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Settlement Workshop Cart System


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Hello there,


When trading in Fallout 4, the player is able to move items back and fourth without making a sale, and the game calculates the cost, it's only when the trade is accepted does the transaction take place, and the caps are taken/items are received.


I propose making this same system for the settlement workshop as well, as currently when the user places anything, it immediately uses the materials to place it, and if the same object is then removed, even if the player hasn't exited the workshop since last placing it, they will only return a small portion of the materials from it. The only way to deal with this as it currently stands is to occasionally exit the workshop and save the game before going back into the workshop to try out what one wants to try, and if it fails, reload the save and regain your materials.


That is a longwinded process in order to protect one's materials, so by using the trading system for the workshop, the player will be able to place objects, and the cost will be stored in a cart of sorts, only once the "trade" is accepted will the materials be placed; leaving the workshop without accepting the trade will return your materials and remove the objects that were placed.


Thank you.

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