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Vampire the Masquerade: London Nights


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Name: Victoria Farthing. (Goes by, 'vicki')

Gender: female

Race: Caucasian

True Age: 26 (has been turned for a year now)

Apparent Age: 30 (older apparent age due to previous lifestyle)


Religion: N/A

Clan: Gangrel


Covenant: Unbound

Covenant Faction: N/A

Clan/Bloodline/Covenant Disciplines:

Resilliance - The ability to withstand crippling injury without submitting.

Vigor -The ability to manifest supernatural strength, far beyond a mortal's scope.

Protean - ability to assume a variety of forms such as a wolf or a mist.


Haven: a ratty little one bedroom apartment downtown across from the local bar




Height: 5'6

Weight: 57 kgs

Hair: Vikki's hair has been cropped short and mercilessly dyed blue, black roots showing through from the base. Her hair itself constantly styled up in a permanent mohawk

Eyes: bright green

Skin: white with a mild tan, gathered not by sun but by products.

Handedness: Right

Scars/Tattoos: surprisingly, no tattoos


General physical description:

Vicki is of a muscular figure, body toned and chizzled, not lean, nor overweight in the slightest. If anything, Vicki is somewhat stocky at the shoulders due to muscle. As for her face Vikki has a somewhat angled appearance, eyes mildly slanting to the side to give her a constant sly expression, her lips angled in to a smirk more often than not. She has a ringed piercing on the right side of her lip, at her left eyebrow, then a sleeper at her right ear.




Vicki has a lower yet playful tone, coupled with a thick cockney accent



Vicki typically wears a black tanktop that ends just under her breasts, a pair of blue tattered jeans and a set of thick black boots.




General Personality Traits:

Vicki is somewhat playful and sly but knows her boundaries. Mostly. Like most of the clan she tends to have her moments of anger and possibly jelousy. Above all however, Vicki tends to toy with life




Enclosed spaces


Attitudes towards friends/strangers:

Vicki's generally friendly unless given a reason not to. Especially if said stranger starts doing things that would prompt a negative reaction. Such as challanging her, making snide remarks and so on. Its hard to tell whether she'll just wave a hand and ignore you. Or try tear your throat out.


Opinion of the world: "meh"





Vicki was just a typical kid who grew up in a run down part of the city. Got in to trouble constantly, tried out drugs, enjoyed her alchohol, and all round messed about with her life, not nessesarily caring as long as she was having a blast while doing it.



Her old life ended with a party gone awry. Some blokes had too much to drink and, no surprise to the inhabitants, were armed. Vicki got away from the scene as quick as possible, but not without gathering what would have been fatal inguries. Feeling her life slowly ebb away she collapsed a way away from the bar where it had all started. Thankfully for her, she had been found by a passing gangrel, likely drawn by the scent of blood. Finding her still alive he offered to 'save' her, an offer Vicki diddn't refuse.






With her family being more or less dead to her, Vicki only really hangs around her sire. Well, apart from the usual drunks at the bar.


Living/Dead Family Members:

Vicki knows her mother had died during a carcrash while she was still in her teens. As for her father? She couldn't care less.


Friends: Jack.

Enemies: Kaye

Edited by MoDqUeen
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Nathaniel ignored the proceeding arrival of several vampires as he stared at the images of the mutilated Nosferatu. He had little care for the woman herself but the cuts seemed familiar, this was rage and hate. Not violent rage like a woman stabbing her unfaithful husband twenty times or someone unloading a pistol into someone else's chest this was subtle rage, long term. Vengeance... devout in it's purpose.


"My pack were butchered in similar ways... it is what brought me down to London in the first place. I was on their trail but once I hit the city it went cold... could it possibly be Hunters?" He asked the Investigator, he had heard rumors of these murders but seeing one this close irked him.

Nathaniel observed the strokes, the blade was sharp. Surgical edge and he had guessed most likely doctors tools. "I would suspect by the cuts and the manner of the mutilation that the murderer has prior medical experience." He added, he felt he was most likely wrong but he felt it was his duty to bring up the thought.



Sooo a couple questions Mac, What several Vampires? Only one has come in since your last post.


Two. "He ignored the hateful glares and stares of the Kindred in the room, as a Gangrel he was accustomed to such looks, many Clans viewed his own as less then a pack of wild hounds."

Where are the hateful stares coming from? So far all the looks have been going to Harper and the picture of the body.
Three's just a minor little nitpick, since you did just change his history so if it's a slip up it'd be understandable. How would he know anything about doctors if he's been out in the woods for the past hundred years?
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Okay, guess I figured there was more then one. That can be easily amended.


Second was in response to the stares of Yasmina, I can rephrase it if you wish.


The last is more or less his way of respecting the predator. He may not be a surgeon, but he would know what a doctor is he may be ignorant to the laws of the Camarilla but he was once mortal so he would know what a doctor is. He knows what it is like to cut into another mans flesh, he would know the difference between pure violent rage and the subtle avenging rage, between the unbridled violence and methodical precision. That is one thing he knows about in abundance.

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"Second was in response to the stares of Yasmina, I can rephrase it if you wish."

Yeah would be for the best lol. From the way it's written it seems like the whole room is starring at him.


Well the thing about the doctors is that a hundred years ago.. they were anything but subtle which is why I brought it up. Just seemed like an odd thing for him to say considering the doctors he knew were more akin to butchers.

There are better ways for him to get his point across but whatever, was just curious about his choice of words.

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The way I see it, he wasn't completely away from civilization. Many of his pack were far younger then him, so logically through them he could learn more about the world, also he would have some connection. Modernization would have turned the hamlet he grew up in into a village, and then into a town. He is not retarded, he is a survivor yes but knowledge is the best survival tool. The laws of the Camarilla are new to him but if you look at the Gangrel, they are more or less and independent clan, they don't swear fealty to the Sabbat or the Camarilla. He knows the laws of his clan which are few and the traditions, he knows the other kindred out there but he doesn't know their traditions or their total history but word travels, knowledge travels. He would encounter other Gangrel and they would share stories and tales and information.


His knowledge may be abit 'travelled' but it would be safe to assume that he has basic knowledge of people and places and things. The details may not be accurate but he gets the general idea.

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I didn't say he was retarded and I didn't say anything about the Camarilla laws or who the Gangrel are sided with, I know they're independent. I've been playing VTM long enough to know how every can work.


I was simply bringing up that it was an odd choice of words for someone who's been out in the woods for a hundred years to use. If you've had him living in a town then you should have put that in his sheet so we'd all know. Then I wouldn't have wondered how he would know how good surgeons are at that sorta thing.

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Its not a matter of him living in a city or a town. He stayed to the forests but in a pack you have conversations. Particularly when you are looking at possibly an eternity together. Most of his pack were young, the ways of the Gangrel would assure that some were atleast as young as a year from their embrace. Knowledge of the world today would be valuable, especially when you lead a pack and the newer Gangrel would need knowledge of the Clan's ways. Figure he would have third party knowledge.


Give him a cellphone, hell know what it is but not exactly how to work it. He would know what a car is but to him it would be a 'horse-less carriage' because when he was Mortal he had heard stories of them, never seen one let alone know how to drive one. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have the knowledge. I never figured I had to expressly state that he knew such things, I thought it would just be common sense.

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When a character's history is that he's been out in the woods for a hundred years without contact with humans? Yeah, ya kinda need to explain how he knows the modern world without him ever stepping foot in it, that's common sense.


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