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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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I have made an error and apologize for it. I completely forgot to mention that there were no more Anarchs left in the city of London, they left with most of the other Kindred. So London's completely under the control of the Camarilla. I've told many of you about this but forgot to put it in the first post. Apologies all around.


And Macman... why the sudden change in what Nathan's doing? Was he not checking out the explosion? Why'd you change your post 12 hours later after so many people have posted after you? I think at that point it's a little late to save face.

Edited by josh900
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I didn't change it to save face, I changed it because I wanted to progress a little. I mean it just happened so the street level guys wouldn't know about it right away. It makes sense that he would continue on, my plan was for him to hear about it in my next post and then return to the scene. Gives other people time to do their posts or arrive at the scene aswell.


Also the delay is because of work, I have to be at work by six in the morning and I don't get off usually until 4 or 5 in the afternoon or how I can. I just edited the post when I got home because I was not satisfied with it and it didn't really effect anything.

Edited by Macman253
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Mac..... You didn't know that Graham was cleaning up Nathan's mess... I had to tell you that, cause you said yourself that you weren't really paying attention to any of our post, and you went and changed it right after that. Everybody noticed it and some were pretty angry that all you did was take a glance at our post so far (which from what I've heard is a habit of yours), so here I was trying to give you a chance to explain the situation to them, let em know that you know you made a mistake and all that, kinda redeem yourself a bit with an apology and then everything would be fine, but no.. You wanna try and cover it up with a lie, and expect me to not call you out on it. It's a class act dude, class act.


We're all getting sick and tired of all the excuses from you, I can't speak for Altmerlover cause I don't know his opinion on the matter or if he really has one, but I know everyone else in this is sick of em too. You always wanna add some story about your work hours or your job, that comes with the territory of being an adult, we've all got our schedules and crap to put up, and yes it all sucks, if you wanna rant about your job then by all means rant about it, go on a tangent that would destroy Microsoft word with it's length, but don't use it as an excuse ,come right out and say if you have a problem. If you can't think of something to post, then say so, if you mess up, admit it, It's really simple as that.

All we want from you is to at least respect us enough to pay closer attention to other people, the setting, and stop making excuses for your mistakes, just a little "Hey guys, I messed up here. Sorry about that, fixing it now." works wonders. That's all you need to say and we're all happy.


And to clarify, I'm not being a jerk here or anything, this isn't an attack by any means, I'm pointing out a problem you have that many of us here have noticed, in the hopes that you fix said problem and evolve as a roleplayer and turn out to be a little more likable than some of us perceive you as. This section of the site doesn't get much traffic so any roleplayers that are as active as you are is a good thing. We want your post here Macman, I certainly do. The new edit to the post I called out above and your new one? Were great! Way better than the previous edit and original. You can write really well at times, I know everyone's kinda doing their own thing right now but when we all start to group together I wanna see Nathan involved with the group. I really do wanna see him interact with everyone else, and I know this is going back to what I talk to you over the PMs but it's all connected. It is all about respecting everyone else.

And if for some reason you feel like you can't really communicate with us without needing some reason to go along with your apology or whatever.. just.. drop that train of thought right there. We're all a nice group of people that just wanna have fun working together, making an epic story, and have fun doing it. We don't bite, Yeah I'm a little rough but that's just me being my usual grumpy, buttholesh self. (But in truth I'd rather we were all friends and sat around singing and telling stories together, but that's a secret so don't tell no one, shhhhhhhh)

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Well, I have had a night to rest on it and yeah I have been neglecting other peoples posts and just throwing out random ones on my own. A lot of it is because I don't have much to throw out but Nathan is the first deeply flawed character, my mistake is a good thing in my opinion, not in the sense that I don't regret it but in the sense that it will give Nathan a chance to evolve from solo Gangrel to maybe a Kindred that can be respected since well Gangrel get little to no respect.


Secondly, I sincerely do want to apologize, yeah I have been more then a little jerkish and anti-social. A lot of it is due to work and a demanding client but it is also writers block, I have two short stories that remain unfinished here on the Nexus and many more on my laptop hard drive. These RP's allow me to stretch my writing skills and I thank you for letting me do that, I am by no means even a decent writer but I am far better now then I was when I first joined the nexus, and I have all of you to thank for that. You keep me guessing :thumbsup:


I look forward to what develops for Nathaniel, he is as you said it before "In Hot Water" lol I was thinking about it so much today I walked into a rotating glass door with my clients shopping today because I was distracted lol

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Here is the sheet of my next character (Viola has been... displaced for now), Xi-Jing. If anyone (particularly our supreme overlord) has anything to ask about the disciplines or anything else in here that is Kuei-Jin specific do ask, as I don't think the Wiki has much detail on everything, or if anything needs clarifying do say, I haven't gone into as much detail as I would have liked, but it's a sheet nonetheless. I have tried to explain the disciplines chosen briefly however, but if any questions do remain, do ask :blush: :




Name: Xi-Jing.

Gender: Female.

Race: Asian (Chinese).

True Age: 369

Apparent Age: 32.

Religion: Taoism.

Clan: Kuei-Jin (put in clan for ease)

Chi Balance: Yin

Direction: West (Skilled in communing with Spirits, Kuei-Jin of the west are cold and unfeeling, attuned necromancers and carers of wayward spirits.)

Dharma: The Song of the Shadow (Unfeeling, emotionless Kuei-Jin, they are the scholars, assassins and diplomats of the Middle Kingdom, among which stand necromancers and occultists, sorcerers and spirit-stealers)

Nature(Hun): Conniver

Nature(P’o): Demon

*Disciplines: Yin prana, Mibasham, Tzu Wei, Bone Shintai.

Haven: Her home in London’s Chinatown.


Height: 5’9

Weight: 120lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: An eerie, powder blue.

Skin: Alabaster

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: The largest tattoo Xi-Jing possesses encompasses the entirety of her back. In the centre rests a large yin orb, the yin a purple-black. In line with the boundaries of yin a tapestry of images relating to said form of chi ensures that no part of her flesh is left visible on her back, the images of tortured souls and desolation, the ebon dragon encircles the black egg, and the scarlet queen cries a river of blood.


Her arms are subject to scripture and codes in various places, serpentine forms and dragon like creatures framing particularly important sutras, each finger bears a line of Chinese characters running from above her nail to bellow her knuckle. The tattoos on her arms are not all-encompassing however- They only run down the inside (save those on her fingers)


General physical description: Tall, lean and lithe, Xi-Jing strikes an imposing figure and a powerful visage. With a head of full, silky black hair, and a gaunt but attractive face, her jaw is strong, her lips full and her eyes wide yet expressionless. While blessed with mortal beauty, her unnaturally icy ness detracts from this, as she often sends shivers down the spine of those who meet her.


Voice: Tinged with an asian accent, a mingling of both Chinese and Japanese that has waned slightly from her time abroad, Xi-Jin speaks clearly and calmly, her tone often monotonous, expressionless. A devout follower of her path, she gives knowledge freely, but wraps it in silken cloth, that is to say, much of what she says is in subtle riddles.

Clothing/armor: While possessing a wardrobe of authentic Chinese wear given to her as a gift from the Quincunx , her favoured wear are the black silken gowns she dons when reading portents- She is often seen in a silken gown, it clings to her body like film, protecting her modesty in its entirety, the gown has full sleeves and a long, heavy train, adorned with golden rope tassels. Various images of a subtly haunting nature are threaded into the silk, a vast tapestry of seemingly ever changing images. She often wears jade jewellery, not only for its appearance, but for the stores of Yin residing within. It is worth noting that culturally she considers herself neither predominantly Chinese nor adoptively Japanese- Rather, she considers herself Kuei-Jin, and dresses in elements of both the Chinese and Japanese culture.


General Personality Traits: Cold to the iciest extremity and detached from mortal cares and worries, Xi Jing is a being who embodies the Cold Mind, ever calm with an impenetrable will and non-existent temper, she is often regarded as unsettlingly still and contemplative. She watches, she listens, she consorts with spirits, all the while with never a hunt of anger, never a flicker of raw emotion. Her detachment is not just from others, but from the realm of concern also; Acts of unspeakable evil, or the threats of a greater being do not cause her to flinch, rather look on with a cold gaze.

Fears: She fears being destroyed before her path of knowledge is complete.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: A diplomat, despite her iciness she is cordial and politely spoken to all.

Opinion of the world: The world has a great many mysteries to unravel, but it is merely one world between many.

Past: Born between the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, and the rise of the Qing Dynasty, Xi-Jing was known as Liu Tze in life, the daughter of a provincial governor. Her path was not destined to be that of a dutifull wife however, her true calling was the knowledge of the ages- Drawn to the spirit world and hearing the faintest whisper of the Shadow Song, her death came as she had all but unravelled the truth about the ancestor spirits, her lifelong pursuit to understand what lay beyond the veil, was cut short by the broadsword of a mindless criminal.

Second Breath: Her determination to achieve her mortal goals only served to push her P’o through the Yomi World, and into her body once more. Taken in by various Kuei-Jin elders, she learnt much of her society, and absorbed the knowledge as she had in life- Interred into the Jade Court of Changan, to learn under many a mentor, and eventually under Bodhisattva Zhao Zaikeng himself. It was not until the year 1900 did she leave the confides of the temple to seek out further enlightenment, her travels taking her far from the middle kingdom, into realms of ancient secrets, most prominent among them perhaps Egypt, there she successfully conversed with the spirit of a long dead pharaoh, and learnt the secrets of the Egyptian afterlife, or, at least what she could extract from the spirit. From there, her journey took her into Europe, and, eventually London, where she resides as a fortune teller, consorting with Yama Kings to further her goals.

Birthplace: Lìjiāng

Family/Relationships: All deceased and all but forgotten.

Living/Dead Family Members: N/A

Friends: She has few friends, but a number of ‘contacts’ with whom to speak in the western world.
Enemies: She has earned the ire of many a being in her time.

Current Nationality: Chinese
Current Place of Residence: London, Chinatown.





​*Discipline explanations:


Yin Prana: To put it simply and not ramble on for pages, it is the ability of Kuei-Jin who are attuned to Yin energies to manipulate it. Yin is dark energy for lack of a better phrase, while Yang is the spiritual energy associated with living, happiness, joy, anger and excitement (and is ciphered from such emotions), Yin is the opposite, and through Yin Prana, one can manipulate the balance of Yin in anothers body to say, make them ill, depressed. Or even manifest the energy in a literal form, spewing it forth as a black cloud that corrodes and withers whatever it touches (But this is a very drastic use).


Mabisham: A feared and obscure art rarely practised by Kuei-Jin who are not of a philosophical standing, it allows the being to tap into the very nature of existence itself, in a way. It allows the Kuei-Jin to look into another's soul to see what drives them, exploit others ignorance to true reality to assist in combat, create powerful illusions and travel to the Yin and Yang worlds (a foolish exploit for the ill prepared) and at a level of true mastery, force a fellow Kuei-Jin to re-evaluate his place in the great wheel, and change his Dharmic standing. It is also a key component of spirit communication, as it allows one to peer into the underworld.


Tzu Wei: Really the advanced and supernaturally aided art of fortune telling, for the short explanation, it allows one to see what the stars hold, and even alter them to grant one luck by grasping joss currents to push others along their path, cast horoscopes and read omens.


Bone Shintai: If Flesh Shintai is to Kuei-Jin what Fleshcrafting is to the Tzimisce, then Bone Shintai is to the Tzimisce an oriental version of their Bone Sculpting. Practised by many Kuei-Jin for it's versatility, it is not quite as comprehensive as Bone Sculpting to the average user, it allows bony plates to be formed as protection, claws to be sprung from ones fingers, or perhaps a blade crafted from the bone in ones arm. It is often used by more scholarly Kuei-Jin as a last resort only, when diplomacy fails and combat is the only option remaining- Although whether ones attacker fights after one turn ones shin into a serrated blade is debatable.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Well cool Macman, I look forward to seeing Nathan grow as a character, And you know if you're ever stuck with writers block you can ask for help here and we'll help you brainstorm your next post, give you some ideas and all that :thumbsup:


And approved Mythic.

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Name: Theodorus (called Theo by those familiar with him)

Gender: Male

Race: European (Byzantine, possibly Celtic)

True Age: Somewhere over 2300 hundred years old

Apparent Age: 19

Religion: Disclosed

Clan: Tzimisce

Nature: Visionary

Demeanor: Enigma

*Disciplines: Vicissitude, Animalism, Auspex, Presence, Thaumaturgy

Haven: Somewhere deep in London


Height: 6'8

Weight: 250lbs

Hair: White

Eyes: Red irises and pupils, black whites

Skin: Deep blue

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: None.

General physical description: Theodorus looks completely inhuman. His skin is the colour of a deep night; his body is tall and slender and muscular; his features are what stand out the most: Theodorus is eerily symetrical.

His body is like this minus the hands on the shoulders and including spikes on both shoulders:


His face is like the next two pictures, the symmetry of the first, but the inhumanness of the second:



Note: his face lacks the spikes and extra features of this face, but has the alien quality of the eyes, while maintaining a masculine look (including eyebrows). His face looks extremely predatory. He has small spikes coming out of the back of his jaw. His ears are tapered on both ends but flat against his skull.

One of the biggest features Theodorus has are his wings. They look like large dove's wings:


The wings can "grow" out from his body when he needs them and "meld" back into his body when he doesn't. It makes a sickening sound when it happens.

Voice: Deep and smooth. When hearing Theodorus' voice, it feels like he knows too much and has seen so many things, both wonderful and horrible.

Clothing/armor: Theodorus doesn't wear much clothes when he is in his private areas. Sometimes he will wear a light robe when moving about. If he goes out in public, he will wear something fashionable and professional but cover his body completely, including his head with either a deep cowl or something like that.


General Personality Traits: Despite being completely inhuman in appearance, Theodorus acts rather politely. But that politeness does mask a complete nigh-alien thinking that he has developed. He is still courteous to strangers and will be extremely hospitable to guests.

Fears: Nothing he would want anyone to know.

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Courteous and polite, like all Tzimisce.

Opinion of the world: The world is full of insignificant people: cattle and those who cannot grasp their own reigns. This world has secrets to tell and it does not tell it to those who do not search for it themselves.


Past: Born in the golden age of Byzantium, Theodorus was the son of a poor couple. When he turned 11, he was sold into prostitution. He was a very popular pick among the patrons for his fair looks (at the time, pale blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes). He lived that life for many years on until he was 16. He was to be sold to a nobleman in Constantinople who, when he was brought to the nobleman, proceeded to gang rape Theodorus with other men and do sadistic things to him. After the agonizing event, he was told that he was to be sold yet again to an even more perverse and deviant nobleman in Rome.

Theodorus refused and killed his captor in a rage. Hearing the struggle, the men from the rape came in and beat Theodorus to near death. The young teenager was then sentenced to a prison sentence which ended rather soon (he spent about a year and a half in it being beaten and malnourished and neglected). Psychologically, Theodorus was reeling. Physically, Theodorus was in agony. He was left on the streets to spend the rest of his days as a beggar or to do whatever he needed to make his money.

Theodorus then spent the next two years being treated as scum. Theodorus, desperate as he was, even hoped for a return to the whorehouse he grew up in, but crushed that before it might happen. So he wandered the streets of Constantinople, dreading life. It was this time that he began to contemplate things. He contemplated the meaning of life, the meaning of pain, and the meaning of suffering. Theodorus realized that suffering and pain, all that he had been through, had made him stronger and wiser. So great was this idea that he took to deliberate harming himself at times just to get that brief epiphany of what it meant.

The day came when Theodorus caught the eye of The Dracon. As homely as Theodorus had become, he was still the beautiful lad he was born, but that wasn't the only thing The Dracon had noticed about him; The Dracon had watched him harm himself and found it fascinating. He found everything that Theodorus had done and been through fascinating and made his long dead heart feel something for the man.

So, one night, after Theodorus had deliberately sliced his palm open and salted his wounds, The Dracon approached him in all of his glory as a Tzimisce. Theodorus was certainly surprised by him, but he was not in fear. He looked up in awe at the Tzimisce and felt tears well up in his eyes. Never had he seen something so beautiful as this angel that stood before him. The knew each other that night and Theodorus, with Michael's (Mi-ka-il, that Toreador ruling Constantinople) blessing, The Dracon Embraced Theodorus.

Theodorus proved to be adept at learning the arts of Vicissitude. A prodigal, eagre student he was. Theodorus took to the Embraced state as a shark took to bloody water. One of the highlights of his early years as a Cainite was when he rounded up all of those who had ever used him without consideration (especially those who had gang raped him) and made a bloody experiment with his newly acquired flesh crafting skills.

When Byzantium fell, Theodorus fled it with The Dracon to lands far away. They spent their time as lovers (because The Dracon was done with Michael and Antonius) and practiced their crafts.

When the Inquisition began, the pair was in Italy at the time studying even more and collected ever more occult knowledge. They had found some ancient Etruscan tombs which harbored secrets of vampiric Disciplines which they shared with each other.

They fled Italy then (it was a hotbed for Inquisition activities) and arrived in Romania, their Clan's stronghold. They slept for a long time with The Dracon waking from torpor long before Theodorus did. Theodorus woke to find the Cainite world in a new struggle- the Anarch Revolt. He initially sided with the Tzimisce Antediluvian but decided to stay out of the war for his own well being- besides, he had faith that [Tzimisce] would be able to deal with its attackers.

Tonight: Theodorus is known far and wide as a Cainite occultist and flesh crafter. He is in the league of Beckett and Sascha Vykos. He has decided to reside in London for the time being, though no one knows why. He presence brings dread however. Many Kindred fear his name because many know of his dark reputation.

Birthplace: Constantinople, Byzantium

Family/Relationships: All deceased and forgotten

Living/Dead Family Members: n/a

Friends: The Dracon, formerly Michael, disclosed personnel.
Enemies: Many..

Current Nationality: n/a
Current Place of Residence: Disclosed

Edited by AltmerLover1313
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