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Hope this is the right place to post this, weird textures in specific area.


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No way to tell if this is the right place to post this as we have no idea what version of TESV you are playing.


At the moment there are three versions "Legendary" which is the original version, "SSE" which Skyrim Special Edition and the Anniversary Edition of SSE.


Why the hell would I post a non sse related topic in sse subforum? HM? Just go away little grasshopper.

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No way to tell if this is the right place to post this as we have no idea what version of TESV you are playing.


At the moment there are three versions "Legendary" which is the original version, "SSE" which Skyrim Special Edition and the Anniversary Edition of SSE.


Why the hell would I post a non sse related topic in sse subforum? HM? Just go away little grasshopper.


It happens. Not all that frequently, but it does happen. And from having seen those few posts over the past 2 years, in my experience, usually from people with 10, 20, 30...61 posts to their screen name.


(Had to chuckle seeing a "61 poster" calling the "1K poster" a "grasshopper". I realize a nick is just a nick and doesn't always portray someone's actual provenance, but on the face of it... oh... the irony..., does that make you "skin mite"? :wink:


In any case, it might help to see a load list, and maybe even an isolate of the load list, containing any mods you use to alter the exterior resources or which in your view *could be altering external environment resources. (useful for those who don't want to wade through meaningless follower and armor and weapons and other unrelated mods, in order to ferret out a problem that appears to be caused by either a potential issue with any mods that alter the outside environment, or ?possibly? skyrim's renderers.


And since you only have ~60 posts to your name, I guess I should also suggest that if you do provide a load list, it'd be nice if you when you post it, that you put it inside a spoiler tag, so readers don't have to scroll a 100,200,300,etc line post to navigate your next reply. A spoiler tag can be added easily by clicking the green and white icon just left of the "Font" chooser in the text editor, then choose "spoiler" from the dropdown and paste your list into the provided textarea.


As well as some statement/report regarding whether "this problem just popped up recently", vs "It's been this way since I installed it", could provide helpful clues.


Other than that, I have no idea. I don't see the same distortions, or maybe they're there and I just don't pay close enough attention. It's also possible you're seeing some sort of blending at texture boundaries (road to field, etc, so to speak) caused by some visual enhancer not directly tied to exterior resource overwrite mods..

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(Had to chuckle seeing a "61 poster" calling the "1K poster" a "grasshopper".





does that make you "skin mite"? :wink:


Yep thats me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :thumbsup:

Edited by jebivetar6
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No way to tell if this is the right place to post this as we have no idea what version of TESV you are playing.


At the moment there are three versions "Legendary" which is the original version, "SSE" which Skyrim Special Edition and the Anniversary Edition of SSE.


Why the hell would I post a non sse related topic in sse subforum? HM? Just go away little grasshopper.


Mainly because people are constantly posting in the wrong forum.


Perhaps you should preface your posts with a "I always know what I( am doing do do not bother me with irrelevant questions".

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Can the personal squabble. Too many of those already.


What would do: Install More Informative Console if you don't have it already. (There are both AE and pre-AE versions.)




Open the console and click on the areas with the funny textures. In the lower right hand corner of the screen you will see information on where that scenery comes from and what mod changed it last. (Hit Tab if you don't see it.)

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Looks like a Parallax issue. Either it's "Oldrim" Parallax textures in SE (which won't work) or SE Parallax textures without the necessary settings and a fitting ENB. Sorry I can't give you more precise info - I'm kinda out of the loop regarding recent developments in Parallax technology.


At any rate, it's a texture issue. Check the (landscape) texture packs you have installed. Uninstall them one by one and test, until the issue goes away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can the personal squabble. Too many of those already.


What would do: Install More Informative Console if you don't have it already. (There are both AE and pre-AE versions.)




Open the console and click on the areas with the funny textures. In the lower right hand corner of the screen you will see information on where that scenery comes from and what mod changed it last. (Hit Tab if you don't see it.)



Looks like a Parallax issue. Either it's "Oldrim" Parallax textures in SE (which won't work) or SE Parallax textures without the necessary settings and a fitting ENB. Sorry I can't give you more precise info - I'm kinda out of the loop regarding recent developments in Parallax technology.


At any rate, it's a texture issue. Check the (landscape) texture packs you have installed. Uninstall them one by one and test, until the issue goes away.

Tracked it to grass gen. Just disable landscape textures when grassgen from grasscontroll is running.

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