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Unf0reseen87 - BANNED

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Unf0reseen87 banned.

Reason for the ban
Repeated mod comment trolling.

Unf0reseen87, on 24 Aug 2013 - 8:29 PM, said:

In response to post #8543824. #8544363, #8545679, #8546078, #8631779 are all replies on the same post.

Please mute yourself and never speak again.


Unf0reseen87, on 24 Aug 2013 - 5:14 PM, said:

Then certainly hide the comment about stormcloaks being racist. Since it is one in the same with the US political situation, Skyrim is a perfect representation of the tension in our nation. And whether you view 'people' as illegal or not, they migrated into the country illegally without concern for you or your ability to find work and take care of your own family.

I commend you on spending so much time on this mod, i only wish i was actually able to enjoy it. But your accusing my mention of illegal immigration as racism is spot off and down right ludicrous. I was making an accurate comparison of Skyrim with the United States when someone said the Stormcloaks are racist for disliking foreigners. Again, your mod is cool but dont abuse your ability to moderate. Oh and since your going to ignore me anyways, your mod description is stupid and uneducated. Totally useless and almost impossible for anyone with a decent IQ to understand what you are trying to get at.

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