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JohnTheDragon - BANNED

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JohnTheDragon banned.

Belittling other members’ contents solely based on personal dislikes
Inappropriate, misogynistic, discriminatory remarks
Spamming a mod page, repeatedly posting the same comment (content, copy pasta) on a mod page


08 June 2021 - 10:02 PM (pertaining mod not downloaded)
Seriously who is will need this in a RPG??? I don't get it! Why someone playing a RPG if skips the dialogues?

23 September 2021 - 04:04 PM in response to post

10 July 2021 - 04:53 PM: As I mentioned in your ME2 mod, please get a donation button up. Would rather give you money than *name* as I don't pay for censorship / wokeness / feminism.

As Like any sane Normal people cannot stand it!!! Keep saying the truth!!!

27 December 2021 (posted on the same mod page, pertaining mod not downloaded)
03:32 PM in response to post
#102775658. #103361453

11 December 2021 - 04:14 AM: wokest mod I've encountered please remove the ability to kill enemies, so they go unconscious instead thank you
26 December 2021 - 01:44 AM: "Women not wanting to be sexually harassed in their videogames is the same as murder!!!" - something only Incel think

*username* you Absolutely right!!! Woke destroys everything is good in the world!!! (and i not meant the harrasment but the content value for the GAME)

03:33 PM in response to post #101984983. #102190613

21 November 2021 - 10:12 AM: Awwww here comes the snowflakes, its cause of ppl like you we lost Miranda butt shots
26 November 2021 - 01:56 PM: Oh no, here comes the Alpha Male crying because some digital ass that he's never going to touch, just like IRL

*username* you Absolutely right!!! Woke destroys everything is good in the world!!! (and i not meant the harassment but the content value for the GAME)

03:35 PM in response to post #101072203. #101086068, #101162008

29 October 2021 - 05:33 AM: You may as well destroy the entire game then because people in real life do things like "unwanted touching".

*username* you Absolutely right!!! Woke destroys everything is good in the world!!! (and i not meant the harassment but the content value for the GAME)

03:37 PM (pertaining mod not downloaded) in response to post #100220788.

07 October 2021 - 02:38 AM: one of the stupidest mods i ever seen, if i could give it a rating is a 0.5 star. whoever made this mod is really didn't think it through

Yeah you right!!! I don't get it either!!!

03:43 PM #99676053. #99678978
And people which always crying about it never been harassed either!!!

04:00 PM in response to post
#102276533. #103231013

28 November 2021 - 04:29 PM: Interesting how sjw always try insulting anyone that doesn't agree with them by calling anyone that want original content back incels o.o
22 December 2021 - 07:24 PM: Thats only the beggining, now they are trying to remove the jobs and lifes of those who wont be opressed by their hatred and perversion. They think their opposition has gone away just because they have abused facism and big tech to ban their opposition, when in reality we are still here ready to die, to fight their abuse. They wont win.

This was their method always! I am glad for find some still sane people who's playing Mass effect and won't buying the neo-marxist, Sjw, cancel culture etc. Bullsh@t!!!

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