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The infamous brown face bug


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In my 1 yr of playing FO4, no issue has been as hard to resolve as when brown face appears.


I've learned enough to know that the cause is very simple; All the elemental texture files used to compose any one face must be of the same x and y size and resolution.


Compression may also have to be the same but I haven't found any texture deviating from 96 ppi. I have been using BC7 compression when I do edit a texture.


This includes all the files Looks Menu uses and you employ on a character's face.

I've learned how and what to use to edit a texture file to change those specs.


What holds me back from a concerted effort to find and bring every said texture to the same size is 2 unknowns, and my lack of confidence I could find them all and size them correctly.


Is there any of you out there who could provide me (and all of us with enough knowledge to do this mass file edit) a list of all the relevant face .dds files LM (and the game engine) uses and what their xy size and resolution spec needs to be if you are using the HD Texture pack?


If some are in the HD Texture pack archives, I can extract and repack them if need be.


I have a mod that will resize dds files from XY size to a new XY size. Seems to work pretty good. It is "Fallout 4 texture resizer".


Only thing I don't like about it is you can't hand pick the files you want to resize. You target whole directories and specify current size. I worry it would resize files that shouldn't be.


One more thing that may be relevant. I have categories in the Looks Menu applet that are totally empty. They are the Skin, and Overlay menu. I was able to access the skin menu and change skin tone at one time.


But in my efforts to fix brown face that menu and some others became empty and I haven't been able to restore them. I have not reinstalled LM for fear of loosing settings I don't want to loose that do work right.


Sure be nice if one of you veteran modders who know this could make a document listing these files and their path. I bet I am not the only one who has come to this conclusion.


I have tried ALL the b* face patch mods. All of them. None totally fixes it for npc, settler, raider and player at the same time.

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