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(noob guide by a noob) on how put 100 of mod in your low PC


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hey guys


i am thinking on making a guide for the newbie from my basic experience (hundreds of mod that i tried and crashed, lots of CTD, Freeze). my rig is actually quite low


Processor : intel core i3-350M (2.2 Ghz with turbo boost up 2.53 Ghz 3MB L2 cache, 1066Mhz FSB)
Graphics Card : ATI Mobility HD4350 with 512MB VRAM
Memory : 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM
Hard Drive: 320 GB
and yes this is a laptop, BUT i have 113 plugin install in my skyrim
first thing first,
panic is what cause you cant get the best result
it will help you notice faster, if something gets wrong
now lets start shall we, first you will need some tool:
1. nexus mod manager
2. BOSS, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6/? BOSS is designed to assist mod users in avoiding detrimental conflicts, by setting the correct load order for the plugins they have installed.
this 2 is the main stuff that you will usually use. but there are also some stuff, that i some times use:
1. Optimizer Textures by AdPipino http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12801/? to compress and resize the stuff in your skyrim, making it lighter
2. wyre bash, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840/? it will help you to detect the conflict that BOSS might not be able to detect
3. TES5EDIT http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859/? to clean mod that is not properly cleaned by the modder
it would be great also to:
1. have a backup on your skyrim, including the DLC
2. have a backup on ALL your mod
now. for the golden rule:
1. install as less as possible mod that edit script. mod that edit script, are mod that change the behavior of the NPC, editing perks, change behavior of monsters, why? because it will make skyrim load longer due the fact there are numerous script waiting to be run in SKYRIM
2. dont install more than 120 plugin, because it will make your SKYRIM freeze and or CTD
3. always install the "lite" version of the mod
4. frequently run BOSS after you install 4-5 mod at the same time
5. and when something bad happen, like frequent CTD, try lowering your setting in SKYRIM
6. still no progress check your BOSS, is there any conflict, or any suggestion that BOSS recommend. do what it says
7. still CTD? check it with wyre bash, if there is a red line on the mod (use it, read the wyre bash guide, and you'll know what i mean) i would uninstall it
8. still CTD? clean it with TES5
9. still CTD? use the optimizer texture in minimum mode
10. still CTD? use the optimizer texture this time in maximum mode. but be careful, because after it finished some of the stuff might be turn weird, chairs went blue, drawers turns blue, or some items looks bad, although it might not always happen, better save than sorry
so what should i do if some image is lost? i would see what its lost, if its the barrel, the potato, etc, i would use SMIM http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655/? to cure it. or if its the animal i would use Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3621/?
i sure hope this will help you all, who are new in modding stuff
why am i doing this? because i love modding. i spent much more time with skyrim nexus, BOSS, and NMM more than i played the game, and also i would like to help guys who are new in modding so they can have a great experience in modding and they dont have to be frustrated or panic if something bad happen, and by that i do hope that they dont spent that much hours as i do as i have been though to get that stable and awesome game play of skyrim
last but not least:
THANK YOU for all the modders in NMM, you guys have done a great job
and for the new guys that just started to mod: HAPPY modding :D
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one question... i often got texture bugs like pink and black textures or sometimes glowing textures ( i know that if i have this my game is probly going to crash sooner or later ) and it happens mostly after 30-60 minutes of playing.. know i want to know how i could fix this thing?

i know that i crashes because it uses some resources that can go up to 3.2 but not higher....

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about the texture. what kind of texture did you use?


about the CTD, do what i say, and if its still not enough


1. download advance system care, and it will optimize your whole rig, http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.php

2. download game booster, it will shutdown all unnecessary program, making your whole ram and Vram focusing on skyrim http://www.techspot.com/downloads/4842-game-booster.html.

3. go offline, if you are using steam. it also eat up your ram, when you are online. so go offline


30-60 minutes is actually quite good, due to the fact i once got CTD every 3-4 minutes. HAHAHAH

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