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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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I gotta ask Altmer... what's this new character's purpose? Cause it seems like with the way you've described him... no one would want to have anything to do with him. Both because Tzimisce are almost always Sabbat, and because you say so yourself in his sheet that people are scared of him. So why would anyone want to have anything to do with him? And with him supposedly being so powerful... why would he bother getting involved with what's going on in London?


And most importantly of all...... The backstory and level of power he has just screams Mary sue and that right there is reason enough to reject his sheet. So he needs to have a DAMN good reason to be here if you want to use him in his current form, but honestly? It'd be easier to rewrite him altogether than to give me a convincing answer.

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Honestly, I agree with Josh 100%... And the part about him self-harming for pleasurable reasons really irritates me, because that's something I'd consider a "trigger." (A trigger being something that could potentially set off anxiety, panic, etc.) It both ticks me off and sets off panic because it brings up painful memories about someone I used to know.


It's none of my business, but if you could refrain from writing those kinds of masochistic characters, I'd appreciate it.

Edited by tokyobleach
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Yeah, no offense, Altmer, but I have to agree with Tok and josh. Theo seems quite over-powered in some instances here (2300 years old and 5 Disciplines?). Not to mention some of the history you have in your new character's background is a bit much, don't you think? I know that VtM is set in the World of Darkness and is indeed dark, but stuff like the gang-rape, sexual history, and one or two other things just isn't necessary here in my opinion. If you could change a few things, I think it'd make for a better RP for everyone.


I'm not trying to be a jerk here, I'm just throwing my opinion out here.

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Theodorus would be a supporting character. I never intended him to be one of those characters who were always around. Every story has its background characters. Elders and Methuselahs have always been in the background, working their schemes and pulling strings. I don't want to give away special plot things he was about, but I could private message you those things.


Theodorus is certainly not a Mary Sue and I never intended for him to be in such a characterisation. I did miscalculate his age though. It's around 1300 rather than 2300 hundred.


Why wouldn't Cainite elders be at all interested in what is going on in London, despite the fact that it's London?


Theodorus is a character much similar to Beckett and Myca/Sascha Vykos.


A note of Tzimisce sects:

Within the Sabbat, the Tzimisce are the spiritual leaders and scholars, in contrast with the Lasombra's preference to leadership and temporal power. While the Lasombra are the Cardinals and Bishops, the Tzimisce prefer being pack priests, Prisci, or even not having titles at all and focusing on personal development. Some people even ponder (out of earshot, of course) that the Tzimisce are not very sincere in their attachment to the sect, and that the only reasons they are even present amongst the Sabbat is their dislike of Camarilla clans (especially the Tremere) and not fitting with the Camarilla's policy of hiding among humans (Tzimisce tend to see humans as mere plaything below their consideration). However, those Tzimisce who show genuine dedication to the Sabbat ideal are paragons of their sect, impressing (and even scaring) other Sabbat with their fervor and contributions.

However, in Eastern Europe, many Tzimisce give only lip service to the Sabbat, and prefer to live solitary unlives following their own pursuits. Most Sabbat give these Tzimisce leeway, since most of them are very old and very powerful. More than one upstart neonate has been toyed into an unrecognizable visceral mess by angry Tzimisce wanting to be left alone.





How long have you been playing or into WoD? This is a dark, horrifying world. Nothing is light and pseudo-horrific. Vampire: The Masquerade itself is a game of personal horror. If you think what I presented in my character is bad, just read the Baali Clanbook or Revelations of the Dark Mother. Let's not even forget that one of the big staples in Tzimisce culture is torture which is blatantly stated in the sourcebooks.


My character is not even a masochist. The World of Darkness is, again, a horrifying, shocking, uncomfortable world where everything you believe in is questioned and twisted.




Five disciplines is hardly Mary Sue. Many Kindred will learn out of clan disciplines because they can. He's definitely not a master in these disciplines, but he wants to expand his knowledge.


Again, the World of Darkness is a horrifying, unforgiving world. You have to accept all of WoD to play a true WoD game. Hell, even the famous Tzimisce Myca/Sascha Vykos castrated himself in front of the Convention of Thorns.

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If you ask me his entire concept is rather flawed, without being a jerk, I have read the Tzimisce clanbook, and never have I come across one that (Aside from the Star-F*cker template) That would make themselves famed in any way shape or form. They are reclusive, secretive, and actively hunted by the Tremere, his "Fame", especially on a level as high as Beckett's would make him an easy target, and as the note you provided says " in Eastern Europe, many Tzimisce give only lip service to the Sabbat" for that very reason alone, did it not occur to you that once his presence is made known, especially seeing as he is so widely feared, that a Blood Hunt would be called by the Camarilla? Because London is a Camarilla city.


And yes, the world of darkness is a horrific setting by lore, but this is an extension of the nexus forums, and furthermore, to quote the rules:


10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


Tokyobleach has expressed her discomfort regarding self harm, and whether it is a part of the WoD or not, it distresses her, and therefore out of courtesy and respect if nothing else you won't give her such a snooty reply, does it matter how long she's been playing WoD? I've been playing for a while now, and does that mean I am comfortable with every tiny detail in the thing? No. The Ocean house level greatly distressed me after finding the newspaper regarding the severed child's head, so I skipped the level using cheats, that is a subject that I find sensitive and would never dream of detailing, the harming of children disgusts me, and I imagine if I began writing about such matters no one would be all too happy, WoD or not (indeed the harm of Children is present in the greater setting), this is a forum roleplay, not the game, and therefore compromises are going to have to be made, no matter "How long you've been playing WoD."


I must disagree, five disciplines is a hell of a lot, and a Tzimisce with both Vicissitude and Thaumaturgy? That is rather overpowered whether you see so or not, coupled with animalism, should a fight ensue whomever opposes him would be utterly eliminated. Also, the fact he was embraced by The Dracon, a fourth generation Tzimisce, he would be of the fifth generation, a Methuselah. It says in both the original and the 20th anniversary book that they possess demi-godly power, and are rumoured to be able to open the gates of hell themselves- Please explain how that is not in the regions of a mary sue?


And again, to embrace and play the WoD you do not need to embrace each and every aspect- This is not an official WoD chronicle nor a true experience, if it was we would have dice and would all be starting with 12th generation Neonates just released from their sires service.


I may not run this thread, that's Josh's job, but I think having roleplayed on this website long enough, having made a whole host of mistakes that have ruined experiences for other roleplayers myself, I can tell you that creating a character like this one is a bad idea, and that arguing with everyone else and throwing around that they have to play the setting a certain way and accept all of it's horrors is a sure way to get yourself disliked- An attitude like that isn't gonna help anything, they have all made valid points and clearly everyone thinks it's a bad idea, so that must say something.


I don't want a huge argument, and neither do I want the moderators to get involved, we all saw what happened with Baldur and it wasn't pretty, I really don't want a re-run, nor to waste the moderators time with such petty things as a roleplay- You have to give a little and get a lot, what is one character to a long and prosperous roleplay?



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If you ask me his entire concept is rather flawed, without being a jerk, I have read the Tzimisce clanbook, and never have I come across one that (Aside from the Star-F*cker template) That would make themselves famed in any way shape or form. They are reclusive, secretive, and actively hunted by the Tremere, his "Fame", especially on a level as high as Beckett's would make him an easy target, and as the note you provided says " in Eastern Europe, many Tzimisce give only lip service to the Sabbat" for that very reason alone, did it not occur to you that once his presence is made known, especially seeing as he is so widely feared, that a Blood Hunt would be called by the Camarilla? Because London is a Camarilla city.


And yes, the world of darkness is a horrific setting by lore, but this is an extension of the nexus forums, and furthermore, to quote the rules:


10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


Tokyobleach has expressed her discomfort regarding self harm, and whether it is a part of the WoD or not, it distresses her, and therefore out of courtesy and respect if nothing else you won't give her such a snooty reply, does it matter how long she's been playing WoD? I've been playing for a while now, and does that mean I am comfortable with every tiny detail in the thing? No. The Ocean house level greatly distressed me after finding the newspaper regarding the severed child's head, so I skipped the level using cheats, that is a subject that I find sensitive and would never dream of detailing, the harming of children disgusts me, and I imagine if I began writing about such matters no one would be all too happy, WoD or not (indeed the harm of Children is present in the greater setting), this is a forum roleplay, not the game, and therefore compromises are going to have to be made, no matter "How long you've been playing WoD."


I must disagree, five disciplines is a hell of a lot, and a Tzimisce with both Vicissitude and Thaumaturgy? That is rather overpowered whether you see so or not, coupled with animalism, should a fight ensue whomever opposes him would be utterly eliminated. Also, the fact he was embraced by The Dracon, a fourth generation Tzimisce, he would be of the fifth generation, a Methuselah. It says in both the original and the 20th anniversary book that they possess demi-godly power, and are rumoured to be able to open the gates of hell themselves- Please explain how that is not in the regions of a mary sue?


And again, to embrace and play the WoD you do not need to embrace each and every aspect- This is not an official WoD chronicle nor a true experience, if it was we would have dice and would all be starting with 12th generation Neonates just released from their sires service.


I may not run this thread, that's Josh's job, but I think having roleplayed on this website long enough, having made a whole host of mistakes that have ruined experiences for other roleplayers myself, I can tell you that creating a character like this one is a bad idea, and that arguing with everyone else and throwing around that they have to play the setting a certain way and accept all of it's horrors is a sure way to get yourself disliked- An attitude like that isn't gonna help anything, they have all made valid points and clearly everyone thinks it's a bad idea, so that must say something.


I don't want a huge argument, and neither do I want the moderators to get involved, we all saw what happened with Baldur and it wasn't pretty, I really don't want a re-run, nor to waste the moderators time with such petty things as a roleplay- You have to give a little and get a lot, what is one character to a long and prosperous roleplay?




I think everyone is misunderstanding the concept entirely so I just won't even bother trying to make a character with depth anymore.

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Altmer, we get that you are a fan of the series. I am a devout fan of Fallout and I call people on their lore too but I also understand that some things just cannot be played on the Nexus to lore standards, while Fallout isn't one of them but WoD is. It's content is very graphic and Tokyo has stated that she (she right?) is uncomfortable with it. I have seen things that will curl your toes and your character sheet made me feel alittle sick to my stomach.


I didn't say anything because I had hoped that when Josh would talk to you, you would change it and we can continue but you don't seem to grasp that your character is


A) Way too powerful, my character Nathan is potent but that is only a shadow compared to Auriana or Josh's, yours could destroy the pair of them with ease.


B) It took a lot for me to learn that a deep character is fun, but you have to join the group... not dominate it with your character. I made that mistake way too many times and it nearly cost me access to the Forums.


C) Do not be a BaldurAnthology. He was known for creating god-like and RP-Crippling characters. He never once tried to change for the better and as Mythic said it fell apart and Moderators had to be called in. I do not want to see you get into trouble over a character.


D) A toon like that is just plain wrong...

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Look, I don't know anything about the Masquerade universe (Yeah sue me, whatever.) but dark or not, that's one person who is uncomfortable with stuff you're doing in the RP over past experiences, meaning that it brings back memories as opposed to just going out of Tok's comfort zone. And she's also not the only one with a friend that does/used to harm themselves, so it bothers me as well that you'd use it for fun in a RP when people that do so are sometimes suicidal. If you can't be bothered to make the RP fun for everybody, if that's somehow below you (not that you're better than anybody here in the first place.) then you can leave. You're not wanted here. If such turns out to be the case, I won't shed a tear. Heck I'd be glad to see you go. If that's not the case you'll have to prove me wrong.



I think everyone is misunderstanding the concept entirely so I just won't even bother trying to make a character with depth anymore.


You don't need your character to be an overpowered self-harming ancient which-whatever to have depth. If that's your idea of a deep character, I think you need some pointers. And yes, that's coming from the guy who made a comic-relief hobo for a character. That's not a good sign for you.


Just grow up, grow a pair, and accept what we're telling you and make some changes, or get out. It's really that simple.

Edited by Flipout6
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How long have you been playing or into WoD? This is a dark, horrifying world. Nothing is light and pseudo-horrific. Vampire: The Masquerade itself is a game of personal horror. If you think what I presented in my character is bad, just read the Baali Clanbook or Revelations of the Dark Mother. Let's not even forget that one of the big staples in Tzimisce culture is torture which is blatantly stated in the sourcebooks.


My character is not even a masochist. The World of Darkness is, again, a horrifying, shocking, uncomfortable world where everything you believe in is questioned and twisted.





Again, the World of Darkness is a horrifying, unforgiving world. You have to accept all of WoD to play a true WoD game. Hell, even the famous Tzimisce Myca/Sascha Vykos castrated himself in front of the Convention of Thorns.

Did you even read one bit of what's been said, Altmer? We DO realize that WoD is dark, but some of what you have is TOO much. Some of us are deeply disturbed by some of this, and have, very calmly, I may add, asked you to please tone it down a little, and THIS is how you react? Yes, I've posted bits of torture, I'll admit it, but I didn't go into extreme detail, and I certainly didn't include something so disturbing as child rape.


"Have to accept all of WoD to play a true WoD game" ? This isn't a true WoD game, it's an RP set in WoD among people who want to have fun, not get sickened or leave feeling violated. It's completely possible to have a character with depth, WITHOUT such horrible details that you so whimsically throw about, regardless of how others feel about it. It's morally wrong, in my opinion, and down-right disrespectful of your fellow RPers.


The very least you could do is grant us just a little mutual respect.

Edited by GrueMaster
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If you ask me his entire concept is rather flawed, without being a jerk, I have read the Tzimisce clanbook, and never have I come across one that (Aside from the Star-F*cker template) That would make themselves famed in any way shape or form. They are reclusive, secretive, and actively hunted by the Tremere, his "Fame", especially on a level as high as Beckett's would make him an easy target, and as the note you provided says " in Eastern Europe, many Tzimisce give only lip service to the Sabbat" for that very reason alone, did it not occur to you that once his presence is made known, especially seeing as he is so widely feared, that a Blood Hunt would be called by the Camarilla? Because London is a Camarilla city.


And yes, the world of darkness is a horrific setting by lore, but this is an extension of the nexus forums, and furthermore, to quote the rules:


10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


Tokyobleach has expressed her discomfort regarding self harm, and whether it is a part of the WoD or not, it distresses her, and therefore out of courtesy and respect if nothing else you won't give her such a snooty reply, does it matter how long she's been playing WoD? I've been playing for a while now, and does that mean I am comfortable with every tiny detail in the thing? No. The Ocean house level greatly distressed me after finding the newspaper regarding the severed child's head, so I skipped the level using cheats, that is a subject that I find sensitive and would never dream of detailing, the harming of children disgusts me, and I imagine if I began writing about such matters no one would be all too happy, WoD or not (indeed the harm of Children is present in the greater setting), this is a forum roleplay, not the game, and therefore compromises are going to have to be made, no matter "How long you've been playing WoD."


I must disagree, five disciplines is a hell of a lot, and a Tzimisce with both Vicissitude and Thaumaturgy? That is rather overpowered whether you see so or not, coupled with animalism, should a fight ensue whomever opposes him would be utterly eliminated. Also, the fact he was embraced by The Dracon, a fourth generation Tzimisce, he would be of the fifth generation, a Methuselah. It says in both the original and the 20th anniversary book that they possess demi-godly power, and are rumoured to be able to open the gates of hell themselves- Please explain how that is not in the regions of a mary sue?


And again, to embrace and play the WoD you do not need to embrace each and every aspect- This is not an official WoD chronicle nor a true experience, if it was we would have dice and would all be starting with 12th generation Neonates just released from their sires service.


I may not run this thread, that's Josh's job, but I think having roleplayed on this website long enough, having made a whole host of mistakes that have ruined experiences for other roleplayers myself, I can tell you that creating a character like this one is a bad idea, and that arguing with everyone else and throwing around that they have to play the setting a certain way and accept all of it's horrors is a sure way to get yourself disliked- An attitude like that isn't gonna help anything, they have all made valid points and clearly everyone thinks it's a bad idea, so that must say something.


I don't want a huge argument, and neither do I want the moderators to get involved, we all saw what happened with Baldur and it wasn't pretty, I really don't want a re-run, nor to waste the moderators time with such petty things as a roleplay- You have to give a little and get a lot, what is one character to a long and prosperous roleplay?




I think everyone is misunderstanding the concept entirely so I just won't even bother trying to make a character with depth anymore.



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