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Pause Menu Broken


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I recently installed JIP Select Fire and JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating, and of course like a good modder I used gopher's uHud to make sure all my mods play nice with each other. But now for some reason everything except the mod configuration menu is unclickable. The other options look faded into the background like when you click on one of the options (like if you click on "load game"). The MCM works just fine if I click on it, but the rest of the menu is a bit of a problem because now I can only save using the console and quicksaving and it would also be nice to be able to change some of the sound settings like the obnoxious weapons sounds.

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Try following the below steps (if you are not using Project Nevada, ignore steps 2 and 4):

1. Uninstall JIP S-F, JIP RWO and MCM.
2. Un-install Project Nevada. ***
3. Install (activate) uHUD.
4. Re-install Project Nevada. ***
5. Re-install JIP S-F, JIP RWO and MCM.
6. Install (activate) uHUD.

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