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To those using Requiem - What mods did you use, your tweaks, your tips


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I suggest you try using these mods alongside:


Realistic Needs and Diseases


Dynamic Things

Ultimate Combat (Load before Requiem)


Wet And Cold


Take a look into compability recommandations/patches aswell.




RND/Hunterborn/Frostfall -> For the immersion/roleplay part of the game, tweaks and adds a lot for the theme they are associated to.


Wet And Cold -> Provides visual immersion, on the practical side aswell, also adds Travel Backpacks which are very welcomed to carry Frostfall's Items (those being relatively heavy while playing with Requiem, such as tents and bedrolls)


Ultimate Combat -> Combat part. Overhauls the NPC's combat behaviour, more pragmatic/flexible and generally smarter, that's on step closer to what Dark Messiah's/Dark Souls' AI has to offer.


Dynamic Things -> That's another overhaul, turns a lot of static items into dynamic ones, including new usages, such as training mannequins, cutable trees, and more.


For the early game, I suggest you choose you train your skills on Mudcrabs and Mannequins added by Dynamic Things. Collect ingredients and spend time at the Alchemy Lab crafting healing potions (you'll need them a lot). Spend some time Hunting and occasionally sell your loots at the local General Goods store. Cut some wood for a innkeeper if you lack starting funds, till they get friendly and let you use their kitchen, then you'll be able to cook with their ingredients, and sell your dishes to them. Travel to a mine when you get about level 9-10, then craft your first armor set. When you get level 15 you should be ready to get into your first real fights, Bounty Hunting for example, I highly recommend you hire a Mercenary on your first contract that said. ( -> Hoth Follower perhaps).

Edited by SkoomaBoy
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I suggest you try using these mods alongside:


Realistic Needs and Diseases


Dynamic Things

Ultimate Combat (Load before Requiem)


Wet And Cold


Take a look into compability recommandations/patches aswell.




RND/Hunterborn/Frostfall -> For the immersion/roleplay part of the game, tweaks and adds a lot for the theme they are associated to.


Wet And Cold -> Provides visual immersion, on the practical side aswell, also adds Travel Backpacks which are very welcomed to carry Frostfall's Items (those being relatively heavy while playing with Requiem, such as tents and bedrolls)


Ultimate Combat -> Combat part. Overhauls the NPC's combat behaviour, more pragmatic/flexible and generally smarter, that's on step closer to what Dark Messiah's/Dark Souls' AI has to offer.


Dynamic Things -> That's another overhaul, turns a lot of static items into dynamic ones, including new usages, such as training mannequins, cutable trees, and more.


For the early game, I suggest you choose you train your skills on Mudcrabs and Mannequins added by Dynamic Things. Collect ingredients and spend time at the Alchemy Lab crafting healing potions (you'll need them a lot). Spend some time Hunting and occasionally sell your loots at the local General Goods store. Cut some wood for a innkeeper if you lack starting funds, till they get friendly and let you use their kitchen, then you'll be able to cook with their ingredients, and sell your dishes to them. Travel to a mine when you get about level 9-10, then craft your first armor set. When you get level 15 you should be ready to get into your first real fights, Bounty Hunting for example, I highly recommend you hire a Mercenary on your first contract that said. ( -> Hoth Follower perhaps).


Thanks a lot Skooma for posting that, makes a lot of sense and will help me out. I have been sitting at the Inn in Whiterun talking a big game but too scared to go out into the wild. Time to go out maybe, recently a cockroach tripped me and a rat stole my wallet.


Looks like those mods fit nicely with Requiem so I will give it a shot. I have played Skyre for past 6 months so I have ran into some culture shock with Requiem. Is there any early quests that can be done at all at level 2-3?


Thanks again Skooma

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Thanks a lot Skooma for posting that, makes a lot of sense and will help me out. I have been sitting at the Inn in Whiterun talking a big game but too scared to go out into the wild. Time to go out maybe, recently a cockroach tripped me and a rat stole my wallet.


Looks like those mods fit nicely with Requiem so I will give it a shot. I have played Skyre for past 6 months so I have ran into some culture shock with Requiem. Is there any early quests that can be done at all at level 2-3?


Thanks again Skooma



Don't mention it! :)


I was thinking about the early quests , and I think I've just figured out what would be suitable for you considering your location:


Help Carlotta getting rid of Mikhail (the bard), which only includes a brawl, if you can't persuade him to let her be.


Next, i'd say you could hang out around the farms, to get in touch with the farmers, harvest ,and sell potatoes to them (so you get considered as "friendly" towards them), perhaps they might have something for you. If you get better enough throughout these few tasks, I suggest you help Amren recover his family sword, I personally done it @ level 5 (I had a German Shepard companion thought), took me a good bunch of tries, but it actually turned out easy enough.


If you're wondering how to get an animal companion like I did to help you out, there's the German Shepard Companion mod which adds a few dogs in Dragonsreach. (I was playing a character based on the Guild Wars II's Ranger's sheet, so I had to get a pet somewhat)


Hope it helps you out !

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Ok, chopped some firewood for awhile but didn't like working for the man. Did make some coin though, I bought some magic beans with them. I did try a brawl with the bard in Whiterun but got my face jack-hammered and embarrassed myself in front of the bar scene crowd. I then found out that ale really helps with stamina.


I tried out the Bleak Fall Barrow quest and did kill a few dudes right at the start, that felt great. With my new found confidence I be-bopped and scatted downward until I ran into some small spiders, I dispatched those quick enough. I then ran into the big spider, let's just say I was abruptly brought down to earth with a swift kick to me groin.


So currently standing outside Bleak Fall Barrow and pouting and thinking about the life I chose as a Dragonborn. I should of become a potato peeler like my mother suggested but hormoned-up youth do not listen to their elders sometimes. The way it is going at the moment, I am starting to wonder about my manhood. Anyway, I digress.


I am melee by the way, Though someone told me in Whiterun Inn that I had some thread hanging from my armor, I looked down to check and he said " sorry, I was mistaken, those are your arms". Everyone laughed at me, I am staying out of Inns from now on and am going to start lifting, no more "bro, do you even lift?" comments ...sick of that.


Requiem, how I loathe thee and love thee at the same time. If I ever run into Xarrian and Ogerboss I will have to buy them a drink because requiem is pretty kick-ass, I may or may not load ithe drinks with a laxative though. Which reminds me, never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time before bed,


Thanks for your help Skooma.

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Ok so some questions regarding Ulitmate Combat and using with Requiem.


1) Does it work well with Requiem? Not sure how the two would mesh, doesn;t Requiem have its own combat thingy installed?


2) Ulitmate Combat has things like the following:


-Special Attacks
NPC will have special attacks different from normal attack and power attack.
Special attack more deal damage; and deal stagger even if blocking.
NPC cannot special attack when not have stamina.
Human npc animations are created by kill move ones, Other NPC add new some attack animations.

-Timed Block
If the player have been blocking attack for a short time(adjustable in MCM), the block will no damage and cost no stamina, and then attacker is staggering.
This stagger is no effective in described above "stagger resistance", so you would be actively utilized.
However, these effects will be applied only melee attacks from the front. In addition, Player cannot use it when player have low stamina.

When succeeded in timed blocking, screen will stop temporarily(like a hit stop) and blur strongly than usual. You can change the settings in the MCM.

-Stagger Resistance (Diminishing returns)
Whenever stagger attack(it mean bash and power attack) hit enemy, NPC have stagger time decreases gradually.
So, your first stagger gets full duration, the second stagger is cut by 0.5 second, the third stun is cut by 1.0 second, and for the fourth stun and beyond you get "Immune."
It will reset the resist after 30 seconds from first stagger.
It keeps the usefulness of stagger attack, but you would not be churning out blindly.
It is a counter-measure of player's stagger attack is too strong.
This function enable to turn off/on in MCM.

- NPC power attacks staggering.
Player is overwhelming advantage. Because player not limited in behavior, when player get stagger by power attack.
So player gets the stagger of limited action same as NPC.
If player cannot control time too long, it would not be fun time. Player's stagger time is shorter than NPC.
That time is different depending on the NPC/weapons type.

- Stamina Cost
The player's weapon swing cost a stamina. This cost add to power attack stamina cost.
Instead, regeneration rate of stamina in combat is higher than vanilla. These can be adjusted in MCM, because it take account of balance with some other mod.

When player's stamina is low, blocking efficient degrades and timed block is disable.

- Headshot
If player succeed in shooting to the head by bow/crossbow, deals extra damage, and then victim gets stagger occasionally.
This extra damage depends on the player's skill in archery and weapon critical damage.
It almost does not detect erroneous head position.



So...will these things in Ultimate Combat improve Requiem? Replace things that make Requiem not so much Requiem? How do you make it work together or does it replace the combat module in Requiem?

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