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I've decided to post about this here in case anyone is bored and wants to try changing something different, because despite Amineri kindly pointing me in the right direction I simply cannot get my head around this whole hex editing of the UPK files, decompressing to get at the SWF files and Actionscript and so on.


What I'd like is to change the way certain icons are displayed in the game at specific points. I'll try and describe what I'm after but apologies if I'm not using the correct terminology.


The first change I wanted to make was to modify the "unpicked" perks in the perk tree display on the soldier Abilities screen so that they are darker than currently displayed. My texture replacement efforts here are fine as the background the game normally display with the texture is completely overwritten, but the unpicked perks now aren't differentiated enough.




The second change I'm after is to remove the overlay on icons during Tactical missions. As it stands the game puts a cyan one on "normal" abilities, a yellow one over abilities from perks, and a purple one on psionic abilities. I'd like all three removed so that the icons display as intended. Again, a bigger difference between available and unavailable abilities would be great too, as they're very similar right now.


The screenshot below has the original icons pasted above it so you can see what difference the current overlay is making to the new icons. The cyan one isn't actually that bad, but the yellow really modifies the way the new icons I created look in a bad way. It's also not very obvious that Shoot and Heal Wound are unavailable, the overlay needs to be darker there again.




I have no idea how these sorts of changes are normally added to the game, but if it's possible to make it into a modlet for Toolboks to install that would be perfect.

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Ok, so thanks to the fact that Johnnylump is a sterling human being and has the unpacked SWF files available for download on the Long War page, I managed to find the bit I need to alter to deal with my first problem. Namely this section of code in command140.swf:

class SoldierPromotion extends Screen implements IDisposable
   var LOCKED_ICON_ALPHA = 80;

Now either FADED_COLUMN_ALPHA or LOCKED_ICON_ALPHA are the likely culprits, but it would need some testing to figure out which would solve that first issue. I'd guess LOCKED_ICON_ALPHA myself, as the other I think points to the rank levels that haven't been reached yet and the padlock icon. Unfortunately the place I could probably find the information to help me learn how to do it, the wiki, is down still. OI WIKI, WAKEY WAKEY! Daddy needs to access the Flash SWF Editing page! :wink:

Edited by Neonin
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If all you want to do is modify the numbers then this will work:

  1. Decompress Command1.upk
  2. Open command140.swf using JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler.
  3. Go into Scripts -- _Packages --> SoldierPromotion
  4. In the big middle window left click to place the cursor on the value you want to edit
  5. Notice that the above automatically selects the corresponding p-code in the right window.
  6. Press the little green View Hex-button in the upper left corner of the p-code window...
  7. Use HxD to open and command1.upk, search for the hexes and modify to liking.
  8. If you want to do more advanced stuff, check the second last page in the increased squad size thread. XMarksTheSpot has detailed A LOT about flash editing there for me to hopefully get into my thick head :smile:
; 96 09 00 04 02 08 4e 07 32 00 00 00  //0x32 == 50
Push register2 "FADED_COLUMN_ALPHA" 50; 4f

; 96 09 00 04 02 08 47 07 50 00 00 00 //0x50 == 80
Push register2 "LOCKED_ICON_ALPHA" 80; 4f
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I love this place <3


Not only was I able to get it working (it was FADED_COLUMN_ALPHA I needed to change, I guessed wrong!) but in the process I made it into a Toolboks-compatible custom mod. Definitely going to have to update the credits for nTex to include all you lovely people!


Now all I need to do is figure out where all the stuff for Tactical missions is held :D

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Does anyone know how to get a texture appear in the game.. ?


Installed Texmod, followed the guide: target application, select packages, browse file, click green arrows for every files in the Package Name (the file changed to .TPF extension) and run.


But the textures does't appear, can anyone help ?


Thanks in advance.

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