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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Alright alright, lets all calm down before this gets out of hand. Now Altmer, personally I don't care what you put in his background, none of it bothers me in the slightest. My problem with it isn't from the content, but the application, in the grad scheme of things, what does the self harming bring to him as a character? How does all the raping effect him? Because as of right now it doesn't seem to have effected him at all and by your reaction to Tok's request, it was just put in there for shock value. I asked you for a reason for him being there... And you gave me a "because", that's not an answer that wins people over to your argument, So yeah, if you want this character in this you should PM me that plot idea.

And it's not an issue of depth, in truth it's a lack of. His entire background IS a Mary sue check off sheet, hitting on everything that makes a character a Sue. Doesn't matter what you intended him to be in the future, as of right now, judging by his sheet which is all I can go on at this point, he's an unacceptable character.


Now with pretty much everyone already not liking this guy, it's safe to assume that even if allowed in no one would acknowledge his existence.. which is something I'd rather not have. So he needs to have some major edits made regardless of how you feel about his character sheet. A serious power reduction for one, and a little less focus on the tortured history, and more focus on who he is as a person. Stop trying to make as outlandish and out of place characters as you possibly can and try and mold him into something that would actually fit in with the rest of us.



Or you could throw a fit and leave.....Whatever works for you.

Edited by josh900
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Alright alright, lets all calm down before this gets out of hand. Now Altmer, personally I don't care what you put in his background, none of it bothers me in the slightest. My problem with it isn't from the content, but the application, in the grad scheme of things, what does the self harming bring to him as a character? How does all the raping effect him? Because as of right now it doesn't seem to have effected him at all and by your reaction to Tok's request, it was just put in there for shock value. I asked you for a reason for him being there... And you gave me a "because", that's not an answer that wins people over to your argument, So yeah, if you want this character in this you should PM me that plot idea.

And it's not an issue of depth, in truth it's a lack of. His entire background IS a Mary sue check off sheet, hitting on everything that makes a character a Sue. Doesn't matter what you intended him to be in the future, as of right now, judging by his sheet which is all I can go on at this point, he's an unacceptable character.


Now with pretty much everyone already not liking this guy, it's safe to assume that even if allowed in no one would acknowledge his existence.. which is something I'd rather not have. So he needs to have some major edits made regardless of how you feel about his character sheet. A serious power reduction for one, and a little less focus on the tortured history, and more focus on who he is as a person. Stop trying to make as outlandish and out of place characters as you possibly can and try and mold him into something that would actually fit in with the rest of us.



Or you could throw a fit and leave.....Whatever works for you.


I wish The Nexus had a like button... cause that reply would so earn one. :thumbsup:

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Name: Kaye


Gender: Female


Race: Human


True Age: 26


Apparent Age: 26



True Sight: allows Kaye to see things that normal humans would not normally see, she can also see through certain paranormal disguises, such as a werewolf pretending to be a humanoid or a normal wolf etc..

Resistance: Kaye has an abnormal resistance to the wills of a vampire who wishes to controll her, the few that did in times past claimed that her mind was "wrong" or that no sence could be made from it.






Height: 5'5


Weight: 65 kg / 145 pounds


Hair: Long Red hair



Right - Bright blue-green which seems to give off a mild glow.

Left - a light brown-orange

Both the left and right eye have flecks of grey scattered around the iris.


Skin: due to her usual movements Kaye has a fair skintone, pale but not unnaturally so.


Handedness: Ambidexterous



Kaye posesses a scar that runs a diagonal length across her back, from her side to her upper shoulder. Having aquired this in recent years



General physical description:

Kaye is hoast to a subtle all rounded general look to her, which has a subtle charm of its own. Not overly attractive yet not hideous in the least. Kaye is of an average if not, mildly curvy build, and by curvy I hardly mean overweight, more. A bit more blessed than the average woman. Due to her constant activities and active nature kaye has a rather toned body to go with its overall shape, muscle toned but not overly defined. as for Kaye's facial structure, she posesses a mildly lean shape with slightly larger eyes modest nose and thicker red set lips. A light dusting of freckles spreadding over her nose and higher upon her cheeks.



Kaye typically speaks with a very mild scottish accent that can only tryly be heard if one listens, her voice having a lower pitch rather than a higher one, as for her actual tone of voice, she has three which she seems to actively switch between.

The first (marked in orange) is a more passive tone, while her second is far more harsh and obviously agressive (marked in blue), while in this tone she tends to speak with a near end of disgust, especially if directed towards vampires, and those she deems 'unnatural'


The third tone of voice seems to be a mixture of the two, simultaniously overlapping each other to create a near doubled over eccho.



Kaye doesn't wear much in the armor department. Typically she usually sees fit with a simple white longsleaved, button up shirt and a set of jeans, all topped off with a set of thick soaled black boots.







General Personality Traits:

Kaye is incredibly unpredictable at times, those that do know her, know to likely expect at least one or two violent outbursts during the day, however she claims to have brought this under control for the time being. Claims.


Kaye typicly has two modes, which have been dubbed, kaye one, and kaye two. The people who have done so seemed to lack the creativity at the time of naming.

Kaye one, or, the original, previously prevailent personality, is driven by her own goals. A stubborn woman who won't take 'no' as an acceptable answer to most of her questions. Kaye is incredibly persistant, both in this personality. And her next.


Which brings us to Kaye two. A violent, profane, relentless personality who doesn't tend to hold back words. If she holds grudge against you, you would either know about it, or already have a blade through your chest.




Kaye's predominant fear is likely death, however this isn't classified as the actual death itself, more what would happen beforehand. Namely the pain, agony, torture and length of time before succumbing.


Kaye two however doesn't hold any fear for pain what so ever, she simply 'fears' or, dreads, being turned in to the very creatures she hates with every fiber of her being



Attitudes towards friends/strangers:

Kaye could love you, and hate you. All at the same time, and this is if you're a friend. Strangers on the other hand normally bear the brunt of a cautious, or violent Kaye.


Opinion of the world:

"The world's gone to sh**"








Kaye is not one for sharing her history, but what is known is that she had been born with an odd. Gift. Being born of two minds, yet one body. One far more suited for combat and other more, violent acts. How this occurred is anyone's guess. soon after the age of 15 she left her home in the highlands of Scotland, her parents claiming that she had just up and left one day, repeatedly saying how she felt she should be somewhere else.

This was when Kaye's adventure began. With her unique ability to pick out the nonhumans from the humans, Kaye took up the blade to hunt the creatures of the night that threttned mankind. Part of her began to hate them more and more the more she fought them. Her first encounter being that of a vampire called Kezrah, the young teen having somehow managed to drive the vampire away, only, to ironicly find herself working with him, and another grouping of vampires six years down the line.


At that point, Kaye still had relitave control of herself, only one personality being persistant at any one time. One personality being fine with her charge of assisting the grouping of vampires, the other however. Not so much.

With her growing relationship with a certain vampiric member of the grouping, kaye's second 'personality' decided to take over whilst receiving a simple massage, having hated the contact with the other. Kaye threttned to do away with herself, or the vampire in question. This caused a massive conflict within herself and inevitably caused the personalities to merge together, resulting in what is seen today.


Her vampiric lover as well as his allies at that stage decided to try 'seperate' her personalities again. When that happned however it only caused them to meld further. Her second more violent personality becoming more prevailent. With her signature weapon, the katana, drawn out en point to her lover's throat, she promissed to find and slay him personally. With that Kaye vanished once again, stalking her lover in the shadows, causing him strife whenever she had found and gotten close enough to catch him.


That brings us to the present day, five years on from this incident, kaye claims to have gotten control of herself and now seeks to rectify things. In her. Own way.








Living/Dead Family Members:

Yew (cousin)

Kaye's parents have been off the map for many years, and she has no known siblings. Her only contact being her eccentric, magic inclined, cousin Yew.



Friend is a. Strong word for Kaye. She has many aquaitences, naimly those of her previous grouping.





Rain (Originally dubbed Ame, but switched names to Rain once in more, english, areas)

And prettymuch any other nonhuman that tends to get in her way


Current Nationality:



Current Place of Residence:

Kaye moves around quite a bit, tending to stay in low costing apartments where available





Merits and Flaws:

I think having a bipolar split personality is kind of a flaw don't you? Fun though.



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Hey Mac, just got a mild issue with the latest post. well, a few little ones that tend to build up.


For one, there's too much distance between Kaye and Nathan, not to mention the smoke, the other scents and smells of a bustling city, would defiantly mask and block her out.


For two, Kaye is hardly scared. she's been handling these things since a young age, Vampires, if anything, disgust her second personality. so Nathan being able to smell her fear would be rather impossible as she has none.


And one more tiny detail. Kaye's been hunting this certain individual (who you have all likely figured out by now) for quite some time, she knows how to surprise them and therefore would more than likely have set up shop downwind. I was sure i had added it in the initial post but it seems in my haste to post i had forgotten it so my bad, but the original points stand true.

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One of his clans disciplines is Celerity, which grants him extraordinary senses, such as Precognition, heightened smell and hearing. What turned his attention to her was the Precognition.


Also, he is use to the smells and sounds of the city so he knows when he smells something unfamiliar. He has resided in London for 150 years and when he was young it smelled far worse then it does now so he could pick out smells. Also, the wind changes. Just because your downwind now doesn't mean that you won't be upwind later, I am a former US Ranger so this I know very well. And even you said in your post, they could very likely spot you... one of the specialties of Clan Gangrel is that they are natural hunters and they specialize in hunting. So it is very logical for him to have spotted you first.


As to the fear thing that was a mistake on my part, I had put it in and forgot to edit it out when I realized it wasn't kosher.

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Wrong there Mac. Very wrong.



Heightened speed, not all of his senses. You're thinking Auspex, which Nathan doesn't have.

And regardless of how good his sense of smell is the smoke and burned bodies would be screwing up their noses. Even the best tracking dogs get messed up with enough smoke.

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