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Issues with my own alternate Xivilai textures


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I have uploaded alternate Xivilai textures which have more tattoose than the original ones. What I did: I opened the original footmale.dds, made a .psd out of it, added some tattoos, converted it back to .dds (I chose DXT5) and then created a new normal map for the texture. Done. Looked good so far and in my game it matched my face textures, which are not changed by my mod.


Three people reported now that they have the problem, that the face texture does not match my alternate body texture. Why can this be? It is fine in my game and it seems to be fine in other games as well, so why if there issues in some games?


Here is my mod:



And here is the screenshot of someone who told me about this problem.



If anyone has an idea, please write here or send me a pm. This really bothers me and I would like to get it solved. :(

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the issue may be how many other cosmetic mods they're using.Cosmetics are fine up to the point where they conflict with one another.Also load order may come into play. Without knowing what mods they're useing the problem would seem to be on their end, not yours. See if they can try to load your mod last and what other mods they're useing
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