




General Personality Traits:


Attitudes towards friends/strangers:

Opinion of the world:






Living/Dead Family Members:



Current Nationality:

Current Place of Residence:


Merits and Flaws:


Magic Items:

Edited by josh900
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Here's my char sheet! :woot:





Name: Yasmina “Jaz” Sekman, Ph.D (aka, Sekhamun)


Gender: Female


Race: Ancient Egyptian


True Age: 3283


Apparent Age: 30-ish


Religion: Follower of Set (pretends to be atheist)


Clan: Setite


Bloodline: Warrior Setites


Clan/Bloodline/ Disciplines: Potence, Presence, Serpentis


Haven: Penthouse apartment in London





Height: 5’2’’


Weight: 120lbs


Hair: Shoulder-length, straight, and black, with a slight red sheen. Her bangs are cut straight across her forehead. She often tucks her hair behind her ears or wears a ponytail.


Eyes: Golden


Skin: Medium tan in color, with a very slight shimmer


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: A large tattoo of two intertwining golden cobras on her back


General physical description: Sekhamun has a thin, lithe form with long, slender limbs; she moves with an almost serpentine grace. Her face is narrow, with high but shallow cheekbones, a long and thin straight nose. Her almond-shaped eyes are almost always lined heavily in black eyeliner, accompanied by either blue or gold eye shadow. Her lips are full and never without a dark red lipstick, but they are still relatively small in proportion to the rest of her face; she usually sports a perpetual pout.


Voice: Low and sultry; she speaks with an exotic accent that no one can really place


Clothing/armor: Usually black or dark navy pantsuits with a cream-colored camisole underneath, matching black or navy pumps, occasionally with gold and lapis jewelry.





General Personality Traits: Vicious, Bloodthirsty, Cruel, and Vengeful. She can be quite seductive if needed, though she is really not emotionally attached to anyone.


Fears: The end of the world


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Mostly dismissive towards everyone


Opinion of the world: The world is a cesspool, save for the vampires of Set, who are the only beings worth anything.







***Sekhamun (“power of Amun”) was born in 1270 BCE, during the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom, under the reign of Ramses II “the Great” (1279-1213 BCE).


***Served at the House of Set in Sepermeru from 1262-1250 BCE. She was sired during this time.


***Was concubine to Ramses II from 1250-1235 BCE.


***Sensing a threat from Great Royal Wife Isetnofret, Sekhamun faked her own death and was buried in a tomb with several other priests in 1235 BCE. Her heart was removed and placed in another tomb very far away, with a normal human one placed in her own burial chamber.


***Tomb excavated in 1985 AD by archaeologist Joseph P. Roundstone, who now serves her as a Ghoul.


***Received her doctorate from Oxford University in 2000


***As of 2013, she is a chief Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic translator for various museums and archaeological teams – hired on an as-needed basis.


Birthplace: Sepermeru, Egypt


Relationships: None


Living/Dead Family Members:


Mother – Hepsiru (deceased)


Father – Teosef (deceased)


Friends: None


Enemies: Anyone who denies Set as the father of the vampires


Current Nationality: Holds dual citizenship in Egypt and the UK


Current Place of Residence: London, England




I'm totally new to this worldspace, so please let me know if anything is amiss.

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OMG! YAY!!! :dance:


Here is my first sheet, my other should be done soon enough :sweat:


Nice sheet Auri, I like it :devil:




Name: Viola Harbridge

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

True Age: 190

Apparent Age: 49

Religion: Agnostic

Clan: Ventrue

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: ​Dominate, Fortitude, Presence.

Haven: 1. Campden Hill.


Height: 5’9

Weight: 90lbs

Hair: Grey-tinged platinum blonde, styled in a modern take of a retro bob.

Eyes: Brown.

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: None of either.

General physical description: Viola has rather prominent cheekbones and sunken cheeks, a long but elegant nose and thin lips. Her eyes are large and open, her eyelids slightly hooded and her eyebrows thin and proudly arched. She has a narrow forehead that is free from deep lines. Her jawline and chin are strong and proud, framing her face to give her a look of strong and icy confidence. Her makeup is always the same, dark eyeliner that is not too thick, a light dusting of silver eyeshadow, and a very slight rose lipstick.

Voice: Mature, relatively deep and feminine and tinged with a prominent upper-class British accent, her every word is crisp and clear, while remaining ever soft and contained. She is incredibly well-mannered and polite to those who matter, and retains her polite but icy demeanour with those of lesser standing. While enraged she does not scream nor shout, but lowers her tone and speaks as softly as ever, leaning in close, she knows this intimidates people far more than a hissy fit.

Clothing: A woman of both means and fashion, she dresses in not the runway collections themselves, but the immediate ready-to-wear collections that follow, choosing designers such as Dior, Chanel and Hermes she likes to keep herself looking fresh and conservative, favouring darker shades and flattering shapes, she never parades more than her shoulders in evening wear and her lower legs in day-wear. She has a love for high heels, while certainly no purveyor of bizarre haute monstrosities; she has a wardrobe fit to rival Anna Della Russo in both footwear and clothing.


Visual appearance:



General Personality Traits: Assertive, dominating and Icy, Viola has many a trait universally associated with greedy and conscious-less business people; She is cut-throat, both metaphorically and literally should the situation come to it when dealing business, rigidly set in the old Ventrue ways of dignitas and a firm believer that coming from well-blooded families can make all the difference. She is aloof, arrogant when faced with lesser obstacles, and proud of both her lineage and her standing in the hierarchy of things. She is a perfectionist who scorns mediocrity and expects results before she raises her hand to click her fingers. She has a tactful mind and keen perception of events, while not as keen to stand back and watch chaos unfold as others in the Camarilla are, she can only act within her power, and in a manner she deems will strike deepest without causing a backlash.

If she must remove a mortal business rival it is through espionage and assassination. If freezing a rival tycoon’s bank account is not enough, then perhaps the tragic accident his wife suffered on the highway that morning will be enough to drive him to drop from the market. In such a respect she could be considered evil, but in truth she simply does not care to waste resources when an emotional shattering costs nothing.


It is no secret in Kindred society that she holds the Jack in a game of crazy-eights, having just enough sway to shift the suit when the cards don’t match her hand. However that Jack’s usefulness is only apparent when the others are out of play, money can get one so far in Kindred society, but if another of the damned wishes her ill too badly, no amount of mortal currency can divert the flow of hatred.


She is not a creature of joy and happiness, incapable of small-talk and always focused on the task at hand, she is a brutal taskmaster and puts business before all else.

Fears: Fear is a world rather different to Kindred than it is to mortals, when one becomes a creature of horror it is hard to scream at the sight of spiders and dark woods. Losing her wealth and status is a fear shared with all Ventrue, but on a more personal scale she is very much afraid of Lupines, having seen many a companion torn to pieces by the relentless beasts, she knows an encounter with such a creature usually means the final death.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Friends serve to stab you in the back, but allies are valued. Strangers do not exist unless mentioned to her, as far as she is concerned the other Kindred outside of her circles do not exist.

Opinion of the world: Viola believes that the world is a fractured, broken and utterly corrupt bastion of evil, and seeks to exploit as much as possible.

Past: Born in 1823 to British aristocrat Thomas Harbridge and his wife, Vivienne, Viola’s upbringing was one you would have expected. Luxury, education and safety were all hers to cling on to. After a failed marriage, she was left divorced and shamed by her family, finding solace in a businessman named Landon Everett, an American fellow who owned a successful tailor. This man eventually embraced Viola as she neared fifty years of age, having quickly caught on to how to run a business, he showed her the ropes of how the Ventrue worked, and the rest is history.


Setting up a watch-making company around the time Rolex left London for Geneva, Finite had become a world-renowned brand a source of British pride in the years that lead up to 2013, currently the leading competitor and running head-to-head with Rolex, Finite has become a favourite among young and old business-people alike.


To this day Viola works and lives in London, ruthlessly running her corporation from the dominating offices that loom over Canary Wharf.

Embrace: Embraced by Landon Everett.


Friends: She has a number of contacts and acquaintances, but no friends.
Enemies: So far she has no true enemies, a few upstarts who wish her removed and a number of lesser kindred, but no one of note.

Current Nationality: British.
Current Place of Residence: London, England.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Name: Nathaniel Wright

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

True Age: 120

Apparent Age: 22

Religion: The Hunt

Clan: Gangrel

Bloodline: Country Gangrel



Covenant Faction: Independent

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Protean, Animalism, Celerity, Fortitude

Path: (If applicable)






Height: 6' 2

Weight: 220

Hair: Dark Brown (Now White)

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: Pale

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Scars/Tattoos: Numerous from his abusive father and many more from the various Gang fights in his mortal life.


General physical description:


Voice: Rough and low, comparable to a wolf growling.


Clothing/armor: Dark leather jacket with a white wolf fur trim. Torn jeans and no boots




General Personality Traits: Tough, strong willed and mostly solitary. Nathaniel is known for his strong sense of honor and his love for the hunt. He places the lives of his pack-mates before himself.


Fears: Cages


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Friends he will die for... Strangers he avoids.


Opinion of the world: "You are Friend... Or Prey? So What are you?"




Past: Nathaniel was born in Yorkshire, his early life was a wild one. His mother died in child birth, his father a skilled woodsmen. His father often drank heavily and beat him relentlessly but during the early winter and spring they would spend months in the forest hunting game together. It was here that Nathaniel was at home, the hunt came natural to him.


When Nathaniel was just nineteen his father passed, leaving the small farm to him. For three years he lived on the land, hunting game for food and selling the skins to tradesman. He gained a local reputation for his skill in tracking, often employed by the local village to track wanted criminals that escaped into the vast forests. It was these opportunities to hunt men that he enjoyed the most, one evening he was tasked to hunt a man that murdered a woman in the village.


Setting out alone he pursued the criminal across miles of dense forest. He caught the man in a grove, trained his rifle on him and fired. The bullet struck him in the head but the man just smiled and attacked, the vampire he was pursuing was Antony Marks, a Gangrel. Marks embraced him and left him, his first night Nathaniel hunted several deer and a rich nobleman that had gotten lost on the road, butchering him and the three guards he was with.


Before sunset he returned to his farm, his bloodlust sated. The next evening the villagers struck, they burned down his farm but Nathaniel was already gone, he had left into the wild with only his fathers leather jacket and his mothers gold bracelet. The next year he encountered Marks again, it was then that he learned the ways of the Gangrel and was accepted into a small but growing pack. Most were sired by Marks himself, the rest were adopted as stray Childes.


A hundred years passed, Marks had been killed and the leadership of the pack fell to Nathaniel. He lead them wisely and they prospered, they had moved far to the north in Scotland and found the verdant hills ripe with game, they mostly lived green to avoid any mortal aggression, the strain of leadership began to grow on him. Mortal kind expanded into the forests that sheltered him, hikers and hunters became more frequent and his interactions with mortals began to grow. His pack grew in size aswell, the First Winter tradition still used by his clan his packs ranks swelled with first year Gangrel, growing to well over twenty, with the size of his pack growing and mortals looking deeper into the deaths of their own food became scarce and the pack nearly descended into chaos, so they began to feed on Deer and other animals, the humans did not call into question a deer with it's throat and innards ripped out. The crisis within the pack over they continued on in peace, but it did not last. One night, Nathaniel went out for a run and returned to find his pack dead, killed by Hunters that had been pursuing them for sometime. He tracked the hunters across England to London.


Embrace: He was embraced when he was inducted into the pack by Antony Marks


Birthplace: Yorkshire, England


Family/Relationships: None

Living/Dead Family Members: Mother (Deceased) Father (Deceased)




Current Nationality: English

Current Place of Residence: An abandoned subway station.




Merits and Flaws:



Magic Items:

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Yay! The RP is up! :dance: :dance: :dance: Awesome character sheets Auri, Mythic and Mac. :dance:


And here's my character sheet. :laugh: It's going to be fun to RP as my VtMB character. :dance:




Name: Christopher "Chris" Vecellio (Real name Adam Ross)


Gender: Male


Race: Caucasian


True Age: 91


Apparent Age: 23


Religion: Atheist


Clan: Toreador


Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence


Haven: Loft apartment in London.




Height: 189cm


Weight: 83kg


Hair: Black, shoulder length. Tied to a ponytail only when he paints.


Eyes: Dark blue


Skin: Pale white


Handedness: Right


Scars/Tattoos: None of either at the moment


General physical description: Chris is tall and slender with high cheekbones, rather slender face, strong jaw and full lips.


Voice: Deep, low and slightly husky.


Clothing/armor: Chris usually dressed in black clothing; black pants or jeans, black shirts and black coats. His most notable accessory is a beret.




General Personality Traits: Chris is melancholic and idealistic but at the same time not blind to the practical. He dislikes violence and prefers to talk his way out of trouble, bribe or if there's no other way, run away. Because he feels passionate about his work, there's little time and passion left for anything else and because of this, Chris most his time spends in his study painting.


He also enjoys classical music, literature and plays. Because of this he can sometimes be seen in theaters, art galleries and book presentations.


Fears: Death, that people will stop enjoying his art.


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Friendly to both as long as they're treating him in the same way.


Opinion on the world: The world is full of art lovers, but art lovers are not full of the world.




Past: Born in 1922 to a bar owner James Ross and his wife, Sarah, Christopher had a relatively normal childhood. From an early age he was interested in painting and the more he painted the more convinced he became that this is exactly what he wanted to be.


Years later, however, it seemed that his dream was never meant to come true. While he was good, something was lacking in his works thus his paintings were usually ignored but Chris wasn't ready to give up on his dreams just yet. After a huge amount of hard work and some boot-licking one of his finest paintings was accepted to an art exhibition in one of the local art galleries.


Chris wasn't surprised (but still greatly saddened) that his painting was ignored. As he drank one champagne glass after another, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen approached him and started talking to him. Unlike everyone else, the woman who introduced herself as Orchid, noticed his painting and paid generously for it. After the exhibition was over the two did not part ways but went to Orchid's apartment where they spent a night together. It was the same night when Chris was embraced by the mysterious beauty.


Orchid remained with Chris long enough to tell him what she did as well as the basics on how to survive as a vampire before disappearing from his life completely. At first he thought that she was crazy but eventually he started to believe her words as the world around him became different, clearer. The best thing, however, was that even his skills as an artist improved greatly. The outright confusion was replaced with gratefulness. Inspired by this unusual event he painted the only painting which he signed with his real name and to this day The Kiss of Unlife is his most successful painting.


As of 2011, Chris lives in London where he continues to paint under the name of Christopher Vecellio.


Embrace: Embraced by the mysterious dancer, Orchid in 1945.


Birthplace: New Orleans


Family/Relationships: None


Living/Dead Family Members: Father James Ross (deceased), mother Sarah Ross (deceased).


Friends: None


Enemies: Fellow artists jealous of his talent.


Current Nationality: American


Current Place of Residence: London, England.

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Okaaay Nighshade, Sir Christopher is approved.


Macman, William is not. There are some serious issues with him when logic is applied, First up, leaving one's clan is an impossibility, it isn't a club, it's practically a Vampire's race.


Secondly, Why would he get a bounty put on him? You say he left after he was turned, so why would they bother with a bounty? He wasn't important to them and the Tremere wouldn't share their secrets with a human or a fledgling regardless of their talent.


Thirdly, with an entire clan out for his head how has he survived six hundred years? Even if he spent most of it in Torpor, this is the Tremere we're talking about here, they would find him eventually and no one's strong enough to fight off an entire clan.


Fourth issue is the fire handling thing, but that's most likely due to a mistake of my own so I'll thank you for reminding me about a piece of information I neglected to mention about the vampiric condition.


Issue five, No Prince, anywhere would piss off an entire clan for one person. No one is that good or worth that much trouble.


So get those things fixed then we'll talk.



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