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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Absolutely useless comic-relief character ahoy!
Name: Johnny Guitar (probably just a nickname he gives himself, but he's stopped caring long enough to forget the answer.)
Gender: Male
Race: Human, English heritage.
True Age: 47
Apparent Age:60 because unkempt
Religion: None
Clan: None
Bloodline: (if applicable) none
Covenant: None
Covenant Faction: (if applicable) None
Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: None
Path: (If applicable) None
Haven: The nearest trashcan.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair: Long, mangy, filthy, brown with some grey patches
Eyes: Johnny's got a couple of big, mischievous-looking brown eyes on him that have a glint in them that says he may not be totally there.
Skin: Johny's skin is fair, with some red spots.
Handedness: Right
Scars/Tattoos: A tatoo on his upper right arm that says "F*** THE POLICE" just because he can. And maybe because he's been arrested for disorderly conduct a couple of times and has held a grudge ever since. His nose is also slightly crooked because flying banjos are dangerous.
General physical description: http://nicedeb.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/crazee-homeless-man.jpg?w=250&h=298
Clothing/armor: A ratty old 'white' T-shirt (pretty much yellow now.) beneath a faded leather sleeveless vest, with a dark grey beanie hat, ruined and faded jeans, and brown leather hiking shoes that are somehow in good shape.
General Personality Traits: Johnny Guitar is the kind of guy that acts grumpy but really doesn't actually give a care in the world. He also has a talent for getting in over his head and having no idea what is going on, preferring to leave the thinking to folks that can put a few syllables together and go play the banjo in a lawn chair. Despite his knack for getting into trouble, he can also haul himself out of it through some means or another, often screaming about some irrelevant subject or another as he runs the other way to hide somewhere.
Fears: The loss of his banjo and/or his beard.
Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Hope ya don't mind the stench!
Opinion of the world: Might as well live a bit while you're here. Disrupt the tedium of it all.
Past: Johnny comes from a long line of hobos and vagrants dating back to the Great Depression, where his ancestors wound up homeless. Through some strange twist of fate, one of them decided that they loved the homeless life and somehow persuaded further generations of such. Johnny was raised in a similar fashion, but 'moved out' from his parents when he was around eighteen, and they passed away twenty-five years later. He's been a banjo-playing bearded miscreant ever since. (Very) recently, he was forced to hide in his trashcan as firearm-packing thugs beat some other man to within a literal inch of his life. Peeking out of his trashcan, he witnessed the horrifying fate of said lowlifes at the hands of some creature, he decided it wise to leave just in case it wanted seconds. He left the scene mere minutes the "clean-up" began, which he knew nothing about.

Embrace: "Too many syllables!"

Family/Relationships: His banjo (best inanimate friend a hobo could ask for.) and his beard.
Living/Dead Family Members: Parents (deceased.)
Friends: Fellow homeless people (usually), rebels, ne'er-do-wells.
Enemies: Overtly-uptight police officers, though the nice ones he gets along with.
Current Nationality: English.
Current Place of Residence: As of his previous trash can being blown sky high, none.
Merits and Flaws: Johnny can be friendly enough, but he's not the type to stick his neck on the line to save somebody else, which likely saved him from getting mauled by Nathaniel. He can also be loud and obnoxious but strangely charming in his own 'special' way. Also he's surprisingly good on the banjo but sings hilariously badly.
Magic Items: His winning personality, magnificent beard, and super cool banjo.
Edited by Flipout6
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It's up at last, yay :dance:


Apologies for not posting, I've been really busy as of late, and the little free time I've had, has been spent playing VTMB rather than paying the slightest bit of attention to the Rp forum- Which also links into the fact that after playing, I've got a new Idea for a character I'd like to play, well, more a revamped (pardon the pun) version of an older character of mine. :tongue:


I'll get the sheet up after discussing things with our supreme overlord, then I should be posting :thumbsup:

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Hey, everyone. Listen, there's a very good possibility that I won't be able to post later today or tomorrow (I have a wedding to go to). I will definitely be back Sunday, though. Everyone have fun, and please don't burn the place down while I'm gone, eh? Tah.

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Here is my next character :D


Name: Ameline Barenchekov
Gender: Female
Race: Russian (Caucasian)
True Age: 280

Apparent Age: 29
Path: (if on a Path)
Religion: Atheist

Clan: Toreador
Clan/Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence.

Haven: Barenchekov Theatre

Height: 6’1”

Weight: A lady never tells, but from her stick-thin silhouette, it’s certainly below average for a woman of her height.
Hair: Ameline’s hair is long and thick, a deep shade of entirely artificial red, it shimmers brilliantly, often worn in waves or an updo of some kind.
Eyes: Light brown
Skin: Pale white and flawless.

Handedness: Right
Scars/Tattoos: The Toreador rose on her right wrist.

General physical description: Tall, lithe and model-thin, Ameline embodies that which is most commonly seen as beautiful on a highly superficial level- Much to the joy of the Toreador whom embraced her. With a naturally high hairline (but by no means bordering on receding) Ameline’s face is framed by her red hair, a forehead free of wrinkles or lines leads to a highly arched brow, eyebrows meticulously plucked and styled to perfection, her eyes are expressive and captivating, long lashes protrude from the lid. Her nose is neither hugely long nor drastically short, it is delicately shaped and symmetrical in shape. Her lips are full and in a near perpetual semi-pout. Her jawline is strong and her chin soft. Makeup is an ever present and all important feature of Ameline’s appearance, for without it she seems incapable of projecting ‘natural beauty’, which is just as well considering it is only the superficial that interests her. Her face is kept pale and of a porcelain quality, cheeks contoured and slightly rouged to offset her cheekbones, her eyes thick with flicked slivers of eyeliner, and tasteful, smokey grey eye shadow- Her lips are a glossy crimson red.

Voice: Deep, sultry, and naturally seductive, her every word is laced with sweet rapture, breathy and exaggerated, she appeals to people through witty remarks and carefully placed compliments, her subtle Russian accents adds an allure of exoticism, further helping her bend her words for maximum effect.

Clothing/armor: An undisputed Couture Queen when the moment hits her, Ameline is known for her dazzling gowns and captivating jewellery when appearing at Kindred events or meetings, with a taste that is both artistic and expensive, new and upcoming designers find their catwalk creations purchased by the charismatic seductress, as do the kingpins of the fashion world. Red, blue, green, purple, any colour as long as it mingles with her desires can be seen upon her, favouring shades that are slightly darker, or lighter, than her hair when choosing a red, she is not fond of neon colours at all, she likes to leave such blindingly sickly colours to the Malkavians that so choose to dress themselves. Casual wear is equally as expensive for Ameline, although when not attending an event she likes to wear all manner of revealing clothes, from crimson red trouser-suits, to plunging mini-dresses, she seldom wears the same thing twice, but one thing that can be counted upon however, is that Ameline will be wearing heels.


General Personality Traits: Ameline is a flirt and a social paramour, an adept at manipulating near any situation to her own gain, she plays many people against each other with a slight whisper. If one phrase could be used to describe the bewitching lady of the evening, it would most definitely be “Two faced b*tch.”. Her personality, magnetic as it may be, is certainly not one any should come to trust, but trust they do. When sitting with two friends, she will whisper sweet cajolery to whomever is on her right, then turn to the hound upon her left to whisper wicked insults about the former- Such is the game she plays each night, be it on a grand or a small scale, turning friends against eachother, stealing assets where she may find them, crushing marriages should such an action benefit her, and either utterly destroying, or utterly bolstering a Kindred’s standing in social society. She is cunning, seductive, enthralling, enticing and ever cheerful when she wishes one well, while her every thought is of herself, her amorous attention and supposed caring may be lent for a time to whomever is blessed or cursed enough to receive it, those who do find themselves blissfully strung along and bled dry of whatever resource they can offer her, money, power, information, all things can be loosened if enough sweet love is applied.


Of course, the winning smile and caring tone, laced with rapture as it may be, hides a vile and unattractive dark side. Social snubbing Is one thing, and simple bitching is to be expected in the full from all Toreador, but if one earns Ameline’s love in a less than favourable way, then the old story of the burnt out Toreador elder plotting their revenge and orchestrating it as a piece of art comes to life, be it social shattering of the most serious, emotional destruction or even final death, Ameline’s bitchyness transforms into dangerous resent.

Fears: True Death, being degraded to a lower standing, losing her social status.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: She is welcoming and happy upon meeting strangers and relatively unknown people, but once she has met you a face is something she never forgets. To friends she is attentive and open, going to great lengths to ensure she keeps them (while talking about them behind their back) Her ways are of constant flirtation and of telling people what they want to hear, until you do something wrong. Then be prepared to face the Alpha-B*tch in all her glory.

Opinion of the world: The world is a playground for someone like Ameline, here she may spin her we and manipulate her toys as she pleases, but it is also full of beautiful mortals just waiting to be loved, kindred to be entwined amongst, and powerful evils to avoid at all cost.


Past: Born in Moscow the daughter of a wealthy aristocrat, a vast renowned party-thrower and gossip mongerer, her life was one of hedonism and artistic pursuits- a benefactress to penniless artists, broke metal smiths and starving architects, her excessive borrowing of family money for such pursuits were frowned upon, but her father gave in to save himself the trouble of dealing with her in an angered state. She secretly slept around with the most handsome of the noble stock, currying favours and simply living life on a self-destructive path of hedonistic pursuits, parties, gambling, you name it she may well have taken part.

However, rather than her deteriorating path lead to die young and be remembered forever, it lead to die young and live forever- Meeting perhaps the most alluring creature she had ever seen, a supposed count named Bronski, her heart stopped and her vampiric eyes opened.

She adjusted well and fast to the Kindred lifestyle, and after many years conquering the Kindred’s social circles in Russia, she left in the 19th century to pursue the wonders of the outside world. Creating quite the name for herself amongst the kindred as a manipulator and favour-seeker, if she wanted anything, she got it, be that through her vast network of contacts, or her individual benefactors (both human and Kindred alive), She lived in Paris for some years, rooting herself deep within the fashion world as it sprung into life, finding companionship amongst the designers of old, and eventually those of new.


Upon arrival in Britain she began working her way up the social ladder, and has once again found a throne as the Toreador’s Primogen, after the last mysteriously disappeared, reportedly exodized with many other Kindred, some believe that other methods were employed to leave an opening for Ameline to take.


Nonetheless, She is a dutiful member of the Council, when it is in her interest to be so, and with such a small number of Kindred around, is able to see to the fact that her wants are voiced, rather than that of her diminished clan.

Embrace: Embraced by Count Bronski.

Birthplace: Moscow
Family/Relationships: No family that is living.
Friends: Numerous, some are closer than others.
Enemies :Few, she tries to keep in everyone’s good books and has so far succeeded, on a public scale at least.

Current Nationality: Russian (British citizenship)
Current Place of Residence: London.

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