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Skyre - Knocked out people stand up DEAD when killed


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Ah damnit, I accidently skipped the bug screen, anyway it did encounter an error and listed 2 evaluations, something regarding save games, I tried running it after but I couldn't get the error message to show again.


Still have the same problem :/


Is it asis? What if I started a brand new game? Edit: ok I'm starting everything from the beginning again, removed ABT as I've seen it's made redundant with Skyre.


Should I uninstall every mod now? What do I do with Skyre and ASIS considering I'm starting fresh?


This is literally driving me mad. I've started a new game without anything but skyre (all others disabled through launcher) and I STILL have the damn problem..


it seems a lot of people are having this problem. Looks like its not just me, reading the comments on the mod page.

Edited by Infiltrator84
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That is really weird, it could just be an issue with the most recent version of SkyRe, but it'd weird I don't have it... I wouldn't uninstall all your mods just yet though. I don't know what more to tell you.

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