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Cleaning ENB files


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Hey everybody!


I'm having a maybe strange question.

I have installed an ENB and well, let's just say it doesn't provided the thing i needed. So I was thinking about removing the whole thing but there are so many files that have changed that i'm not totaly sure i can get all the needed ones deleted.

I do have a backup from a bit earlier (clean with no ENB settings) but the tricky part is that i have installed other mods since that backup. I did this with the Nexus mod manager. Now my question is what will happen if i replace the complete SKyrim folder with the backup one? Will i have troubles with the mods that are installed after the backup? Or will the NMM handle the problem by installing the mods again or do i just simply need to install everything again from scratch? (hope that this is not the case because that can take quite some time)


If anybody has an idea about this, please let's hear it!

Thanks for your time.

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Just open the zipped file form the enb, and delete everything from your skyrim folder that is listed in that folder. Anything with 'enb' in the name is ENB related. Backing up and reinstalling your entire skyrim is waaaaaaay overkill for this situation.


Also, try SweetFX mods, these are a lot simpler then ENB, and way more resource friendly.

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Hey ArtMurder,


thanks for the tip. I did figured that part out myself, but the thing i'm was wondering is about the skyrim.ini and the skyrimprefs.ini files.

Can you just deleted them and let the game make a new one? I think i have read something about that somewhere, but i'm not sure. If that is possible, then i just delete them, remove all the ENB stuff and start fresh again.

Thanks for the help and i will check out the SweetFX stuff asap :)

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Yes you can, but it will delete in other changes you have made! You can just change the settings back if you want to keep your other changes! I personally have put a TON of effort into perfect my ini files and wouldn't dream of letting them be returned to default XD

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