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Window Glass resource that you can see FX through


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Hi, I've been fighting with a mod I've been working on for a while now that uses a lot of vault window glass panes - it seems to block a lot of the visual FX (and some objects) I added on the other side of the window, but the FX magically appears when looked at from weird angles. Can someone please make a clean version of the Window Glass that doesn't block FX?

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If I knew what an alpha was, I could give a more definitive answer. My mod has a clean window resource but it reacts the same way as the dirty version. On the off chance it's the alpha, is there a way to make it a "beta"?

Well in this context alpha has a different definition. "Alpha" value (opacity), where zero alpha means 100% transparent. One alpha in front of another alpha can create some funky effects when the game engine renders them. I'v run up against it primarily on things like hair (which uses an alpha channel) behind glass (which is also a alpha channel). Many FX use an alpha, and I think that's where your having problems. There are flags you can set, but if your not adapt with nifskope it can be tricky/frustrating.


If you tell me which models give you the problem, I can take one out and try to tweak it for you as a test.

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Well, the main one is the static Tesla beam I'm using to show main power being on.


Here's an example of the beam I'm talking about:









I've also noticed a similar problem with 1stPersonTeslaCannon; DLC05FloorSmokeThin01; and NVceilingFanForward (the fan is a low priority since I'm looking for a metal alternative).



The window glass plane is called AAAfreeWindow01.

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