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Green Lantern / Blackest Night MOD idea...


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I through out some suggestions previously to put some Marvel / DC gear in FO3 like Bat family gear or goblin gear, etc etc... This new idea though is in time with the upcoming Blackest Night arc in Green Lantern.


So the basic idea is to 'find' a power ring in the wastes. The benefits of a power ring could be dumbed down due to the absence of a power battery to recharge on. You can carry extra weapons to kill or for strategy, plus any other armor / clothing. Being chosen as the ring bearer could provide gear. I was thinking the the DLC Op Anch Chinese Stealth Suit would be a great starting point. Head gear could be the basic face mask. A Pip Boy Mod could work too. The hand plate has a center dial looking thing on it. Merge the ring with the Pip Boy. If you unequip the ring, the whole suit unequips.


For variety, there could be a choice in which ring you find or, you could give them to various NPCs, companions, or even enemies. Each ring has pretty much the same base powers but, there could be slightly different perks: Green - Will Power, Blue - Hope, Red - Rage, Yellow - Fear, Orange - Avarice, Black - Death, Indigo - Compassion.


standard perks could be radiation and flame resistance, underwater breathing, moderate HP regen, crouching stealth, some stat bonuses, maybe a jump height increase... Unarmed combat could still be punching but, with a colored effect on impact, knock back, and stun (non-lethal unless unarmed and strength are leveled up).


The differences could be slight depending on the ring color:


Green - better stat bonuses, slight good karma bonus

Blue - higher health regen, stat bonuses on companions, high good karma bonus

Yellow - unarmed attack causes target to flee, bad karma bonus

Orange - higher carrying capacity, sneak bonus for theft, merch perks, bad karma bonus

Red - unarmed attack causes burn effect on target, unequip ring puts player in drug withdrawl, strength buff, bad karma bonus

Black - better stat bonus, cannibalism perk, strength buff, ghoul friendly, high bad karma bonus

Indigo - staff weapon with no damage + stun & extreme knockback (never have to kill unless by choice), companions set to essential, med buff, locked to good karma


Each Lantern Type would be almost identical gear wise accept for some coloring and a logo edit. The only exception is the Indigo Lantern, who would be interesting to play as noting that they would rarely kill but, could use distinct perks to avoid it.

The Indigo Lantern looks a different and they carry a coral staff. The loin cloth approach is a bit much but, theres plenty of wastelander gear that could be modded for an indigo under suit with leather over covering. The head gear could be the tattoo or a tatoo/mask combo. http://www.comicvine.com/indigo-lantern-corps/65-50746/


A lot to read, I know. The possibilities are pretty cool though IMO.

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