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Follower not dying (even though he is not essential)?


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In the GECK recently I added a command to a very basic NPC follower called SetPlayerTeammate 1. I made it so the NPC can crouch when I do and I also get experience for when he/they get kill something.

I have the command put in all of the result scripts in the Begin/End/Change tab in their follow package.


There is one problem, I went in game and they could not be killed. I would shoot at them and their health would automatically reset to 710 (What I set it as) once it went down far enough. I also tried setessential xx00e585 0 and even the Kill command in the console and no luck. I looked in the NPC's base stats and the only thing ticked was no knockdowns. ESSENTIAL IS UNTICKED. I eventually tried unticking "No Knockdowns" and the result was once the NPC's health went down, it made the NPC unconscious but I still gained infamy with the reputation and also I don't think he got back up. I also could not loot him for it continued to display the message "US Soldier is unconscious". :wallbash:


I want the NPC's to be powerful, not immortal. :no:


So should I remove the SetPlayerTeammate 1 thing? and should I make it a proper script?




Thanks :thumbsup:





I took the command SetPlayerTeammate 1 out of the Begin/End/Change result scripts and it worked but I still need the NPC's to crouch when I do and give me exp when they kill something. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



Like I said, should I make a script that runs when they spawn that has the SetPlayerTeammate 1 Command? What would that script look like?





I went in-game and the command itself makes the NPC (when he loses all of his health) unconscious even when I just used the console. :sad:



Edited by DrPepper715
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SetPlayerTeammate 1 makes the game treat a NPC as any follower. When not in hardcore mode, this means he/she cannot be killed, only fall unconscious when at 0 HP.

any way to fix that, and make it so he dies when his hp goes all the way down?


Are there individual commands that I can put into a script?

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any way to fix that, and make it so he dies when his hp goes all the way down?

Other than in hardcore mode, no. Not while the NPC is toggled as a teammate.


It is possible not to use SetPlayerTeammate, and then use a script to force the NPC to sneak whenever the player is sneaking. Something like:

scn    WhatchamacallitScript

begin GameMode

    if player.IsSneaking != IsSneaking
        if player.IsSneaking
            SetForceSneak 1
            SetForceSneak 0


The problem is that SetPlayerTeammate is essential, since it is the only reliable way to make a NPC attack any enemy of the player, regardless of factions/reputation.

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any way to fix that, and make it so he dies when his hp goes all the way down?

Other than in hardcore mode, no. Not while the NPC is toggled as a teammate.


It is possible not to use SetPlayerTeammate, and then use a script to force the NPC to sneak whenever the player is sneaking. Something like:

scn    WhatchamacallitScript

begin GameMode

    if player.IsSneaking != IsSneaking
        if player.IsSneaking
            SetForceSneak 1
            SetForceSneak 0


The problem is that SetPlayerTeammate is essential, since it is the only reliable way to make a NPC attack any enemy of the player, regardless of factions/reputation.


And how about getting exp for when they kill someone? And would I apply the sneak script to the NPC?



I applied the script and no luck :sad:


Please help! This is essential for my mod ;(

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To get around the forced essential aspect of SetPlayerTeammate in my Enclave commander mod, I added this little bit to the NPC's object script (in the gamemode section) :

; =========== See if we should be dead ==================

        if (Player.IsHardCore)
            if (GetDead)
                if (GetKnockedState == 1)    ;unconscious
                    SetPlayerTeamMate 0

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To get around the forced essential aspect of SetPlayerTeammate in my Enclave commander mod, I added this little bit to the NPC's object script (in the gamemode section) :


; =========== See if we should be dead ==================

        if (Player.IsHardCore)
            if (GetDead)
                if (GetKnockedState == 1)    ;unconscious
                    SetPlayerTeamMate 0

Well the odd thing is that the script did not work, but in the Fallout 3 Enclave commander I found a script that does work it is:


scn sneakscript

Begin gamemode

if player.IsSneaking == 1 && player.IsInCombat != 1 && IsInCombat != 1 && GetCurrentAIPackage == 1

SetForceSneak 1


SetForceSneak 0




But here is the problem, I want to be awarded exp for when they kill something... Is there anything I can add to that script to make it so I get exp when they (my followers) kill something?


Somebody? Anyone?

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But here is the problem, I want to be awarded exp for when they kill something... Is there anything I can add to that script to make it so I get exp when they (my followers) kill something?

Then, again, you must toggle SetPlayerTeammate on the NPC. Working around this with scripting would be unreasonably complicated and would make no sense.


The following script is basically the script rickerhk gave you, with a few modifications. Save it as an object-type script and attach it to the NPC(s):

scn	DrPprNPCScript

begin GameMode

	if (GetDead || GetPlayerTeammate) == 0
		SetPlayerTeammate 1

	if (player.IsHardcore == 0) && (GetKnockedState == 1)
		SetPlayerTeammate 0

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But here is the problem, I want to be awarded exp for when they kill something... Is there anything I can add to that script to make it so I get exp when they (my followers) kill something?

Then, again, you must toggle SetPlayerTeammate on the NPC. Working around this with scripting would be unreasonably complicated and would make no sense.


The following script is basically the script rickerhk gave you, with a few modifications. Save it as an object-type script and attach it to the NPC(s):

scn	DrPprNPCScript

begin GameMode

	if (GetDead || GetPlayerTeammate) == 0
		SetPlayerTeammate 1

	if (player.IsHardcore == 0) && (GetKnockedState == 1)
		SetPlayerTeammate 0


Now the NPC's health resets like it did before :sad:


The script works on giving me the exp but the only way I can kill them is through the console command "Kill".




But still is there just a way to add a script that just makes it so you have to shoot an enemy NPC and you get the exp when they finish it of? Maybe I could just attach something like that. Something like IXPRewardKill.

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