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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Name: Nothing

Gender: Male

Race: Changeling

Age: 35

Seeming: Darkling

Kith: Gravewight

Court: Autumn Court

Entitlements: None

Contracts: Darkness, Shade and Spirit, Eternal Autumn, Smoke, Spell-Bound Autumn


Height: 6'4

Weight: 150lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black (Full black in true form)

Skin: Dull tan (Greyish in true form)

Handedness: Left

Scars/Tattoos: A black line from the septum to the chin

General physical description: In his human form Nothing is unnaturally thin, gaunt, and 'pointy' (in the nose region and other applicable areas) which many people might find appealing if it weren't for the unsettling vibe he gives off. In his true form he far exceeds a simple unsettling vibe, typically inspiring outright terror in the faint of heart. He appears to be a living shadow, his short black hair is completely opaque and flickering back and forth. His teeth each are sharpened, as well as his nails. His ears are pointed and long in elvish fashion. He also sports two small (four inch) pointed horns on his forehead at the hairline. His fingers and arms also are unsettlingly long.

Voice: Monotonous, lifeless, dispassionate, wispy. No matter the volume he uses his voice always sounds much like a whisper right next to your ear.

Clothing/armor: He typically wears suits or other formal clothing in shades of red and black. Most often donning a classic black suit with a red undershirt and black tie.


General Personality Traits: Nothing was so young when he was taken that the darkness has been all he has known. He is a manipulative, callous, and unfriendly fellow always seeking to inspire fear so that he might harvest it to fuel his abilities. He cares about very little save for his own goals. Nothing is infinitely more comfortable among the dead than the living, finding all the various emotions of the living to be unsettling.

Fears: Light and little else

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Strangers are to be used as needed, friends are to be kept close to be used as long as possible

Opinion of the world: The world is a strange place that is far too bright.


Past: After escaping from Arcadia he found a place among the undead occupying London, offering services not given by typical vampires. After tricking his way into the Autumn Court he became the 'ambassador' for the Ashen Court to the Camarilla of London.

Birthplace: ?

Family/Relationships: ?

Living/Dead Family Members: ?

Friends: Various vampires throughout England

Enemies: True Fae

Current Nationality: UK

Current Place of Residence: London
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Just wanting to let you all know that Macman has made changes to his character Nathan. Primarily regarding his history, so be sure to check out his sheet back on the first page. To summarize it Nathan has now spent the majority of his life out in the wilds instead of in the city, this change was made to suit his personality and the nature of his actions so far.

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With viola replaced now, I'd like to introduce a third character who I think'll be a better fit for the more immediate plot-line as it stands. She's a little creepy and most likely won't be remembered for her cracking jokes, but hey, we all need our gore-obsessed Crime Scene Investigators.


Haven't had time to go over every detail with Josh, but I'll pop the sheet her so you can make whatever suggestions need be made or approve it :thumbsup:




Name: Isabelle Whitelock (simply regarded as Whitelock)

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian.

True Age: 290

Apparent Age: 34

Religion: Agnostic (She knows that the powers of heaven are real. And she hates them.)

Clan: Tremere.

Bloodline: None.


Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Thaumaturgy


Haven: Apartment in the city of London.




Height: 5’9

Weight: 110lbs

Hair: Brunette

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Pale white

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: A victim of a brutal witch-hunt, Whitelock’s most severe and (if left uncovered) noticeable scar is a dark band around her neck, from the noose that nearly killed her as she was hung for witchcraft- Others include various marks from the torture inflicted upon her that forced her to confess.


General physical description:



Voice: Deep, clear and commanding, she speaks with an upper-middle class British accent, not quite aristocratic, but clearly educated. When angered she lowers her tone to a whisper and leans in menacingly.


Clothing/armor: A woman who values taste and professionalism, she is always seen in a sharp suit, sensible heels, and a signature crimson silk scarf wrapped around her throat to protect her scar. Whether it is a trouser suit, or a skirt, she wears her clothing with elegance. Her favoured style of outfit is a pinstripe trouser suit, pointed heels, a crisp white shirt and a red silk scarf.




General Personality Traits: Calculating, cool and indifferent, she is level headed and seemingly always calm to some degree. Her gaze is rather lifeless, and her words often humourless, she is a morbid being with a fixation on death; Not what happens afterwards like the Giovanni, but with what happens in the hours and moments before. She is intelligent, savvy and quick-witted, and possesses a seemingly limitless skill for analysing gruesome situations.


Fears: Final death and the fall of the Camarilla.


Attitudes towards friends/strangers: Giving most the cold shoulder and a dead stare, friends don’t really come into her arena much.


Opinion of the world: It is a brutal, vile place that robbed her of her life and sent her to damnation.



Past: Born in the year 1723, in an unnamed and long forgotten village in the countryside of Britain, she was inducted into a coven of witches at a young age, with her mother heading her studies. An unsociable and reclusive girl, the other children would often tease and mock her for being so different, more interested in reading books than playing outside.


While the practices of the coven were harmless and un-malevolent, after a local fell ill previously visiting their home, he immediately started blabbing about odd symbols and the strange décor in the women’s home.


A hunt ensued soon after, more and more jumping onto the bandwagon, going as far as to claim they saw a sacrifice take place by the moors. Spurned along by the local priest, the women were each tortured, tried, and executed one by one.


Unknown to Isabelle at the time, she and the coven had been watched for quite some time by a shadowy figure; A Tremere, who wished to bolster the ranks of his chantry, for protection if nothing else, seeking those with an inclination to magic.


As she hung and the life she knew was slowly sapped away, she was cut loose by the figure and taken far from her would-be-grave.


Her life from then took on the regular shape one would expect of a Tremere apprentice, building her way up through the ranks of her Sire’s favourites, and eventually through the circles of apprenticeship. As decades passed and time rolled on, her desire to serve the Camarilla emerged, while the clan always came first, the Camarilla was a close second.


Having developed a morbid fascination with the drive and methods used by those who nearly had her killed, she studied criminology, psychology and forensics (Tremere abilities to scree blood certainly assisting in this matter…), and as the modern age came into full swing, set herself up as a secretive and ruthlessly efficient CSI agent (More, a Camarilla plant in MI6’s supernatural devision), sent to investigate only the most brutal and horrific of crimes, which, are unsurprisingly often caused by the various denizens of the night. An effective panel in the Camarilla’s barrier that separates the mortal world from that of the supernatural, she has been responsible for solving a number of Kindred cases, and heading their cover-up operations that follow, wherever gruesome crimes may occur, Whitelock is sure to be close by.


Embrace: Embraced by her master.


Birthplace: Unknown.


Family/Relationships: Her family was executed for witchcraft.

Living/Dead Family Members: N/A

Friends: None

Enemies: It is hard to tell.


Current Nationality: British

Current Place of Residence: London.

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Name: Gavin Johnstone

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian (Scottish)

True Age: 732

Apparent Age: 34

Religion: Christian

Clan: Brujah

Covenant: Camarilla

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines: Potence, Celerity, Presence

Haven: A houseboat docked in London, or anywhere else he feels like hanging out.


Height: 6'1

Weight: 270lbs

Hair: Fiery Red

Eyes: Olive Green

Skin: Lightly tanned (Farmers tan)

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: Various scars from sword slashes, stabs, axe cuts, and the sort.

General physical description: A rather large and intimidating sight to see, Gavin is a Scotsman bred for war and (prior to his embrace) alcohol consumption. From head to toe he is bulging with muscles from a life filled with conflict. The only aspect of him that doesn't quite fit this hardened image is his large potbelly, which he received due to his fondness for drinks. The top of his head is completely bald, but the remainder of his hair is kept long: his large bushy muttonchops/mustache combo, and the sides and back of his head which is kept in a ponytail.

Voice: Gavin has a loud haughty Scottish voice, giving him an easily noticeable presence even without the use of his Presence discipline. Anger and joviality are equally easy for him to display, though most only hear him at his best.

Clothing/armor: He opts for a simplistic garb, a white tee, black boots, and a kilt with his traditional clan tartan http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Johnston%28e%29_tartan_%28Vestiarium_Scoticum%29.png/220px-Johnston%28e%29_tartan_%28Vestiarium_Scoticum%29.png


General Personality Traits: As such an old being, Gavin is capable of much calmer and logical thought than he could muster in his youth. Though, he is anything but detached as many vampires his age might be. He is a happy, almost carefree person, content to spend his time doing nothing rather than using the political power at his command. When his anger is aroused there are very few who are safe, as there is very little he can do better than fight.

Fears: Loss of control, Loss of freedom

Attitudes towards friends/strangers: He is an excellent friend and generally warm fellow toward all people, friend or stranger, and occasionally even to his foes.

Opinion of the world: The weak are meat, the strong do eat.


Past: Born in Southern Scotland shortly before the Scottish Wars for Independence, Gavin spent a large portion of his life fighting against the tyranny of the English, especially as a member of a clan right on the border. When he fell in battle in 1315, it seemed that he would meet his maker, and he was content. Instead, fate had a different path for him, a far darker path. The arrival of a Carthaginian Brujah changed all of this. The man spoke a strange language (Punic) and said a great many things Gavin didn't understand. The only thing the man spoke that he could understand was the man said he needed to 'continue fighting the Roman-backed bastards', even though there were no Romans here anymore.

Nonetheless, Gavin did continue the fight; only now he did so only in the shadow of the night, successfully using guerrilla tactics against impossible odds. Even after the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, he continued to keep a vigilant eye on his enemy. He did so rightly, as the Second War for Independence started up only twelve years later in 1332. He fought until the war had died down in 1357, and allowed himself to rest with the belief that his land was now free.

The union of England and Scotland in 1707 created a psychic ripple sufficient to wake Gavin, who had 'failed' his purpose. Now a Brujah with no cause, he was reduced to a monster until the Camarilla takeover of the UK. He then joined in to keep his living clansman safe from his kindred, and the rest is history.

Embrace: By a Carthaginian Brujah while close to death following a midieval defeat.

Birthplace: Perth, Scotland (called St Johnston at the time of his birth)

Family/Relationships: The Johnstone clan

Living/Dead Family Members: None

Friends: Many among the Camarilla, including Charles Harper

Enemies: Few

Current Nationality: UK

Current Place of Residence: London

Other: Has his old claymore from the 1300s

Edited by nethgros
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