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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Nathaniel was born in Yorkshire, his early life was a wild one. His mother died in child birth, his father a skilled woodsmen. His father often drank heavily and beat him relentlessly but during the early winter and spring they would spend months in the forest hunting game together. It was here that Nathaniel was at home, the hunt came natural to him.


When Nathaniel was just nineteen his father passed, leaving the small farm to him. For three years he lived on the land, hunting game for food and selling the skins to tradesman. He gained a local reputation for his skill in tracking, often employed by the local village to track wanted criminals that escaped into the vast forests. It was these opportunities to hunt men that he enjoyed the most, one evening he was tasked to hunt a man that murdered a woman in the village.


Setting out alone he pursued the criminal across miles of dense forest. He caught the man in a grove, trained his rifle on him and fired. The bullet struck him in the head but the man just smiled and attacked, the vampire he was pursuing was Antony Marks, a Gangrel. Marks embraced him and left him, his first night Nathaniel hunted several deer and a rich nobleman that had gotten lost on the road, butchering him and the three guards he was with.


Before sunset he returned to his farm, his bloodlust sated. The next evening the villagers struck, they burned down his farm but Nathaniel was already gone, he had left into the wild with only his fathers leather jacket and his mothers gold bracelet. The next year he encountered Marks again, it was then that he learned the ways of the Gangrel and was accepted into a small but growing pack. Most were sired by Marks himself, the rest were adopted as stray Childes.


A hundred years passed, Marks had been killed and the leadership of the pack fell to Nathaniel. He lead them wisely and they prospered, they had moved far to the north in Scotland and found the verdant hills ripe with game, they mostly lived green to avoid any mortal aggression, the strain of leadership began to grow on him. Mortal kind expanded into the forests that sheltered him, hikers and hunters became more frequent and his interactions with mortals began to grow. His pack grew in size aswell, the First Winter tradition still used by his clan his packs ranks swelled with first year Gangrel, growing to well over twenty, with the size of his pack growing and mortals looking deeper into the deaths of their own food became scarce and the pack nearly descended into chaos, so they began to feed on Deer and other animals, the humans did not call into question a deer with it's throat and innards ripped out. The crisis within the pack over they continued on in peace, but it did not last. One night, Nathaniel went out for a run and returned to find his pack dead, killed by Hunters that had been pursuing them for sometime. He tracked the hunters across England to London.

I have made some changes, to make it more clear as to how and why he avoided mortal interaction. I want to make it known now that he is NOT some moronic country gangrel that doesn't know jack about civilization. He is a survivor... and a survivor fights for every day of his life or unlife by any means possible, knowing more about the ever changing world is just more to go on. In truth, he avoided other non-Gangrel kindred more then he avoided humans, to him the machinations and plots that belong with them stay with them but when Hunters found his pack he chose to come to London, he chose to pursue them. So for future reference, he is not totally ignorant. He just jumped into a situation he was not completely capable of dealing with.

Edited by Macman253
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Name: Damaris Plantagenet “Addressed as Your Grace by lessers, and Madam by those closer to her rank.)

Gender: Female

Race: Pure blooded Englishwoman through and through.

True Age: 729

Apparent Age: mid to late 30’s/early forties.

Religion: Protestant

Clan: Ventrue

Bloodline: Malocusian

Covenant: Invictus

Covenant Faction: Most Noble Fellowship Of Artemis

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Domus, Celerity


Haven: Highwillow Hall, Damaris’s personal estate, is an enormous, palatial manor house situated within the vast countyside of Buckinghamshire. Construction started in 1690 following a rectangular, Elizabethan style complex, resembling the shape of Longleat. Its façade however drew upon Damaris’s earlier years, and was articulated in imposing, perpendicular gothic style. It features a painted dome reminiscent of Castle Howards. The interior defies both themes, and embodies a heavier, darker take upon the ornate of Rococo, still featuring gold trim, high, painted ceilings and intricate carvings. The colours are not the light pastels of the period, and are rather the darkest shades of previously bright selections. The vast mansion features everything one would expect, from ballroom to multiple drawing rooms, and enough bedchambers to fit an Elysium full of Kindred, it is a glorious show of Damaris’s wealth.




Height: 5’6”

Weight: 43kg

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Light brown

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: None of either.


General physical description: A word that is most often used to describe the features of Damaris is aristocratic- She not only holds herself with a refined and unbreakable posture, but an air of inborn refinement and elegance. Her features are gaunt, with naturally high cheekbones and sunken cheeks. Eyes are large, expressive, and sit beneath high, arched brows. She has a long, proud nose, almost perfectly symmetrical, beneath which are her thin lips and strong jawline. Her skin is perfectly flawless, free of scars, blemishes and other marks; it gives off the slightest radiance if she has bathed in Galloi blood.



Visual Appearance:








Voice: Deep, feminine, and thoroughly posh, her accent is one spoken by aristocracy and royalty, R.P in all its glory.


Clothing/armor: Conservative, modest and classy, her clothing is always exceedingly expensive, crafted from the finest materials money can afford. Her style could be described as “Masculine Femininity”, or “Feminine masculinity”. She re-makes masculine fashions, such as her much beloved military jackets, and adapts them to fit her figure, combining ancient pieces with marvels of modern tailoring, she always cuts a sleek and aristocratic figure.


The most notable objects she possesses are always worn upon her person, and symbolize her devotion to the Invictus. Gifted to her by the Prince of Lisbon to celebrate their long alliance and prosperous business venture together, a full set of flawless royal purple diamonds was given to her on their 100th anniversary. The set consists of a large empress cut ring, a pair of pear drop earrings, a bracelet, and finally a huge marquise cut, which she wears set into a choker of clear diamonds.




General Personality Traits: A kindred of many years, she is more reserved than most, and fits in to the stereotype most would expect of a Ventrue elder. An elitist through and through, she strongly believes in the concept that Ventrue are the lords of the night, and has been living in such a reality for many, many years. She lives by the codes of dignitas, and the Invictus’ pomp and parade. Having clawed and scraped her way up to the top, she is not one for charity or recognition of those beneath her; the right to speak to a being as venerated as her, to be noticed and not looked through with disdain is a privilege to be earnt, not a right. She sits within the upper most echelon of Kindred society, and frowns upon those outside of the gilded club that is the Invictus’s inner circle. In conversation she is pleasant and impeccably mannered, ever formal, and by modern standards overly so. She gives respect where it is due and fully expects the same courtesy to be returned. On the flipside, beneath her cordial exterior, Damaris is a violent, bloodthirsty and increasingly degenerate being; her methods have always been ruthless and brutal, and her violent resolution of troublesome situations has often got the better of her. She is certainly no raving lunatic about it though, her methods are quick and subtle, but the brutality involved often leaves other Kindred to wonder about her sanity.


Her megalomania developed from a mild narcissism she possessed early in her unlife, increasing tenfold with each generation that has passed, and her arrogance is not unwarranted or hollow. She has many accolades to prove her achievement, but her ego is far too inflated. As a result, she often suffers bouts of paranoia, suspecting those around her to be plotting to steal her glory.


Fears: Final death, succumbing to madness entirely, Lupines (those of which cannot be broken), the masquerade being broken, losing her titles.


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Indifferent and aloof to most, but when one has earnt the right to be formally introduced to her, she is cordial and well mannered, perhaps in rare cases, friendly.


Opinion of the world: “The world may have changed, but the night is still firmly within our grasp. Glory to the Invictus.”



Past: (If you feel like reading a boring novel, go ahead, but it is only the Elder stage that matters :D)


Pre Embrace:

The history of Damaris Plantagenet is one that started in the reign of the dynasty from which she received her name. Related by blood to the royals, her father was a Baron whom had sworn fealty to Henry III, and by extension, Edward I, despite the unrest amongst the nobility. As such, his life and that of his children was made easier knowing they had the protection of the crown.


Born in a time of turmoil, Damaris’s early years were spent cloistered in her family estate while the Scottish war of Independence erupted around her. Her brothers, when they came of age, were sent as Knights to quell rebellion with the rest of the English forces.


It was not until the death of her brothers and father at the hands of the Scot’s did Damaris step out into the world. She married, as her father had wanted, into a respectable and affluent family. This manoeuvre ensured not only her own standing and the continuation of the line, but it meant that everything left in the absence of her father would go right where she wanted it; Into the hands of her palpable husband.


By use of her influence over him, she ensured that funds were sent to help pay for the on-going war, and the barony safely within her control- On behalf of her son of course, who was not of age just yet.


Her actions, subtle as they were in an attempt to ensure that her father’s power remained in the hands of his flesh and blood, attracted the attention of the Invictus. While a woman was not the first choice, she had no public power, the lure of embracing one not only related to the king, but headstrong enough to ensure her lineage was kept safe and secure under her direction was too much a prospect to ignore; such a blooded mortal would bring great respect to the sire that managed to embrace it.



And so, one fateful night life was taken from Damaris, and unlife bestowed upon her.


The years came and went as it were, and Damaris learnt what it was to serve. While her mortal lineage and mortal titles gave her an edge over neonates of lesser blood, she was still but a pawn to the elders whichever way one looked at it. Her sire kept her on a tight leash, ensuring her every move was a reflection of his will, her money invested in endeavours he saw fit, her barony shaped into his desire, and her ancestral home taken by her lord. And as was the Malocusian way, he became one with the castle that rightfully belonged to his childe.


As she became ever more adept in the ways of the Kindred, her tutelage became her sires downfall; fully aware that she could not attack him and wrestle control from his grasp by forcing him to meet the final death by her hand, she devised a plot that would rid her of his iron grip for good, and remove what she saw as ‘A taint upon her rightful home.’


Instilling a seed of rumour among the peasants, playing on their superstitions about witch craft, she (through use of a ghoul ringleader) directed the inquisition right to her sire’s doorstep. After a few staged bodies were found drained of blood on castle grounds, a huge mob set the place alight to burn the devil within, whose powers over his domain could save him not as he slept the day away, meeting final death abruptly.



Following a few of her father’s leads and prodding a few favours out of the aristocracy, she arranged for a boat to take her to Lisbon, to integrate herself into the society of the damned away from those who may have been allied with her deceased sire. It was here she became a member of Lisbon’s court, eventually becoming a close friend with the cities prince-to-be. He was her greatest ally around this time, and after she helped him take office, a dutiful friend. He taught her the art of swordsmanship, and the principles of the Discipline Celerity. She remained in her Daeva allies court for many long years, garnering much respect among her peers, and finding the glories of a prince’s power fitting her tastes.


Her return to England on the eve of the Elizabethan era meant she was coming back with something she had not previously possessed; experience and prestige. She now had a real taste of what it could be among the upper echelons of the Invictus, and sought to elevate herself above her peers in her homeland. Becoming a major player, serving under important elders in the south, she gained a foothold in London, acquiring the rank of Lady in court for her business savvy, due in no small measure to her connection to Lisbon’s prince.



Her unlife was as most would expect until the late 1600’s; she struck gold when the Invictus felt it was time to expand their empire and reclaim what they saw as “Our birthright”, the country lands surrounding the city of London. Leading a vanguard of Gangrel, Daeva and Nosferatu (all amassed under her own influence), she took the initiative to act unordered upon the discussed whim of the inner circle; taking her force deep into the heart of Buckinghamshire, she wiped out the Circle of the Crone presence that had taken residence in the hills, and drove out the Lancea Sanctum who held prevalence in the parish towns that stood sparsely around the borough. Her violent solution was initially met with wrinkled brows, but the benefit of such actions could not be ignored; granted the title Duchess of Buckinghamshire in 1689 by the inner circle, and awarded the golden fang for valour, her estate’s construction was started the following year.


From there, her influence and power could only grow, claiming a monopoly of important figures as her kings and profitable ventures as her source of income, she interred herself into her vast mansion, her bloodlines powers finally allowed to awaken themselves. It was at the peak of her power in the 1800’s that she met the then-neonate Charles Harper, taking advantage of his talents and employing him.


Surviving through the first and second world wars (developing something of a fascist attitude as the party emerged), she became eclipsed in 1959, and remained in torpor until 2010. Finding the world strange and foreboding, a far cry from the hierarchal society she preyed upon, the Duchess has had a hard time adjusting, and has not been seen in public since entering Torpor. A relic of past times, Damaris seeks to integrate herself into the high society once more, but if fearful of what may transpire.


Embrace: She was embraced by an elusive Ventrue after being noticed by the Invictus- her sire was known by many names in his unlife, so it is hard to determine what is was she knew him as.


Birthplace: England.


Family/Relationships: Her family are long dead, however, a number of distant cousins were embraced for their Plantagenet name, so she is not the only of her dynasty still around.

Living/Dead Family Members: See above.

Friends: The Prince of Lisbon.

Enemies: Enemy is a strong word, but she does possess a rival of sorts in Gavin Johnstone, for his side in the Scottish war of Independence that killed her father.


Current Nationality: British

Current Place of Residence: Buckinghamshire.

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Okay guys, I've decided that I'm gonna move this thing over to Lisnpuppy's new RP forum. I think it'll fit over there much better than it does on the Nexus as anything in the World of Darkness setting isn't exactly PG-13. I just think that with fewer content restrictions we would be able to get the most out of the gothic horror setting than we can on here.

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