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Mod Request: Keys to Toggle Radio, Cycle Stations

King Zog

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Here's a request for a mod that I would appreciate, and I bet many others would too. With all of the great radio mods out there -- GNR playlist extenders, new stations, etc. -- I am listening to the radio in Fallout 3 a lot more than before. But with the radio being on most if the time, there are occasions where I would like to be able to quickly turn it down or off. That would make it easier to listen for danger, or to hear faint dialog from distant NPCs, for example.


I'm imagining a mod that would map a key to toggle the radio on/off without having to go into Pip Boy.


In addition, it would be nice to have a key that would let me change stations without going into Pip Boy. One key to cycle through available stations would be fine.


I have been told (by someone who should know) that these additions should not be difficult to do. If anyone out there would take a stab at this, I would appreciate it a lot. And, if you're looking for a challenge, you might also try mapping a pair of keys to turn the radio volume up or down, relative to the other sounds. I'm told that would probably not be as easy to accomplish as the on/off switch or the station-changer.


Think about it. Make an old king happy!


-- King Zog

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From your other thread in the Requests forum:

Yep, this should be fairly easy to do. I don't have the time to do it myself, but if anyone's interested in giving this a go you'd want to use PipboyRadio to control the radio, and FOSE's IsKeyPressed to control hotkeys.


To control a hotkey, you'll want to use a script with a block that runs every frame (GameMode for Object scripts or Quest scripts with a low Script Processing Delay, or ScriptEffectUpdate for Effect scripts), and use some code like this to detect a key press:

short sIsNPressed

if sIsNPressed != IsKeyPressed 49; N
set sIsNPressed to sIsNPressed == 0
if sIsNPressed
; N has been pressed


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hmmm makes me wonder, can this keypress script be hooked up to a weapon to enable a secondary fire option / rockets or such? half of the weapons in bf2142 have secondary fire methods ><

the only way i can think of is as a friend suggested, just make a second copy of the weapon in your inventory and it swaps to it... imho thats kinda a lame workaround though ><

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Yep, that keypress "hook" can be used to insert any code as a "result script" that runs once when a key is pressed, so it should be able to be used for things like that.


The only possible alternative to swapping weapons that I can think of at the moment (that doesn't involve actually altering the weapon) is FireWeapon, but this doesn't work particularly well when called on the player, especially if they're in 1st person.



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altering the weapon would be cool, the weapon im working on atm has a popup-scope that retracts into the gun as well as a secondary loading mag that opens from the side for rockets. These things are already modelled in and completed on the model. Only thing I havent bothered with yet is their bone nodes since I was thinking it couldnt be implemented... but....


if, at the press of a button i could switch to this alt-fire mode inwhich the scope would popup and the side-loading option now becomes used, that would be cool :)



say... if we stashed the alternate NIF for the secondary-fire mode inside the Scope-feature. I could duplicate the existing gun except it would be the scope-up version with side-load enabled (and fires rockets) i could rename this as >thatgun's<Scope.NIF then point (in its edit options) the gun to use that NIF for scopes...


then a custom keypress could activate the secondary version of the gun, which would be hidden inside the same ItemID (but only be calling up a scope) ... ?

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