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Demolition Perk


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Now I'm not sure if this is already requested or made yet, I've looked a bit and haven't found anything...


Demolition Perk-


Have you ever disarmed a trap before... maybe a trip wire or a landmine or one of those rigged shotties with the pressure plate and wondered... "Why can't I set this up myself??"


I would love to be able to set up my own tripwires and such, after using Mart's Increased Increased Spawns, play has become quite... intense and I like the idea of setting up traps for those floods of *cough* intelligent raiders..


Maybe add unique items such as barbed wire (use pliers to take it off fences) and use a grenade as well and something to set the wire on. My favorite weapons are mines and grenades if you haven't noticed! Being able to set up our own shotgun traps would be great as well, requires a combat shotgun or something and a pressure plate, set it up and watch as nobody falls for it! Then two days later when you forgot about it and walk through that passage... BOOM- poo I forgot about that.. then you'll really have a good laugh!


Anyway, hope someone likes this idea and wants to take it further than something thought of over a cup of coffee. If its already made then please tell me where to get it haha!


-Off topic...


Saw something quite funny earlier today though, two giant scorpions were fighting about 20 raiders.. raiders won of course but only for a moment, I was on a cliff above and they were all in about a 5 meter wide circle... say hello to my lil friend *tosses smiley grenade at them...*

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