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Help needed with mod "Godly Spells" Artist


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I've been working on a mod called "Godly Spells". It adds extremely hax spells for the kind of person who likes having a character to just massacre on. It's not exactly balanced gameplay friendly. I don't have a lot of time to work on it as of now so it's been a bit slow, but these are the spells I've made so far.


- Infernal God Blast

Shoots off a huge fireball and sends things flying. It was pretty easy making, just needed a custom explosion and some tweaking on the effect.


-God Blast

Shoots lighting strike. The ground shakes and the lighting makes it appear almost as if the lighting is so intense it can even kill people it doesn't touch.



You can teleport to any major city in the game. Some time I want to set it up so that player can make custom checkpoints to teleport to.


-Godly Firestorm

Basically I just took the spell that Alduin uses when he attacks Helgen and tweaked it a bit so the player can use it as a lesser power. Doesn't change the weather or go based on scripted events. It just brings down meteorites for 30 seconds. Believe me though it's actually a really powerful spell, as it's a lot more accurate than Alduin's at targeting your enemies thanks to a property Bethesda left for us that let's you tweak how accurate the projectiles are.


-Godly Strength

This one actually took me the longest to get through and I'm not entirely finished with it yet. It's an alteration spell and once you cast it you fight unarmed with increased speed, damage, and a knockback effect if you're enemy isn't killed in one strike. It took some scripting and weird doings to get this working though. I have some other things to add/fix up with it but it's pretty cool as it is right now(Well in my opinion anyways, of course I'm going to like my very own work :devil:).


Anyways yeah I can handle the Papyrus and basic creation kit tool use but I'm really pathetic when it comes to anything artistic let alone on the computer. If any artist out there is interested in helping me with this mod, you only need one skill really


I need you to able to change the spell art. I.e I have plans for a god mode spell, and one of things I want to do with it is add a special cloak to the character when the spell is in effect. I don't want to add a plain vanilla flame cloak though. That's just an example of where an artist would really come in handy. I'd be sure to give you credit for any art(or other contributions) in the mod(which by the way hasn't been released yet).



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